

  • I'd say that sounds about right. I gained about 25lbs with my pregnancy and had lost it all within a month and I was just breastfeeding. I think you're going to lose it more quickly with the nursing and working out. I'm impressed you're this motivated so soon after having a baby. I just kicked it into gear and mine is 8…
  • I'm all for motivating eachother! I just got back from my 1.5 mile walk with the little one. The beagle slowed me down but he needs to lose too! Poor thing is about 20lbs over weight. I'm going to try to do my jillian yoga dvd when shes napping. Its not very exerting, but the stretch is amazing. I'm learning that its day…
  • Most days it feels like trying to climb everest! I give myself unrealistic and harsh goals and torture myself when I don't achieve them. Then I almost rebel against myself, purposely skipping exercising or eating the wrong foods just to maintain that I am "in control". Its a twisted little merry-go-round that I am riding.…
  • I just joined 10 minutes ago. I'm only 5'1" and 172.5. I too carry my weight in my hips and butt. I also just had a baby 8 weeks ago and I miss my old body. I was around 130 when I got married almost 3 years ago. I want to get back to that.