

  • I am not a star with low carbing, by any means, but I have been able to incorporate that in better than I used to. I started with drinking more water. I then started eating more fruits and vegetables and working out. Once I did that, I naturally craved less sugar/carb stuff to some degree. I then started making sure that…
  • Still interested. I just re-committed and began anew this past Monday and would love any additional encouragement and support...and hopefully, to be able to give some as well!
  • OK. So I admit. The real issue for me here is the grains and dairy. Not sure I'm ready to do that yet. However, I've been on a plateau for a while and should be looking at other things. The main thing that I have not been doing now that I was when I was consistently losing is working out. So, I'm getting going firing that…
  • Hi! Nice to meet you. I've wondered about the Paleo diet but, I must be honest, for me at this time in my life, I really need to be able to not over-think the food thing while still being healthy. I have chosen to count calories and, in the midst of that, to try and make choices that are lower glycemic index (i.e. I use…
  • Yes! I would be interested!!!
  • Hi there! I'm sorry it's been a month before I've noticed your posts and I'm glad to meet you! I am sad to hear that your story sounds so similar to mine. My doctor kept telling me the same thing for years and then finally a different doctor diagnosed the PCOS when I was 30 years old. I do not have children, but that is in…
  • Hi, Kate, I'm sorry I didn't see your note this week! I'm glad you're here. First of all, you CAN have cystic ovaries without having PCOS, although I do admit that the facial hair and acne would make me suspicious that you might. I was diagnosed 14 years ago at age 30 but, at least back then (and for quite a while…
  • Kudos to you for being able to cut out those things. I know I should, but have not been able to bring myself to that point yet. I am so happy for you that it's also working!!! It IS much easier to do something when you see results, for sure! I haven't read that many books...I tend to just get really overwhelmed. But, I…
  • Hi, Gabbylr! Nice to meet you! I'm glad you're here! I was stuck for 3 months and went up and down the same 3-5 lbs during that time. I finally started losing again a couple weeks ago and I think the difference for me was that I added in taking apple cider vinegar (2 tsp in a cup of water) before each meal. I had done some…
  • I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I am sorry, but I don't have any helpful input, I'm afraid, because I've never used Mirena and I also am not married, so am not TTC (plus, I'm getting a bit old for that now!). But, wanted to let you know I'm out here and I would like to pray for you on this. :smile:
  • Hi, Ashley! SO glad you're here! So glad to hear you've had some luck with the gastric surgery. I am sure there are others on this board that you will be an encouragement to--as well as being encouraged yourself! Yes, PCOS can be a real drag. I do not like the constant battle with weight, hair, skin, mood, etc. But, more…
  • Dawnie, I am glad you came back. I SO understand what you mean about having yet another thing to do. The phone app has been a HUGE help to me, as well! I don't want to be legalistic about eating right but, the truth is, logging everything I eat helps me to plan better and to make better choices on a daily basis. Please let…
  • Hi, Singer girl! Nice to have you here! It sounds as if you have a rather interesting life and I can relate to the fact that, while great, that can sometimes make things difficult in regard to the PCOS. Where are you living? Do you mind sharing your name (If so, I understand). Feel free to friend me if you like! Blessings.
  • Hi, Sue! I'm so glad you are here! I have struggled in the past (a great deal) with depression related to my PCOS. I currently am doing fairly well with that (grateful), but want you to know that the moodiness is DEFINITELY related. I still struggle with tearfulness which alternates with irritability and bouts of laughter…
  • I have been using the XBox 360 "Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout". It is good for me because it sets the level it works you out at by first doing an assessment of where you are (unlike the show that kills you right out of the gate!). I started on "light" at 7 minutes per day 2 days per week and am now doing "moderate" (with…
  • Now I’m turning you over to God, our marvelous God whose gracious Word can make you into what he wants you to be and give you everything you could possibly need in this community of holy friends. Acts 20:32 Praying each of us is able to turn over to God what we need to--so that we can be filled by His grace. Blessings,…
  • Hi, Amanda! So glad you are here! I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby. I have not personally had to walk through that, but my cousin and his wife have been through that several times and it is so hard. I am proud of you for seeking to lose weight to try and make this dream happen for your family. Please let…
  • Dawnie, Wondering if you've gotten anywhere on this pursuit and if you've made any decisions? Just curious. I've been praying for you in the decision making! Blessings, Kristina
  • Hi, Dawnie, I don't know anything about Lap-Band surgery (I mean, I know what it is, but I have no experience with it, haven't researched it, and haven't known anyone personally who has had it). However, I just wanted to let you know that I will pray for you on this for wisdom. I would be interested to hear what the…
  • SSnyder, I can certainly understand why you would be frustrated. It honestly sounds as if you are doing all the right things. My one question re: taking the Metformin and it not helping is: Were you doing all that you are doing now when you were on it? The reason I ask is that I was on Metformin previously, also, with no…
  • Hi, Amanda! Thank you for sharing your story. Sounds like you have been through a lot and are still going through some of it. I am grateful that you are finding your way with God's help through some of this "stuff". It can be tough, for sure. But, I know that God has a purpose for your life and that He will continue to…
  • Hi, Joanna. Great to meet you. I understand the frustration of those not grasping what you are up against. I was diagnosed at age 30 (I am currently 43) but, at the time, my gynecologist diagnosed me, but put me on the pill and told me it was nothing to worry about. However, through the years, I've moved through various…
  • The Word of God Says in Jesus Christ... I am faithful (Ephesians 1:1) I am God's child (John 1:12) I have been justified (Romans 5:1) I am Christ's friend (John 15:15) I belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:20) I am a member of Christ's Body (1 Corinthians 12:27) I am assured all things work together for good (Romans 8:28) I…
  • Hi, Angel! Thank you so much for sharing your story. Wow! You must be a busy lady!!! Blessings to you!
  • Hi, Amber! Thanks for sharing your story! Blessings to you!
  • I am also 43...and also love singing. Forgive me for saying so but, from your picture, you do not look like you need to lose weight. But, anyway, each of us has a different journey and I don't know you well enough to know yours. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I think you might want to try getting used to it without the protein powder first. Both the protein powder and the greek yogurt can have a bit of a "chalky" taste, so putting them together is likely to double that effect. I agree with lots of the other comments, too...fresh fruit and a tad of sweetness (Agave nectar,…
  • Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods Hi! I was diagnosed with PCOS 13 years ago, but have struggled greatly to get myself mentally on board with doing what I need to do. I just recently (since December) have been exercising fairly regularly and eating better. Still have not fully mentally committed to…
    in PCOS Comment by singanote March 2012