It's near impossible without exercise!

toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
So this weekend I tried extra hard to stay on track, logging my food and going to the gym. Yesterday was my day off from the gym, and sometimes on my day off it's really hard to eat right. But I stayed conscious of it and logged it all. It was super hard to stay at 1400 calories without working out, even though I ate healthy! I did end up falling off the wagon a bit, but not too badly.

But I was thinking, Wow, it's no wonder people become overweight! It's so easy to not count everything and just do whatever you want!


  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member


    and the counting continues.... lol :wink:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Do you think you ever can get to the point where you don't have to watch every single little thing you do?
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I think that a lot of it is knowing what types of food you can eat and learning more about portion sizes. My goal is to not always have to count calories, b/c I will just know what I can/can't eat.
  • pipinana
    pipinana Posts: 2,356 Member
    I think I'll get to that point. In time.... I already look at food a different way. If I go out w/ friends and they order a taco salad lets say... I know that it's really not good for you (even tho it say salad - :ohwell: ).... We'll get a hang of it, and be able to 'mind' count I'm sure....

    I'm not sure that when I get to that point I'll ever stop coming on here though. Just the friends I've made here keeps me going, makes me want to do better.....
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Do you think you ever can get to the point where you don't have to watch every single little thing you do?

    I dont think I will ever... in fact I KNOW I will never get to that point. I read once that obesity is a disease and just like any other disease, it requires constant treatment and monitoring, even when you aren't experiencing symptoms. I think I'll always have to track my intake, and my exercise. I think I'll always have to make a VERY concious effort to stay thin.
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    I will continue to track everything. It helps to keep me on track. Good Luck!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    After enough years of watching (and counting) what I eat, I automatically make the healthier choices. I can't remember the last time I ordered a burger at a restaurant......... but....... I don't weigh as much as I easily could!! I don't always make the best choices, but you have to balance healthy with an occasional indulgence - life is too precious to always eat the right thing!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • Lesli
    Lesli Posts: 46 Member
    I posted the same thing the other day! It's very frustrating. I can only eat 1200 cals on non work out days to lose .9 pounds per week. In fact, today is my rest day, but I think I will do a light work out, just so I can have a few more calories!
  • ShanIsRad
    ShanIsRad Posts: 31
    Its so true! I decided to become a vegetarian, and even though my fake meat products have WAY less calories than the real things, I now have to be careful with snacking. Yesterday and today I had a piece of brownie, and yesterday I went to a 1.5 hour dance class, and walked a lot, so it worked out. But today I just went to work where I sit behind a desk all day, and now I don't have many calories left for dinner, so I learned my lesson today.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    I tracked everything I ate for a couple of months, and thinking I had a handle on portion size and calories I stopped tracking...well, let's just say I'm back to tracking 'cause too many things were going in my mouth that weren't really 'clean eating':blushing: Tracking keeps me from eating bad because I don't want to even see the calories for some salty snacks - especially knowing how hard I have to work out to burn that many. My weakness continues to be cheese popcorn! I will let myself indulge now and then, but I'm still thinking about how much I have to work out just to burn them off while indulging.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Its so true! I decided to become a vegetarian, and even though my fake meat products have WAY less calories than the real things, I now have to be careful with snacking. Yesterday and today I had a piece of brownie, and yesterday I went to a 1.5 hour dance class, and walked a lot, so it worked out. But today I just went to work where I sit behind a desk all day, and now I don't have many calories left for dinner, so I learned my lesson today.

    Don't you hate it when you only have a little left for dinner :frown: That's always meal replacement shake night for me!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    I wishi I could get away with just a meal replacement shake........ rather, I wish I could get away with only that for my husband!! :laugh: :laugh: I could do it (and do so when he's not home), but there's no way he'd accept just having a meal replacement shake. He still looks at me funny when I put tiny (to him) portions on my plate and don't take seconds of anything except raw veggies. He needs to lose 15-20 pounds, but it's like talking to a brick wall. :explode: :explode: I cook very healthy; have for 18+ years because he has heredity-related high cholesterol, but he has no concept of limiting calories on any given day:grumble: :grumble: OR of regular cardiovascular excercise!!!
    I love him, so I just keep telling him I'll definitely enjoy the insurance money when he croaks!!:laugh:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Sometimes my rest day consists of a 1/2 hour or hour walk-burns some extra eating calories but it's not stressful on the joints, muscles etc.
  • ShanIsRad
    ShanIsRad Posts: 31
    Don't you hate it when you only have a little left for dinner :frown: That's always meal replacement shake night for me!
    Its the worst! I made up for it today though with doing a ton of walking (shopping and then my friend and I walked the boardwalk). My mom would never let me have a meal replacement shake, and I'd actually rather go over a little than have that.
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