Lesli Member


  • I turned 42 last year. Would love some motivating friends in their 40s!
  • Three miles in the heat and humidity this morning....it was a killer! I may go out again tonight for another 2 miles or so, or I will a P90X workout. Have a great day!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I did a P90X shoulders and arms workout this evening. This morning I set out for my run and 1.5 miles into it my sports bra broke! It zips in the front...soooo, luckily I was near my parents' home and they took me home. No more zipper fronts for me! :wink:
  • Way to go on your 5K!!
  • No running for me today. I did the recumbent bike and elliptical. Have a great day everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • Have a great time at the race tomorrow!!
  • Jess- I'm so impressed with you! You are also on the P90X thread, right? You are a workout machine! I'm training for my first mini tri in August. I need to starting riding more as that's my weakest area. After the mini tri I will continue running and probably start P90X again. I just don't think I have it in me to train…
  • Keep up the great work...loose clothing is a wonderful feeling!
    in Inches? Comment by Lesli June 2009
  • Soooo, my ipod started going all wacky....not good. I ran with my husband's iphone, which has 1000 more songs than my ipod does, which means I was flipping through them as I jogged. Needless to say I didn't get in the 4.5 miles I was planning to do. I ran two miles and then on the third mile I sprinted to one telephone…
  • Good morning everyone! Off to run 4.5 miles...happy running!
  • That is not stupid...that's AWESOME!!! I hope you're on cloud nine for a loooong time...you deserve it!!:flowerforyou:
  • Finishing my coffee and then out the door for a run (jog). I'll go 3-4.5 miles. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • That's awesome! Think of how many more calories you burned in those last ten minutes...burn baby, burn!
  • Congrats on your first race. Sounds like it was lots of fun!
  • You are awesome...thanks for sharing this! Your motto is words to live by, that's for sure. Congrats on your huge success!
  • Most of us have been there...a lot! But, I agree wholeheartedly with what Limer said, along with everyone else. You HAVE to hold yourself accountable or you're never going to get healthy. It just plain sucks most of the time, but one day you'll have it under control. You have to believe in yourself and have the…
    in help :( Comment by Lesli June 2009
  • Congrats!!!
  • jessmomof3~ Can't wait to hear about your triathlon...mine's in August!
  • Thanks for your replies! It really helps to read this and know that I'm experiencing what I should as a new runner. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I jogged 4.5 miles today. Have a great day everyone!
  • I ran (jogged) 4.5 miles today....and now I have some blisters on the arch of each foot. Not good considering I just bought these Asics about three weeks ago.
  • At least you logged it. Better than not! :smile:
  • This morning I swam and will do a cardio/strength DVD later. Looking forward to tomorrow's run! Have a great day everyone!
  • I posted the same thing the other day! It's very frustrating. I can only eat 1200 cals on non work out days to lose .9 pounds per week. In fact, today is my rest day, but I think I will do a light work out, just so I can have a few more calories!
  • 46 pounds lost is awesome...you CAN do this!! Sometimes it sucks to HAVE to be accountable, but that's the card most of us have been dealt. Don't give up!
    in I was lost Comment by Lesli June 2009
  • Alicia~ Congratulations!! Very impressive!:flowerforyou: I'm resting today. I've worked out the last 5 days in a row and feel my body needs a break. I'm still feeling the barbell class I took the the other day. Today is grocery shopping, cleaning, and pool time with my kids!:heart: My goal for this week is to run between…
  • Very good! I wonder how many calories you burned?
    in Holy Cow! Comment by Lesli June 2009
  • Very nice!
  • Congrats! That's awesome!!:flowerforyou:
  • Went to St. Louis this weekend to visit family. I got in a quick 2.5 miles and took a "barbell" class with my sister-in-law at her gym. Today I ran about 3.5 miles. All of the long distance runners are truly inspiring!