

  • I think it depends on what incidental exercise you get in addition to this. Do you work at a desk job and drive everywhere, or are you active day to day and walk/ride locally? I personally think any exercise you do is great, but as for maintaining your size and toning I would suggest adding in more weight bearing exercises.
  • I currently have the flex, which is great and has helped me with motivation. The big issue I have with this is being on my wrist and most of the walking I do is pushing a pram, it only records about 1/3 of my steps. Purely because of this I am looking at switching to the one
  • I prefer regular weigh ins. I find without them I quickly lose motivation and get lax
  • I personally find something like 'skinny clothes' to be a real turn off when it comes to motivation, as they make my goal seem so much further away. What I do instead is to pick a goal for milestones (usually every 10kg) and buy my goal prize at the start. It then goes straight to my partner who gets told I am only allowed…
  • Climb trees. Use the branches for chin ups, etc. Carry broken branches around. Lots of weight bearing exercises to be had near trees
  • Rather than saying BYO on the invite, you could say what you are providing. For example, I usually go with something like 'finger foods and soft drinks provided'. It says the same thing but doesn't focus on what you are not giving them. As for BYO at parties, the only times I expect them to supply alcohol would be at…
  • I think the point here is a calorie is just a calorie, but food is not just calories. I would love to see further long term studies on the effects of different macros settings in ONE STUDY. Most studies seem to focus more heavily on one macro than the others. With such varying conditions between studies it is really hard…
  • It really depends on a lot of factors as to whether this would be healthy for you or not. I had a friend do a 12 week boot camp with a qualified personal trainer and nutrition expert and they recommended eating 1200 and exercising 600 and not eating back the calories, but only for 12 weeks. I have also spoken to my doctor…
  • I have the fitbit flex and I love it. I only need to charge it every 5 or so days, so for the most part I wear it all day, and check my progress when I get home (I have a desk job) to see how much more exercise I need to get in. I find it a great motivation tool, but as it is essentially a pedometer I have found several…
  • I also weigh myself first thing in the morning without clothes and after using the bathroom.
  • From what I understand (and I never click on those ads, so I can't confirm if that is what they are on about) there was a big panic about 5-8 years ago that 'browning' bananas were really bad for you, as they browned due to oxidization and eating something in this state (even browned apple flesh, avocado, etc) would lead…
  • On topic, I was always advised bras/sports crops to bed are fine, as long as they are not underwire. At my size (14F AUS, no idea what that translates to) I need an underwire during the day for support, but if you wear them 24/7 they can actually compress on your glands and cause things like inflamation or, if you have…
  • I try to look for a result with a serving size in weight. From weighing all of my food for a couple of months, it is pretty easy to estimate after a while
  • I had extremely low b12 when pregnant. Within a few hours of having an injection, I felt more energetic and my lethargy was completely gone. I think you only see a big difference if you are low to start with
  • If you can afford one, get something like a fitbit which you wear all day, and it automatically changes your calorie allowance based on your movement for the day
  • I totally agree with number 1. I am a long way off my goal (well, half way towards my first goal) and still sometimes look at myself and see me exactly as I was 5 months ago. When I was feeling like this a few weeks ago I took a photo of myself and compared it to one I took when I started getting healthy and couldn't…
  • The amount of calories your body needs to survive and function day to day can increase IF you gain muscle. Muscle takes more energy to maintain, therefore more muscle = more energy required. The only catch with this is if you don't feed your body the calories it needs to maintain the muscle, it will start breaking it down…
  • I like to weigh in daily as it gives me a much better understanding of how different things affect my body. I have used the measurements to find out several things about the way I lose weight, like my weight goes up in the heat (no matter how much I drink) and also increases if I do over 1/2 hour of vigorous exercise like…
  • I would suggest going for less processed foods where possible. The foods you are eating aren't that bad in themselves, but there does seem to be a lack of whole foods, which are going to give you the best fibre content (generally) and help 'keep things moving'. If you do have problems with bowel movements and you aren't…
  • You will not lose your belly without lowering your overall body fat. Any exercise and eating right will eventually get you a flatter belly
  • From Victoria, Aus here. Anyone who wants to share support can add me :)
  • Have you tried protein supplements?
  • I wouldn't trust the calorie calculations on Endomondo. I was using it for a while to track, but even on a 1200 plan if I ate all my exercise calories it said I burned, I would gain 100% guaranteed. I tracked one walk with Endomondo and my fitbit, and the fitbit had me on about 1/3 of the calories of Endomondo. Both were…
  • I used to have a major problem with this. At one stage the only way I could stop was to just not keep anything around I was likely to binge on. These days I am quite a bit more controlled, and either have smaller portions of the foods I want or plan a cheat day in to my week/fortnight.
  • A few people have said Stevia, in either granulated or liquid form. I prefer to go straight to the source. I have a stevia plant out the back and all I have to do is crush one or two leaves (depending on the sweetness desired) and pour on boiling water for a minute or two. Discard leaves, and you have 100% natural, calorie…
  • I was unpleasantly surprised at how many calories/carbs are in a supposedly 'healthy' subway meal. Based off serving sizes of homemade meals, I am guessing a 'serve' would be about half of a 6 inch. I was really happy when I calculated the calories of my homemade veggie and chicken soup. I was thinking it was about 2-300…
  • I try not to eat any of my exercise calories if I can avoid it. That being said, I listen to my body. If I am hungry I will eat, whether or not I have extra calories from exercise sitting there. That being said, I have quite a bit of weight to lose, and have several health risk factors which make it important to do so. I…
  • Yep, this time wikipedia is right :)
  • While I am trying to lose weight I am on depro shots, which basically hold off 'that time' all together. This helps me to keep my hormones much more in check and balanced. I don't get monthly bloating because of this, so it is a non issue for me
  • I have dropped a lot of my weight just walking. I also have asthma and would suggest, if you want to get in to running eventually, start walking a little bit faster each time and try concentrating more on your breathing than anything else (obviously keep an eye on your environment). I find walking/jogging around an empty…