

  • I drank alcohol on Friday night and it took me 2 full days to get over it. My body does NOT recover like it used to. I half heartedly got on the mat yesterday, only because I have exercised every day since returning to school in January. Today I didn't feel like it either, but I did. I put in Billy Blanks's Tae Bo. One of…
  • I swtiched to black coffee instead of cream, then milk, stevia, then nothing in it. It was hard. I can't say I prefer it this way, but at least I am used to it. I also don't feel guilty indulging in something. That's a plus.
  • Keep at it! I know life in the car. You are right to break it down it into monthly goals - more achievements then. Being an emotional eater, I am working on giving myself non-food treats - manis or pedis mostly. It loves my midsection more that cookie dough batter.
  • Hi, I am new too, I know lots of women are struggling, but it is comforting to read about actual women working on it. The support is helping. I am trying to work out every day, and making it count. I know sweat is key, and intensity. That's where I falter. It is so hard to "take it up a notch" ! I get on the scale…
  • I second the motion for posting the yummy recipies. I need things that my husband won't suspect of being low-anything. I read once that processed foods are endocrine disrupters. Is that true? I don't use artificial sweetners at all, hearing that they too are endocrie disrupters. Now I drink black coffee,; I am getting used…
  • I have been diagonsed with Graves Disease and Hashimotos Thyrioditis - hyper AND hypo thyroid disease. It happens I am told. I have only gained weight for the last 8 years, so no happy side effect of the hyperthryoidism. Now my numbers are in range, but I am really struggling with losing the weight. I am exercising at 5 in…
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