is it worth the money to buy shakeology



  • CMHamilton5104
    Haven't uses Shakeology. I use the BodyByVi line. Great shakes for protein and overall nutrition. Tastes great, not chalky, and you can mix it to make you own recipes. There are over 300 out there. Use as meal replacement or after your workout.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I gave it a try while I was losing weight for a weight loss competition at my work and I wondered the same thing as you are. My brother took it though and seeing the positive effects that it took on his body and health is what convinced me to start taking it. I chose the chocolate flavor and I couldn't be more satisfied with it. The woman I worked with is Anna Gray and she was helpful from day one, never pushy. She was always a quick message away, so I would highly recommend her if you are thinking about trying it. She'll be there to answer any of your questions and be more of a friend than a "salesman". Here's her info:

    that's how most of us who actually have success work our business. i work with my friends, and the new people i meet have become my friends. i'm not just out to make a buck any way I can. unfortunately there are coaches out there who are ruthless salespeople, but the good news is that they usually don't last long in the business. Beachbody's set up as a long-term, organic type business model and it weeds people like that out pretty quickly because they don't see results. Glad you worked with someone that connected with you! :)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Funny how the thread dies once the coaches have been outed! :laugh:

    Except CoachReddy here. He doesn't seem to get that you lose all credibility for recommending something once it is clear that you sell it. But I think he said besides transforming his health it's shined his shoes and waxed his car too! lol
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I gave it a try while I was losing weight for a weight loss competition at my work and I wondered the same thing as you are. My brother took it though and seeing the positive effects that it took on his body and health is what convinced me to start taking it. I chose the chocolate flavor and I couldn't be more satisfied with it. The woman I worked with is Anna Gray and she was helpful from day one, never pushy. She was always a quick message away, so I would highly recommend her if you are thinking about trying it. She'll be there to answer any of your questions and be more of a friend than a "salesman". Here's her info:

    that's how most of us who actually have success work our business. i work with my friends, and the new people i meet have become my friends. i'm not just out to make a buck any way I can. unfortunately there are coaches out there who are ruthless salespeople, but the good news is that they usually don't last long in the business. Beachbody's set up as a long-term, organic type business model and it weeds people like that out pretty quickly because they don't see results. Glad you worked with someone that connected with you! :)

    You really drank the MLM cool aid huh?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Except CoachReddy here. He doesn't seem to get that you lose all credibility for recommending something once it is clear that you sell it. But I think he said besides transforming his health it's shined his shoes and waxed his car too! lol

    weird, i don't recall saying that.

    why do you feel the need to be so hostile? tell me once where i pushed a product on someone without them asking about it first? the OP had a question, and I answered truthfully because it's product I happen to like.

    here's what you don't understand:


    i'm not personally going to sell the OP shakeology, because that's not allowed on these boards! so me recommending it does me absolutely no good - so why would i waste my time doing it if I don't believe in it?
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    Except CoachReddy here. He doesn't seem to get that you lose all credibility for recommending something once it is clear that you sell it. But I think he said besides transforming his health it's shined his shoes and waxed his car too! lol

    weird, i don't recall saying that.

    why do you feel the need to be so hostile? tell me once where i pushed a product on someone without them asking about it first? the OP had a question, and I answered truthfully because it's product I happen to like.

    here's what you don't understand:


    i'm not personally going to sell the OP shakeology, because that's not allowed on these boards! so me recommending it does me absolutely no good - so why would i waste my time doing it if I don't believe in it?

    Dude, I'm not hostile. You have made some pretty outlandish claims of what it has done. Glad you like it but you sell it. You are not objective. Also, you could be contacted by anyone here via PM and you could sell it. That is why the disclosure BEFORE offering an opinion is important, not after someone flushes it out. As has been proven by this thread and multiple others, there is not demostrable evidence that Shakeology is any better than just eating a healthy diet and calorie deficit for losing weight. You and most others in favor of it offer nothing but anecdotal statements. From my point of view, as I've already stated, nothing special nutritionally tha can be proven + expensive = over priced and undervalue.

