

  • How high of protein are you talking? Eating too much protein over a prolonged period of time can be detrimental to your health. Because protein contains nitrogen, which your body cannot readily store, it must be broken down and excreted in the form of urea. This can really put stress on your kidneys over time, while also…
  • I think this review basically sums up my experience as well. Not a lot of physical changes, but I definitely was in better shape afterwards. My resting heart rate dropped and my cardio endurance definitely improved.
  • I personally am a fan of the Insanity program. It really pushes me and by the end of the 2 months (if you stick with it) you definitely will have improved cardiovascular endurance. I have done Insanity all the way through once. Another time I made it halfway through before I lost my motivation to continue. Currently, I…
  • You've got this right! I'm currently in graduate school working on my Master's in nutrition and finishing up my supervised practice hours so I can sit for the RD exam. So I'd say I have a pretty strong background in nutrition and my undergraduate education was in physiology so I've got a pretty good handle on that as well.…
  • The supplements blow my mind. People will believe anything. I personally enjoy the one that apparently adjusts your blood pH and of course the one for oxygenation. Your body already has a buffering system that is in charge of maintaining your blood pH within a very small range. If it falls out of this range, serious…
  • Quote of the year sister! Hear, hear!
  • And as many people have already pointed out, the people that are pushing shakeology really have zero clue about the actual product. They will spit out oh it's made with 70 high quality ingredients and 10 superfoods. But ask them to explain what exactly all those ingredients do or what peer reviewed research is out there to…
  • Shakeology has one of the most misleading ads. If you don't believe me, take the time yourself to run the foods they list in their commercial that you supposedly must eat to reach the level of nutrition in their product through a diet analysis program. You'll quickly discover that shakeology's nutrient content doesn't even…
  • Shakeology has one of the most misleading ads. If you don't believe me, take the time yourself to run the foods they list in their commercial that you supposedly must eat to reach the level of nutrition in their product through a diet analysis program. You'll quickly discover that shakeology's nutrient content doesn't even…
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