

  • Oh shoot I never considered the scale xD! I have it moved around alot. Ive never zeroed it in my life, sometimes its on uneven surfaces! My wieght gain was in 2 days i told myself (even if your calculation were off by double the count that wouldnt be 5 pounds) one thing that might be a consideration is my last 2 weeks ha a…
  • Okay my diary is now public :D
  • Juuuust clarify... Im not mad! I dont think you guys are being mean and im not vunerable x) im just a 21 year old guy whos been all over the dieting world and trying to just get something that will work and work long term :) i appreciate everything you guys have told me and i am completely open to your advice! I am big on…
  • Lol i ment my favorite meal as in my favorite foods! :) I know it sounds a little silly but I mean I really truly am not hungry or lacking energy i just spent 4 hours doing hard work (setting up an entire bbq for 500 people with heavy lifting and moving and i had plenty of energy!)
  • I actually really enjoy it im not hungry at all and my dinners are my favorite meals! Steaks, salmon, brocoloi beans! The apiete supression is a result of the coconut oil. If you take a tbls spoon of it holding your nose (like you would medicine) an hour before you eat anything! (Usually do it with my daily vitmians in the…
  • Lol sorry if my low cal intake is... Shocking. Im using the set point method of appiete supression (consuming 150-300 cals of tastless cals a day) this completely kills any hunger i have until dinner time. My typical day 1Tbls of coconut oil (120) 1 1/2 scoops of whey protien powder in water or coffee (165) 1 tbls of…
  • The drinks are 1.5 oz or 2 oz each with a total of 2 a day for 3-4 oz. :) Bleh I hope its just water wieght im so tired of this.
  • The drinks are 1.5 oz or 2 oz each with a total of 2 a day for 3-4 oz. :) Bleh I hope its just water wieght im so tired of this.
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