

  • Welcome! I just joined it last week and am amazed at how much it has already helped! I felt so encouraged that I was up early this past Saturday morning out doing my 1.5 mile walk! I can hardly wait until I get it built back up to the 3 miles that I had it a few months back! I hope you have as much fun and encouragement…
  • I understand what you mean! I had to condone those comments quite awhile back, but then one day I just made up my mind that I wasn't going to talk about it because I would feel like I had to defend myself. I, too, have always been fairly slim, but at 59, I've watched some unwanted pounds, (granted it's "only" about 10 or…
  • I just joined this week and I am posting every thing - I've seen the help it has already given me! I think that if I don't track every thing, then why try in the first place? Stay honest with yourself and watch the results get better; at least, that's what I've found. Hang in there! We're all in this together, in many ways!
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