is it worth the money to buy shakeology



  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    Whenever I see a BB Coach defending their products I can't help but get this image in my head


    AS A SIDE NOTE, this is my take on every conversation with a BB coach ever:

    Do you have any proof or peer reviewed studies to substantiate the claims made of BB products: uuummmm, no.

    Given that you made a host of lifestyle and diet changes at the same time as starting on the shakes, isn't it more reasonable to attribute most of the results to this? Well sure, some of the results, but the shake is just awesome, I know it in my bones!

    Isn't it an excuse to charge a heap of people a ridiculous premium for an average protein shake with some cheap supps tossed in? Of course not, its a super secret special blend of awesomesauceness!!

    Don't you think it's counterproductive and ethically questionable to put people on a program that requires the ongoing purchase of a product that keeps them on a low cal diet while actively avoiding the biggest hurdle most people have to making a successful lifestyle change, learning how to eat a sensible calorie controlled diet: umm, well... shut up!

    end scene.

    FYI, I have yet been told by any BB coach that I have to stay on some program where I am "required" to continue to buy shakeology nor have they ever reccomended a low calorie diet. Seems like a bit of a reach.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    To each their own.

    I drink shakeology. I enjoy it. I can afford it. I have no interest in other products because I have seen the results for MYSELF. It works for me and i stick with what works. I'm not a beach body coach nor do I want to ever be one. However, I won't go on some nerd rage because somebody likes and is passionate about a different product.

    The level of hate on this site is beyond disgusting.
    Refuting superstition and advocating real science is not hate or rage.
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    Is Shakeology like Isagenix? I have a friend who is constantly pushing the stuff...I briefly considered it but then looked at the nutritional profile--it's nothing but protein powder! I already use a fairly high quality protein powder (Optimum Nutrition), no need to spend $100's of dollars each month on it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Is Shakeology like Isagenix? I have a friend who is constantly pushing the stuff...I briefly considered it but then looked at the nutritional profile--it's nothing but protein powder! I already use a fairly high quality protein powder (Optimum Nutrition), no need to spend $100's of dollars each month on it.
    Stick with ON. You're assured by them that you have a product that is manufactured by their own company and it's cost is fair for a very good quality. I personally use 100% Gold Standard Whey and Nitrocore 24.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jdooks
    jdooks Posts: 91 Member
    You must not visit the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore, etc. much. SPAM is a staple in Asia!! Yes, I am Asian and was there 2 years ago, so unless they changed everything in 2 years, your assumption is wrong. There are tons of processed foods in Asia. So why no issue with weight? Because of portion control.:laugh:

    And the China Study? Lol, you're influenced by some shoddy research bud.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    had to come back to post this:

    We in the US have shorter life expectancies than 27 other countries.

    " "The tragedy is not that the United States is losing a contest with other countries," the report states, "but that Americans are dying and suffering from illness and injury at rates that are demonstrably unnecessary."

    The report outlines nine health areas where the United States lags behind other rich nations, including infant mortality, homicides, teen pregnancy, drug-related deaths, obesity and disabilities.

    Americans have the highest prevalence of AIDS in the group. Seniors are at a greater risk of developing and dying from heart disease. And our children are less likely than children in peer countries to reach their fifth birthday."

    Yeah, and in most of the rest of the world, you don't have droves of people believing in a bullpoop, overpriced, underdosed supplement like Shakeology or believe that "muscle confusion" is actually some new innovation (it's not, it's exercise 101, intensity needs to increase regular to make gains). In most other countries we also don't have droves of people that would DEMAND to get xrays or catscans even if the doctor themselves don't feel like the patient needs it but will administer the exams just so that the patients can not sue later down the line for something which is completely unrelated using a ambulance chasing attorney which have become way to prevalent in the USA.

    Want people to be healthier? First thing you should do is stop going around trying to make Shakeology out like some miracle elixir when you nor BB can answer a simple yes or no question such as: for the health claims being made, what are the clinically studied and peer reviewed studies on the active ingredients used for such health claims along with the minimum effective dose and is there a minimum effective dose of these clinically studied peer reviewed active ingredients in each serving of Shakeology. You can't even answer that simple yes or no question and all you've been doing is saying "I feel better from it." What you "feel" from a product is purely subjective and is the equivalent of people believing things like vitamin c boosting the immune and fighting colds (it does not, if anything, it improves the integrity of the nerve endings in the body as well as help keep the brain healthy, but it does nothing for physical recovery and the immune system, this is proven scientific fact). I mean, alcoholics need alcohol to feel good, doesn't mean that it's providing health benefits.

