

  • Good for you Green Chick!!! I think you keep on what you are doing. You know it depends on how much you have to lose also. If it is not much, it may take a bit longer. I plan on about 25 or so, but I will be doing Beach Body's Turbo Jam and I bet I need to eat a twice a day more than 1200, as I do NOT want my body to go…
  • Wow Steven that is great!!! Congratulations on the weight loss. That is about my goal too.....maybe a little under. Its not JUSt about the weight, but to get that nice toned, firm, fit healthy body, ya know?!! Blessings!!
  • Yes, that DOES help!! Thanks so much!!
  • me again! I have some meal ideas and some "snack" ideas for you...let me know if you want them and I will be happy to post them for you!
    in help Comment by ranchtimeangel July 2010
  • Hi there! I understand the not affording and not being able to go to the gym, as well as being boring. I just ordered Turbo Jam from Beachbody.com and I was able to break it down into 3 payments (30+, 20, 20) and if that is out for you....you can probably find it on Ebay. I have read the reviews, you get a coach (free) and…
    in help Comment by ranchtimeangel July 2010
  • I am also new to this site. I was referred by a friend. I love it so far!! It is only my second day and I was actually under for my calories yesterday (imagine that! - HAH!), but I was over on my protein. Will that be a big problem? I was given 1200 calories. I assume that is based on my weight, what I have to lose etc???…