

  • I am no expert here, but I will send you in the direction that I am researching. It incorporates a sort of fasting where you only eat in an eight hour time period during a 24 hour cycle and generally, you just choose the window that works for you. The diet is cyclical in the sense that on your rest days you eat low carbs…
  • I just watched this video on the hunter/gatherer diet. Quite inspiring. I have been thinking hard about the paleo diet. Grains and milk is hard for me to give up. Anyone else had this issue? Is it okay to cheat once a week. I am IFing too.
  • Haha! Darn, I was trying to be in the history books as first mom ever to breastfeed and climb a rock wall at the same time. Well, is it sad to say I am glad that I am not alone in lack of weight loss while breastfeeding. Alright girls, lets stay focused and hope this turns around for us. I thought about changing to a more…
  • Do you know what is even harder when you are breastfeeding? Trying distinguish between if you are really hunger or just wanting to eat or emotionally eating. I didn't know that you should eat back your calories. What does that mean exactly?