
  • I like to drink OOlong tea. It curbs my appetite, keeps me from being bloated. The taste is just a regular tea, no flavors.
  • Target has them. They a kettlenetics slim & tone kit. 3 workouts w/a 4lbs kettlebell. On sale now for 20.00 Or you can buy larger kettlebells that come with their own dvd. (This kit is on sale at Target. Don't know ithey will no…
  • 5'9 SW: 250 sedentry (desk job) lose 2lbs a week MFP cal goal 1300
  • Along with good shoes you should ice your shins immedietley after a run. It really does help. Take 24-48hrs rest in between runs until your shins are used to it. I had this same problem and it hurt like heck. I could barely touch my shins. So I stretched b4 and after, Iced them after, took a day or two in between runs and…