    The thing that's funny is as soon as a thread is started all you "coaches" come out of the woodwork and the pattern is pretty consistent. When you can't win the intellectual argument because your can't prove anything due the propietary formula, you offer lots of qualitative anecdotal fluff and when that is challenged, you accuse the challenger of being hostile. You have stayed true to form. Must be the training.

    Edited to add: I guess you get insulting PMs also based on what I recieved from the "Coach".
  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    I drank the "old" version Shakeology shakes from January - August of this year and can't say that I noticed any difference in how I felt, my immune system, cravings, etc. I would have a shake plus something with protein for breakfast (an egg or cottage cheese, for example). I signed up to be a "coach" simply so I'd get the free shipping and was able to buy some other BB workout programs at a discount. I quit in August as it turned out I have an allergy to something in the shakes that was causing a skin rash. I have a couple of bags left and still drink a shake on occasion (no more than 1/week to avoid the skin reaction), but can't honestly say that the $800+ dollars I spent on it was worth it...

    The next time I buy a shake mix I'll probably buy idealshape - it's about half the price of Shakeology and has great reviews. I found this website: which has (in my opinion) good comparative information.

    Good luck!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Dude, I'm not hostile. You have made some pretty outlandish claims of what it has done. Glad you like it but you sell it. You are not objective. Also, you could be contacted by anyone here via PM and you could sell it. That is why the disclosure BEFORE offering an opinion is important, not after someone flushes it out. As has been proven by this thread and multiple others, there is not demostrable evidence that Shakeology is any better than just eating a healthy diet and calorie deficit for losing weight. You and most others in favor of it offer nothing but anecdotal statements. From my point of view, as I've already stated, nothing special nutritionally tha can be proven + expensive = over priced and undervalue.

    The thing that's funny is as soon as a thread is started all you "coaches" come out of the woodwork and the pattern is pretty consistent. When you can't win the intellectual argument because your can't prove anything due the propietary formula, you offer lots of qualitative anecdotal fluff and when that is challenged, you accuse the challenger of being hostile. You have stayed true to form. Must be the training.

    Edited to add: I guess you get insulting PMs also based on what I recieved from the "Coach".

    you're absolutely being hostile, sir. my outlandish claims are all my actual experience and the reason i decided to become a coach. you don't know me, but i have integrity and self respect, and would never suggest folks use something they don't want/need/doesn't work. I get that it's expensive. I get that it's too much for some folks to afford. And that's fine! There are alternatives, though you get what you pay for.

    unfortunately you don't quite understand what the word "proven" means either. You're saying that my anecdotes don't prove anything - and you're right! Everyone has different experiences with it - that's why you can try it for free and return it if you're not digging it. You also said that you and others in this thread have proven it's "nothing special" nutritionally. I'd love to see where that was, because I don't recall it. Shakeology DOES have ingredients not typically found in a western diet. Ingredients that have been proven to have beneficial effects. How often do you eat cordyceps, luo han guo, himalayan sea salt, astralagus, maca root, konjac? I could go on and on. These are beneficial nutrients that we just don't get from our hormone and antibiotic laced foods in America.

    But at the end of the day, here's what shakeology really is: a modern convenience. It's HARD to eat clean all day every day. It's a lot of cooking, it's a lot of work. This is one meal where you don't have to work. You don't have to cook. And you're getting really great nutrients with no artificial additives. In THAT respect it is a stand-alone product on the market, because every other meal replacement shake out there has artificial ingredients. End of story.

    You don't have to think it's worth it. I do. Yes, you're right, in the future I'll come right out and say that I'm a coach - however even if I WERE to do that, people like you would still start flaming me, so there's really no win for me here. All I can do is offer my opinion, offer my personal experience, and let the OP make their own choice - which is exactly what I did.

    And that PM was in an effort to take this conversation somewhere more private so we wouldn't be hijacking the OP's thread where all she wanted was information and stories - YES STORIES - of peoples' experiences.

