

  • I have switched to a good quality dark chocolate. It still fulfils my chocolate craving, but if I eat too much it starts getting too bitter
  • PCOS aside, even as a non sufferer I fgind if I exercise a lot in a week (unless I am netting below 800cal) I also gain. I figure it is just my muscles developing. Muscles take a lot of water to repair and grow, so if you have placed a lot of strain on them in a week, chances are you will retain more water.
  • Carbs are not bad in themselves, but if you want to lose weight AND be healthy, you need to balance carbs, fats and protein. Don't eliminate one so you can have more of the other.
  • Thanks for the heads up. Does anyone know of a good book/reference I can use with light/minimal equipment? I cannot really afford much in the way of equipment at the moment as I am saving up for my wedding (which is what I am slimming down for). I have dumbbells and a barbell each of which can go up to 20kg. Can anyone…
  • Are you willing to bug me daily? I could use the motivation :) As for regrets, I don't really have them. To explain, when I was young I was painfully shy, and I lived most of my childhood in regret of the things I never had the courage to do. Now I do what I want to do (within reason) and live with the consequences without…
  • I do something similar to this, but I like to overestimate just to be safe. The reason I do this is because a 'large apple' if you are talking about a granny smith is about half the size of a large apple of the 20oz variety. If I think the fruit is small and I cannot weigh it, I record it as a medium, etc
  • It reduces your intake based on both your weight and your height. I am only 5'3". I started off on 1300 allowance, but after I lost 10kg (22lbs) it was reduced to 1200. I don't know what the exact calculations are, but I know it will reduce you every so many kg (or lbs) until 1200, but won't go any lower. I don't know if…
  • Sugar is not evil, it's just how you consume it that can be bad. That being said, you can always try some alternatives. If you can't forgo the 'bubbles' I would suggest investing in a soda stream. Make up some green tea and chill it in the fridge. Add some honey (when hot) or stevia for sweetness, then make bubbly. It will…
  • I personally weigh every morning, first thing right after I use the bathroom. I like weighing every day because through doing this and analysing my diary from the day before when I go up, I have learned how different foods affect my body and weight. For example, it was through doing this that I discovered diet drinks make…
  • Definitely get the test, it's the only way to know for sure. I didn't feel anything until about the one month mark, apart from the gradual need to pee more.
  • Wow, great work! I can't even get through the first 10 minutes of T25 doing the moves as they do them on the video.
  • Try keeping up your potassium pre workout, it will help you maintain more water. Apart from that, stretch out really well after your workout, as it will help circulate some of the lactic acid rather than it all gathering in your muscles.
  • Either go for a tankini as suggested, or try a 60's style high waisted 2 piece. They are great for showing off your body while hiding your tummy, and are in fashion at the moment
  • I find the only thing that works for me is to wear a level 3-4 support bra over a moulded cup bra
  • Is new rules of lifting for women good for a beginner with very little equipment (I just have a lightweight dumbbell and barbell set)?
  • CHECK IN Name: Nicole Sex: Female Age: 26 Height: 160cm (5'3") Starting Weight: 93.8kg Starting Date: 14/01/13 Goal Weight: 85kg Starting Measurements: (cm) Bicep: L : 38 R : 38.5 Chest: 112 Waist: 104 Hips: 119 Thigh: L : 63 R : 63 Starting Body Fat % (if known): Unknown Goal Body Fat %: unknown Personal goal (written as…
  • CHECK IN Name: Nicole Sex: Female Age: 26 Height: 160cm (5'3") Starting Weight: 93.8kg Starting Date: 14/01/13 Goal Weight: 85kg Starting Measurements: (cm) Bicep: L : 38 R : 38.5 Chest: 112 Waist: 104 Hips: 119 Thigh: L : 63 R : 63 Starting Body Fat % (if known): Unknown Goal Body Fat %: unknown Personal goal (written as…
  • I would be concerned about the effect on my skin losing this quickly. I am currently looking to lose about 13kg in 20 weeks (I have just started a post to track, if you are interested in joining) My experience is that…
  • Wish I still had the money for this... :(. If I maintain my goal weight after my wedding (which is 14 months away) I will get my next one as soon as I have the money
  • I would suggest spending your money on free weights instead of machines if you have to pick one. The reason for this is machines, no matter how good they are, will limit your range of movement. They are designed to be used in a certain way, and you can damage either the machine or yourself if you vary from this. There is a…
  • I always have problems with this too. I have told my partner and my friends at work to slap me (verbally is fine) if I go to eat junk food. If you have just one or two friends or family members who are really good at guilt trips, ask for their help. Keep reminding yourself why you are doing this. If it works for you, have…
  • I find logging my meals just before I eat them allows me to keep in mind what I am eating. One of my major weaknesses is mindlessly eating while I am on the computer, so I make an effort to not eat unless I can concentrate on what I am doing. Sometimes if I feel like crunch anyway, I eat ice chips at the computer. No…
  • I like this idea. I am nowhere near 'trim, taught and teriffic', but want to work towards it. Can I post my stats here, or do I need to wait for the first week?
  • I would try a REALLY small potato. Serve with some grilled chicken (half a breast is plenty) and a bit of sour cream or greek yoghurt on top.
  • Casseroles and soups tend to be pretty low in carbs if done right. Try adding some low carb veggies and some trim meat to some stock, boil and hey presto. For the veggies cauliflower comes to mind, it absorbs the flavour of everything around it and mashes up to make a more filling soup. Also carrots, kumera and pumpkin (in…
  • Heels are not 'universally bad'. I personally have issues with my feet (I was born flat footed, had shoe inserts for years, now have ligament issues caused by my bones shifting when I was pregnant) and when I spoke to 2 different doctors about it I was advised to wear heels as my every day shoe, as for my problems they…
  • I wouldn't stress about sugar intake on here. I consider it to be a good day if I am within most of my other macros. Sugar and protein are the two I always go over on, but I still steadily lose weight.
  • It would depend on what you ate from there as to whether it was healthy or not. Although granted most of their food is highly processed and full of trans fats, they offer healthy(ier?) alternatives. If 2 of your meals a day from there were salads and you skipped the fries and soft drinks with every meal, it would not be…
  • Anything you do with free weights lifting them above your head will use your back muscles to help keep your balance. I would not suggest doing anything 'back specific' as that is more likely to cause unbalance issues. Your body is designed to work as one machine, not individual parts, so use that to your advantage. Even…
  • It's a comment that you can edit at a later date, so your post is not on page twentysomething. You can also just find your first post and 'quote' for a new comment