Eating the right food

I am a runner but I eat the wrong food, and I dislike water, does anyone else have that issue, I am not into chocolate, but I love chips with sour cream, bolonga sandwiches, ,dr. pepper, and toasted cheese sandwiches, since I got on this site, I am at least able to drink less soda, my other big issue is lipton's ice tea mix, I will drink mayb 5 to 6 cups of it a day, But nothing tastes good to drink, and at least I am not drinking 150 calorie sodas, well I still do but have cut down. Also I have been counting the chips and trying to limit myself with how many chips. As for running, I will run or do the exercise bike each day. Any suggestions on what to eat, I like peanuts but then heard that too many are bad.
oh and I don't eat fruit or anything green,



  • Sandraleigh87
    Sandraleigh87 Posts: 52 Member
    Try a sweet potato with some splenda brown sugar on it. It's so delicious and sweet potatoes are full of vitamins.
    Maybe some oikos greek yogurt, cottage cheese, rice cakes, black beans and rice, oatmeal witih fruit in it, there are so many things.

    As for not liking kids add flavor from this tiny bottle called mio energy and they love it. Maybe you'd like it too. They drink tons of it now.
  • cherylplinder
    Sounds like you like salty foods.
    Maybe some great salsa with some black beans and rice would taste good to you.
    You can also puree vegetables and add them to things like spaghetti sauce and up your vegetable intake in a flavorful way.
    I make this great Thai Beef Curry that you might like.It's really easy if you have a food processor. If not, you might want to buy one. I love mine.

    2 lbs lean ground beef
    1 onion
    1 lb carrots
    1 to 2 jalapenos
    Large handful of Basil or Cilantro
    1 inch fresh ginger
    6 clove garlic
    6 beef bouillon cubes
    4 cups water
    1 can coconut milk
    1 red bell pepper, sliced
    1 package frozen English peas
    2 tablespoons red or green Thai curry paste

    Puree in food processor onions, carrots, jalapenos, garlic, ginger, basil or cilantro. Mix all ingredients except peas and bell pepper in a stock pot. Bring to boil, reduce to simmer for 20 minutes. Add English peas and bell pepper and bring back to simmer for a couple of minutes. Serve over rice.

    If you don't want to fool with the ginger and garlic, just add extra green or red curry paste to add more flavor, but the fresh is hard to beat.

    If I think of more recipes that you might like, I'll post them for you.
  • Faraolaua
    Hi Brian! Before I write some advice, may I ask you a question?
    What is your goal? How do you like to look like? You want to be strong, to build some muscles or you want to have a cut look with 6 pack? So, tell me:-)