    Have a good one.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Dude, I'm not hostile. You have made some pretty outlandish claims of what it has done. Glad you like it but you sell it. You are not objective. Also, you could be contacted by anyone here via PM and you could sell it. That is why the disclosure BEFORE offering an opinion is important, not after someone flushes it out. As has been proven by this thread and multiple others, there is not demostrable evidence that Shakeology is any better than just eating a healthy diet and calorie deficit for losing weight. You and most others in favor of it offer nothing but anecdotal statements. From my point of view, as I've already stated, nothing special nutritionally tha can be proven + expensive = over priced and undervalue.

    The thing that's funny is as soon as a thread is started all you "coaches" come out of the woodwork and the pattern is pretty consistent. When you can't win the intellectual argument because your can't prove anything due the propietary formula, you offer lots of qualitative anecdotal fluff and when that is challenged, you accuse the challenger of being hostile. You have stayed true to form. Must be the training.

    Edited to add: I guess you get insulting PMs also based on what I recieved from the "Coach".

    Shakeology DOES have ingredients not typically found in a western diet. Ingredients that have been proven to have beneficial effects. How often do you eat cordyceps, luo han guo, himalayan sea salt, astralagus, maca root, konjac? I could go on and on. These are beneficial nutrients that we just don't get from our hormone and antibiotic laced foods in America.

    But at the end of the day, here's what shakeology really is: a modern convenience. It's HARD to eat clean all day every day. It's a lot of cooking, it's a lot of work. This is one meal where you don't have to work. You don't have to cook. And you're getting really great nutrients with no artificial additives. In THAT respect it is a stand-alone product on the market, because every other meal replacement shake out there has artificial ingredients. End of story.

    And for all those ingredients that you listed, how many are in efficacious dosages that have shown benefits to humans?

    The original formula of ShakeO contained synthetic ingredients as well, the new label does a better job at hiding it though, but I'd guess it still does.
  • kutastha
    kutastha Posts: 17 Member
    I the past few years I've lost 20 pounds, am down to ~10% body fat, only get sick about once a year (and it's mild at that), cut down drastically on insulin requirements (Type 1 DM), brought my blood pressure down to 110s/60s, got to a resting heart rate in the 40s, I feel fantastic, have great endurance, poop like clockwork and other than a nagging lateral epicondylitis I don't get injuries.

    My secret? Exercising daily, eating the proper diet with the right amount and balance of calories and sleeping well. And, if you can believe it, this is all without Shakeology!

    I find it hard to believe I would have any further benefit from the pricey Beachbody protein shake. I tried it, it was not tasty and I noted no change in the above.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    And for all those ingredients that you listed, how many are in efficacious dosages that have shown benefits to humans?

    The original formula of ShakeO contained synthetic ingredients as well, the new label does a better job at hiding it though, but I'd guess it still does.

    I don't know, but if you do, I'd love to hear the answer! it works for me, i'm seeing those benefits, and that's all i really care about! but listen, think logically for a second. if a prop blend is 13g worth of ingredients (13,000 mg), and there are 15 ingredients - maybe they're not evenly portioned out, but at the very least SOME of those ingredients must be in efficacious dosages right? Using logic? And guaranteed whichever ingredients those are, you don't get them in a typical western diet! 13 grams of antioxidants are - oh i don't know - probably giving your body the benefits! (for reference, the typical serving of creatine is 5 grams. does that work?)

    as for synthetic ingredients? name them.
  • kutastha
    kutastha Posts: 17 Member
    And for all those ingredients that you listed, how many are in efficacious dosages that have shown benefits to humans?

    The original formula of ShakeO contained synthetic ingredients as well, the new label does a better job at hiding it though, but I'd guess it still does.

    Didn't you post some unanswered questions you posed to Beachbody a few months ago? I remember that thread (though don't have time to look for it) and it was very interesting.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I the past few years I've lost 20 pounds, am down to ~10% body fat, only get sick about once a year (and it's mild at that), cut down drastically on insulin requirements (Type 1 DM), brought my blood pressure down to 110s/60s, got to a resting heart rate in the 40s, I feel fantastic, have great endurance, poop like clockwork and other than a nagging lateral epicondylitis I don't get injuries.

