Tall women--how many cals?

I am 5'10", 205 lbs, and my BMR is 1665. My goal weight is 170. I just thought I would throw this out there for women who think they should be eating 1200 cals regardless of their body size. Help me to dispel this myth by posting your info!


  • thatTOPSlady
    I am 6' tall and I weigh 308 :grumble: I just started MFP a week ago. For one pound per week loss, it told me to eat approx 2200 cals per day. :drinker: :drinker:
  • Joeysgirl
    I am 5'9" and weigh 150. I have no idea what my BMR is, but I do know that my body fat is too high so I still have some weight to lose. I don't believe I should be eating 1200 calories, especially not with working out. I need to invest in a HRM so I know what my calorie burn is on Insanity and TurboFire to accurately judge what my intake should be. I think using the calculator in the Beachbody system and elsewhere, it tells me I should be eating 1900 calories a day to lose weight. If you eat too little calories. . . you will ruin your metabolism. And I am pretty sure I can't survive a day on only 1200 calories even if I don't work out!

    I don't know what my goal weight is because I am not as concerned with how much I weigh. . but more how I look, and what my body fat percentage is. I know as I build muscle, it will weigh more than fat.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    I'm not tall but I have an opinon on low cal!!!

    I'm eating 1480 calories, I'm 5ft 3 in.

    1200 calories is very low, I joined MFP because I found out I was eating too little (1100 calories). But I wasn't hungry or feeling like I was starving my self. But I think my body felt that way because I stalled in weight loss.

    I thougt I was eating 1600 calories or so!! But not even close. I'm doing almost 1500 now and I'm working hard at eating that much!!! To me that sounds weird!! The day I say "I'm working hard at eating more!!! Crazy!!!!

    I believe when you eat healthy, your body will be able to utilize whatever you put in it!! For things not so healthy you should eat less of it because your body will not be able to use it!!!

  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I am 5' 7" tall, not tall by todays standard, but just wanted to put my info on here.

    I am on 1200 calories per day, do not eat my exercise calories, I have been on my weight loss plan for around 11 weeks now and lost every single week (25lbs to date) except one week, but as my measurements reduced that week, I wasn't worried.

    It all depends what you eat and if it fills you up. I make sure I have some protein in every meal, I also do not touch chocolate, cakes or sweets.

    1200 calories is plenty I have found and I am very happy with my weight loss and have never felt better.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,654 Member
    I'm short (5'2") but thank you SO MUCH for starting this thread!

    Every time I see someone post that a 300 lb 5'9" woman (or whatever) shouldn't be eating less than 1200 calories or they'll go into starvation mode I get so frustrated. 1200 is NOT the end all/be all of deficits.

    Personally I don't think anyone should eat below their bmr at the very least.

    MFP has my bmr at 1390. I have myself at maintenance while getting my deficit through exercise so with the exercise I do (between 600-800 calories a day) I'm eating about 2000 calories a day (I add back any exercise calories over 350 since 1730 - 350 = my bmr).
  • alexwalper
    I'm 5'9" and 212 pounds.. My calorie intake to lose 1.5 lbs. a week is 1,490 a day. I eat back most, if not all, of my exercise calories and I've been losing an average of 1.5-2 lbs a week :).
    SW: 250
    sedentry (desk job)
    lose 2lbs a week
    MFP cal goal 1300
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I weigh 137
    calories 1270 - and that is plenty of food for me to be full - if I plan it right.
  • jennylynn84
    5' 9.5"
    CW: 171 lbs
    sedentary (desk job)
    1400 calories (manually set somewhere between 1 and 1.5 lbs a week)
    i eat back at least half of my exercise calories.

    I haven't been on 1200 calories in a LONG time. When my loss slowed down for a while, I checked my goals and realized that despite being set to lose 2 lbs a week, even at 1200 I could not actually reach a deficit high enough to do so. Since then I've progressively bumped up to where I am and have seen continued loss. Now if I get anywhere close to 1200 my loss stalls. That's just me of course, but I think my body gets so P-O'ed about being so hungry for so long it exacts revenge by stalling me out. :P

    So glad there are some tall ladies on here! It's always nice to see other people goal weight being similar to mine.
  • sandylouwho
    I'm 5'9", 205, trying to reach 150. MFP has given me 1410 as calorie intake.

    I think I'm in the opposite situation, because I'm actually having trouble reaching that many calories! I think that's also why, even though it's only been a week or two, I'm gaining weight instead of losing it. I'm not feeling hungry, but my body must want more!

    I think as long the calories are coming from the right place, a higher number for us tall gals (and high-metabolism shorter gals!) is definitely better.
  • bellakatie
    I try to shoot for 1300 a day, exercise 3x a week. I go way over each weekend however, so it's a bounce back after the weekend parties. I do agree that 1200 will slow you down, it's just not enough.
  • labelleariane
    labelleariane Posts: 25 Member
    5'8" - 155 lbs
    MPF told me 1200 = to lose 1,5 per week.

    I 'uped' them to 1350, because I m more active with the physical activities
    like I do bit more walking then I was used to do. (I ate back my exercice cal. and I train mostly every day)

    Increasing my calories gave me a bit of slack and I found losing more steadilly since.