    I mean, you are linking these health issues without making a distinction between cause or correlation. It's ridiculous. It's as ridiculous and nonsensical as all the fear towards high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is actually not any worse for you than plain old sugar used for coffee or baking (this has been scientifically PROVEN). The whole fight against sodas due to high fructose corn syrup, that thing has been going on since the days Coke used PURE CANE SUGAR. People are simply placing blame on high fructose corn syrup because that is the preferred form of sugar companies use now but again, the fight against soda was started back when Coke was using only PURE CANE SUGAR.

    I honestly FEAR for the health of your clients because it appears that they are being coached/trained by a person with next to ZERO knowledge on even the BASICS of nutrition.
  • jdooks
    jdooks Posts: 91 Member
    Is Shakeology like Isagenix? I have a friend who is constantly pushing the stuff...I briefly considered it but then looked at the nutritional profile--it's nothing but protein powder! I already use a fairly high quality protein powder (Optimum Nutrition), no need to spend $100's of dollars each month on it.
    Stick with ON. You're assured by them that you have a product that is manufactured by their own company and it's cost is fair for a very good quality. I personally use 100% Gold Standard Whey and Nitrocore 24.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I personally prefer their Pro Complex. I find it to have a better balance of aminos and having a second source of protein in there is great (the tin says 8 sources of protein, but Pro Complex really just contains whey and egg protein). For something with an even better aminos profile, I also take Monster Milk (which also eliminates the need to throw in a scoop of creatine with my shakes) but Monster Milk tastes terrible. Syntha-6 is also very good if you are not concerned about an extra 50 calories per serving relative to the same amount of protein as the serving sizes of the other powders (I usually take around 50g of protein per shake, 2 shakes a day, they come out to be around 300 calories per shake, for the same amount of protein with Syntha-6, you're looking at 400 calories per shake for 50g of protein per shake).

    But all in all, if people bothered to read the labels on these quality protein powders, they will find that if they took just the shakes alone once a day along with a quality multi-vitamin, it both comes out FAR CHEAPER than Shakeology and with a FAR SUPERIOR nutritional profile AND these protein powders usually tastes FAR BETTER than Shakeology (I've had two samples of choc and greenberry Shakeology, TERRIBLE, it makes Monster Milk taste good and Monster Milk is actually quite disgusting tasting). If you want to also keep yourself full for hours with the protein shake, either add some fiber to the shake OR eat a slice of quality whole grain bread.

    Mind you, before someone comes on here saying how bad Monster Milk is, Monster Milk is a different product from the far inferior Muscle Milk (which is just full of fat and sugars with not a lot of protein).
  • Liberty_7728
    Liberty_7728 Posts: 52 Member
    If you plan to live on shakes then it might be worth it, but if you plan to learn how to function and live in the real world where there is food to eat then I would recommend learning to use the tools you have at home. Making chicken and fresh steamed asparagus with mashed sweet potatoes will probably give you more pleasure than a shake.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    High fructose corn syrup is actually not any worse for you than plain old sugar used for coffee or baking (this has been scientifically PROVEN).
    Do you have a citation/link for this?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    High fructose corn syrup is actually not any worse for you than plain old sugar used for coffee or baking (this has been scientifically PROVEN).
    Do you have a citation/link for this?
    Actual peer reviewed studies:

    American Dietetic Association. Use of nutritive and nonnutritive sweeteners. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2004. 104:255-275.

    American Medical Association. Report 3 of the Council on Science and Public Health. The health effects of high fructose syrup. July 23, 2009.

    American Medical Association. AMA finds high fructose syrup unlikely to be more harmful to health than other calorie sweeteners. American Medical Association Press Release. June 19, 2008.