    My secret? Exercising daily, eating the proper diet with the right amount and balance of calories and sleeping well. And, if you can believe it, this is all without Shakeology!

    I find it hard to believe I would have any further benefit from the pricey Beachbody protein shake. I tried it, it was not tasty and I noted no change in the above.

    You must be a ................................ WIZARD!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I the past few years I've lost 20 pounds, am down to ~10% body fat, only get sick about once a year (and it's mild at that), cut down drastically on insulin requirements (Type 1 DM), brought my blood pressure down to 110s/60s, got to a resting heart rate in the 40s, I feel fantastic, have great endurance, poop like clockwork and other than a nagging lateral epicondylitis I don't get injuries.

    My secret? Exercising daily, eating the proper diet with the right amount and balance of calories and sleeping well. And, if you can believe it, this is all without Shakeology!

    I find it hard to believe I would have any further benefit from the pricey Beachbody protein shake. I tried it, it was not tasty and I noted no change in the above.

    of course you don't NEED shakeology. no one needs ANY supplementation if they can eat clean 100% of the time. unfortunately that's literally impossible because GMOs, hormones, and antibiotics in today's food supply. The nutritional value in produce has dropped drastically. the nutritional value in meat has dropped drastically.

    did you know that grass fed beef has an Omega 3/6 ratio of 2:1? That's the same ratio as fish. hormone and corn-fed beef? the ratio is reversed with twice as many Omega 6's as 3's. (6s are bad). We've completely destroyed the nutritional value of our food supply, so you can try to eat healthy, but like i said, without some form of supplementation it's virtually impossible these days. sad really.

    Also you lost the weight over years - which don't get me wrong - is AWESOME! Congrats! Folks using shakeology and changing their diet have been able to lose that much in a month or two. It all depends on your values, goals, and how quickly you want to lose the weight.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    And for all those ingredients that you listed, how many are in efficacious dosages that have shown benefits to humans?

    The original formula of ShakeO contained synthetic ingredients as well, the new label does a better job at hiding it though, but I'd guess it still does.

    I don't know,

    That'd be the point. So, that makes everything else you stated anecdotal. As in not proven, just observed. Which makes everything you've said just your opinion. An opinion that is colored by the fact that you sell the stuff. Comprede??
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    That'd be the point. So, that makes everything else you stated anecdotal. As in not proven, just observed. Which makes everything you've said just your opinion. An opinion that is colored by the fact that you sell the stuff. Comprede??

    not a single supplement on the market has been proven to do ANYTHING. they're not regulated. what supplements do you take? because you take them based on anecdotal evidence.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I the past few years I've lost 20 pounds, am down to ~10% body fat, only get sick about once a year (and it's mild at that), cut down drastically on insulin requirements (Type 1 DM), brought my blood pressure down to 110s/60s, got to a resting heart rate in the 40s, I feel fantastic, have great endurance, poop like clockwork and other than a nagging lateral epicondylitis I don't get injuries.

    My secret? Exercising daily, eating the proper diet with the right amount and balance of calories and sleeping well. And, if you can believe it, this is all without Shakeology!

    I find it hard to believe I would have any further benefit from the pricey Beachbody protein shake. I tried it, it was not tasty and I noted no change in the above.

    of course you don't NEED shakeology. no one needs ANY supplementation if they can eat clean 100% of the time. unfortunately that's literally impossible because GMOs, hormones, and antibiotics in today's food supply. The nutritional value in produce has dropped drastically. the nutritional value in meat has dropped drastically.

    did you know that grass fed beef has an Omega 3/6 ratio of 2:1? That's the same ratio as fish. hormone and corn-fed beef? the ratio is reversed with twice as many Omega 6's as 3's. (6s are bad). We've completely destroyed the nutritional value of our food supply, so you can try to eat healthy, but like i said, without some form of supplementation it's virtually impossible these days. sad really.

