

  • Hi guys! Hope everyone is working out hard. Do not forget to drink LOTS of water! And smile=) cause it's very important!=) So, on 11th of Sept I did: FASTED CARDIO (early in the morning) - 75 mins(elliptical) HIGH INTENSIVE CURCUIT WORK-OUT by method of Mike Kazakov (afternoon) - 60 mins: Superset: Bench press (wide grip)…
  • Hi, guys! Hope everyone is doing well!=) YESTERDAY (on 9th) I did 60 mins class Body Works Plus Abs, then 70 mins cardio (elliptical) and burned lots of calories! TODAY (on 10th) I did 50 mins weight-lifting (Back & Biceps), around 10 exersices total, 4 sets * 12-15 reps, then 60 mins cardio (elliptical). Hope everyone has…
  • Wow! It is very interesting! I am in!=)
  • Hi Brian! Before I write some advice, may I ask you a question? What is your goal? How do you like to look like? You want to be strong, to build some muscles or you want to have a cut look with 6 pack? So, tell me:-)
  • cocoa powder=) I need my chocolate fix. I mix unsweetened cocoa powder with some hot water, stevia and crushed almonds. Yammy!