    Forshee RA, Storey ML, Allison DB, Glinsmann WH, Hein GL, Lineback DR, Miller SA, Nicklas TA, Weaver GA, White JS. 2007. A critical examination of the evidence relating high fructose corn syrup and weight gain. Critical Review Food Science Nutrition. 47(6):561-82.

    Melanson KJ, Angelopoulos TJ, Nguyen V, Zukley L, Lowndes J, Rippe JM. Dec. 2008. High-fructose corn syrup, energy intake, and appetite regulation. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 88(6):1738S-1744S.

    Soenen S, Westerterp-Plantenga MS. Dec. 2007. No differences in satiety or energy intake after high-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, or milk preloads. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 86(6):1586-94.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • e2track
    e2track Posts: 12 Member
    What I know for a fact is that it is disgusting... If you contacy beachbody they will give you a free pack for trial purposes. Long story short, I still have most of it.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Awesome, thanks niner!
  • MommaDalton
    i feel like i'm a little late here :huh:

    i tried shake-o, didn't like it, couldn't afford it, called BB and got a refund. i let my 2 year old try it and even he couldn't choke it down. and this is a boy who will eat anything, believe it or not.

    sorry i didn't bring any fancy words or references to the table :cry:
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    let me give it a try:

    yes if you ask a beachbody salesperson

    no if you ask the rest of us...

    I Agree!
  • allittakes110
    Shakeology has one of the most misleading ads. If you don't believe me, take the time yourself to run the foods they list in their commercial that you supposedly must eat to reach the level of nutrition in their product through a diet analysis program. You'll quickly discover that shakeology's nutrient content doesn't even come close to that. If you were to eat all of those fruits and vegetables listed in a day, you would be in toxic levels for several of the vitamins and minerals. Save your money and consume real whole fruits and vegetables (you don't have to eat everything they list in that commercial to be healthy... Aim for 5 servings a day). There are so many added health benefits that come with consuming whole foods that you simply can't get through supplements. There are nutrient interactions that occur while eating these foods that we don't completely understand yet but know that they occur. Just making yourself a big salad with a variety of different color produce can easily get you at the 5 serving mark while delivering a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. It's not as hard as they want you to think it is.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Is it worth the investment?

  • allittakes110
    And as many people have already pointed out, the people that are pushing shakeology really have zero clue about the actual product. They will spit out oh it's made with 70 high quality ingredients and 10 superfoods. But ask them to explain what exactly all those ingredients do or what peer reviewed research is out there to back the claims, and you get silence. It's quite scary how people can know so little about the actual product yet swear by it and try pushing it to everyone. I actually read a testimonial from someone claiming that drinking shakeology cured their Type 1 diabetes. Either they are not aware of the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes or this drink is some kind of miracle drug that can regrow a pancreas. I'm thinking the former.
  • allittakes110
    let me give it a try:

    yes if you ask a beachbody salesperson

    no if you ask the rest of us...

    I Agree!

    I third this!
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    Ugh....just say no!!! Don't waste your money
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    My kitchen. Samson masticating juicer, and fresh produce. :)

    pure egg white protein powder if I need to add protein.

    Betcha mine's cheaper in the long run than yours..
  • Ctrum69
    Ctrum69 Posts: 308 Member
    Shakeology has one of the most misleading ads. If you don't believe me, take the time yourself to run the foods they list in their commercial that you supposedly must eat to reach the level of nutrition in their product through a diet analysis program. You'll quickly discover that shakeology's nutrient content doesn't even come close to that. If you were to eat all of those fruits and vegetables listed in a day, you would be in toxic levels for several of the vitamins and minerals. Save your money and consume real whole fruits and vegetables (you don't have to eat everything they list in that commercial to be healthy... Aim for 5 servings a day). There are so many added health benefits that come with consuming whole foods that you simply can't get through supplements. There are nutrient interactions that occur while eating these foods that we don't completely understand yet but know that they occur. Just making yourself a big salad with a variety of different color produce can easily get you at the 5 serving mark while delivering a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. It's not as hard as they want you to think it is.

    Not to mention, a lot of the vitamins and minerals they add are biologically non reactive, or they would degrade quickly in suspension in the shake.

    you simply cannot beat live, fresh enzymes and micronutrition from fresh foods.