    Also you lost the weight over years - which don't get me wrong - is AWESOME! Congrats! Folks using shakeology and changing their diet have been able to lose that much in a month or two. It all depends on your values, goals, and how quickly you want to lose the weight.

    You keep mentioning eating clean. How would you define that? And how would Shakeology, but definition a processed food, be eating clean?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member

    And for all those ingredients that you listed, how many are in efficacious dosages that have shown benefits to humans?

    The original formula of ShakeO contained synthetic ingredients as well, the new label does a better job at hiding it though, but I'd guess it still does.

    I don't know, but if you do, I'd love to hear the answer! it works for me, i'm seeing those benefits, and that's all i really care about! but listen, think logically for a second. if a prop blend is 13g worth of ingredients (13,000 mg), and there are 15 ingredients - maybe they're not evenly portioned out, but at the very least SOME of those ingredients must be in efficacious dosages right? Using logic? And guaranteed whichever ingredients those are, you don't get them in a typical western diet! 13 grams of antioxidants are - oh i don't know - probably giving your body the benefits! (for reference, the typical serving of creatine is 5 grams. does that work?)

    as for synthetic ingredients? name them.

    Someone has an agenda....

    I'm sorry, but again, the macros are pretty poor compared to other protein powders.

    Not to mention it is extremely overpriced. I don't give a rats *kitten* about whatever weak prop blends they have... As stated earlier 170 cals for 16 grams protein? Why would ANYONE pick shakeology over another protein powder when given the option to compare labels? Unless someone who makes ridiculous claims about it curing cancer (yes I have seen this by another coach), stopping hair loss, weight loss, more snake oil claims, etc.

    Besides, I have a hard time trusting ANYTHING someone says when they WORK for the company and SELL that product.

    Oh, and shakeology tastes chalky and shi*ty. :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    And for all those ingredients that you listed, how many are in efficacious dosages that have shown benefits to humans?

    The original formula of ShakeO contained synthetic ingredients as well, the new label does a better job at hiding it though, but I'd guess it still does.

    I don't know, but if you do, I'd love to hear the answer! it works for me, i'm seeing those benefits, and that's all i really care about! but listen, think logically for a second. if a prop blend is 13g worth of ingredients (13,000 mg), and there are 15 ingredients - maybe they're not evenly portioned out, but at the very least SOME of those ingredients must be in efficacious dosages right? Using logic? And guaranteed whichever ingredients those are, you don't get them in a typical western diet! 13 grams of antioxidants are - oh i don't know - probably giving your body the benefits! (for reference, the typical serving of creatine is 5 grams. does that work?)

    as for synthetic ingredients? name them.

    This is something I posted before

    the latest blog posting on Yacon ( The studies that were linked to had subjects consume Yacon syrup (not powder like ShakeO) in dosages ranging from .14-.29g per/kg of bodyweight in one study to 20g a day in another study, yet the entire prop blend that contains Yacon is only 1.15g. So if a person weighed 18lbs and the entire blend was Yacon, maybe it might be of some benefit. OR it's much more likely that it's severely underdosed.

    Yacon syrup: beneficial effects on obesity and insulin resistance in humans. Clin Nutr. 2009 Apr;28(2):182-7. Epub 2009 Feb 28.
    "We used two doses of yacon syrup, 0.29 g and 0.14 g fructooligosaccharides/kg/day"

    Effect of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) on Colonic Transit Time in Healthy Volunteers
    Digestion 2008;78:30-33

    "in a dose of 20 g daily"

    cyanocobalamin is synthetic oh noes!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member

    That'd be the point. So, that makes everything else you stated anecdotal. As in not proven, just observed. Which makes everything you've said just your opinion. An opinion that is colored by the fact that you sell the stuff. Comprede??

    not a single supplement on the market has been proven to do ANYTHING. they're not regulated. what supplements do you take? because you take them based on anecdotal evidence.

    Check your facts bro.