Are bananas bad for stomach fat?



  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I usually eat 2-4 bananas a day and I have lost a LOT of belly fat :wink:
    They aren't low carb though lol. And I eat 200-300 grams of carbs a day.
  • veg_runner
    veg_runner Posts: 38 Member
    Bananas and carbs in general (whole ripe fresh raw fruits being the best, not coke and pepsi) are amazing for weight loss and energy. Eat that over fatty junk any day. The fat you eat is the fat you wear. Check out this guy who runs a website called 30Bananasaday. Fit as heck and eats all the bananas/carbs he cares for.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    You cant spot reduce so people claiming that one food will reduce fat in a certain area are talking rubbish i'm afraid. Bananas are great I have at least one a day sometimes more it hasnt effected my weight loss.

  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    If you loke bananas eat them. I eat them I cut them in half and put a half of one in protein shakes on days that I am feeling a banana.
  • ewrob
    ewrob Posts: 136 Member
    Instead of focusing on bad and good foods, though, I think the calories and the exercise are where it's at. My husband lost 30lbs last year using MFP and he eats stuff that would shock you. He exercises about 4X a week and has hot tea with 2TBSP sugar twice a day, and every night he eats 2 heaping TBSP of dark chocolate Hershey's morsels.
    I'm eating mostly whole foods while avoiding processed foods and sugars and have had great success. If it weren't for a living example in my house that you can eat "bad foods" and still lose and maintain the loss, I wouldn't believe it.
    I love MFP - I think the accountability to yourself is key.
    Best of luck to you!

    I checked on this a week ago when I was at 80 lbs lost. In total, I had burned about 52,000 calories from exercise which works out to about 15 lbs. The rest of my weight loss (65 lbs at the time) is probably all lifestyle change related. I exercise 5 or 6 times a week and usually burn between 1000 and 2000 calories by riding my bicycle 14 to 30 miles.

    I believe that exercise can only get you so far, and my own experiences reflect that, so I am led to believe that perhaps your husband's diet is not as bad as you make it out to be. (such as low portion sizes, or otherwise healthy eating habits)
  • ewrob
    ewrob Posts: 136 Member
    I'm already gluten free, low carb and mainly eat chicken and fish with salad or veg, though thinking of going dairy free and maybe vegan or vegetarian to see if that helps.

    I would really like to encourage you to consider the vegan option. I have adopted this lifestyle myself and I have lost 85 lbs in 4 1/2 months. Here is an excellent argument for the benefits of a vegan diet, even compared to a vegetarian diet. (That may include a great deal of cholesterol and saturated fat intake)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Look at my tummy. I eat a banana almost every day!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    I often eat a banana before I go for a run (well not directly before, say 45 mins before), they are great for energy and an excellent source of Potassium providing they are not slightly green.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,988 Member
    yes, if you're trying to lose belly fat, then you're trying to lose fat in one of the first places the body stores it and one of the last places it givesit up. bananas are very high in carbohydrates and they are a fruit so to lose this fat, you have to go on carbohydrate restriction of some kind.

  • ewrob
    ewrob Posts: 136 Member
    yes, if you're trying to lose belly fat, then you're trying to lose fat in one of the first places the body stores it and one of the last places it givesit up. bananas are very high in carbohydrates and they are a fruit so to lose this fat, you have to go on carbohydrate restriction of some kind.

    I don't agree, nor do I understand why people advocate a low carb diet. I ate 350+ grams of carbohydrates today and usually eat 200-300. I've dropped so many sizes I can fit into pants that I wore in high school. It only took 4 and a half months to undo nearly 10 years of damage and weight gain.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,300 Member
    mmm anything encased in a skin growing on a tree.. made by God..can't be all that bad for you. lol. That's how i look at fruit and nuts.. it is like God knocking on our foreheads says.. "Hey.. look! I put this here for a good reason!."

    we are all fat because money grabbing authors have come up with a bunch of bunk about how fruit, meat, this that.. is bad for you. they want to keep you fat...a captive audience.
  • vickeydorton
    vickeydorton Posts: 24 Member
    I too see all those ads about Bananna being bad for you- I love them too- so I eat my calorie intake rather it has a banana in or not- even chocolate , as long as it in my daily intake - I think I am doing the right thing??
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    yes, if you're trying to lose belly fat, then you're trying to lose fat in one of the first places the body stores it and one of the last places it givesit up. bananas are very high in carbohydrates and they are a fruit so to lose this fat, you have to go on carbohydrate restriction of some kind.

    Sorry, but that is baloney. Yesterday I had some grapes, a banana, and a whole pineapple. The day before I had a banana, some canteloupe and honeydew melon, a whole pineapple, another banana and a Snickers. The day before I had some white bread, half a honeydew melon, and a large glass of Dr Pepper; the day before that I had some canteloupe and honeydew melon, a banana, a Twister ice lolly, a Snickers ice cream, half a stuffed crust pizza, and 2 Snickers. I eat wholemeal bread pretty much every day and average 250-350 grams of carbs per day (100 grams on some sedentary days, 600 grams on some active days). ~97-106% of my weight loss since December has been from fat mass (Bod Pod results in 11 weeks time will help determine if Siri or Brozeck were more accurate for me when I was >30%BF - I have either lost 2 lb or gained 4 lb of LBM since December) and I have lost 14 inches from my waist since November.

    OP, unless you have a medical condition where you have been advised to avoid bananas, you dislike them, or you are allergic to them, there should be no reason why you can't lose body fat eating them (assuming a calorie deficit).
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    Mmmm bananas!
  • shed50kg
    shed50kg Posts: 69 Member
    I live in Cambodia and there are so many types of bananas and some of them are so good ; - ).,I love bananas. I generally eat at least 10 per week but could easily eat a lot more ; - ). I have lost 11 lbs since I changed my eating habits nearly 3 months ago.

    Like many have said, you just need to eat a deficit of the calories you normally eat to lose weight.
  • ellsworthpc
    Many others posted already about the nutritive value, how many carbs, etc. so I will skip that. My "fitness plan" involves weight gain -- I am genetically thin and it was decades after High School before I finally started putting on weight, both muscular, and yes, some around the belly.

    Now then, if belly fat and bananas were at all related then all of the weight gain I've achieved since last year when I started working on gaining with a goal and (and a shape goal at that!) would be on my belly. Because I on average -- eat one every day. But I'm not chopping it up and putting it on pre-sugared cereal -- that plus another fresh fruit goes in with the lowfat double milk yogurt -- and makes a high protein, decent carbohydrate, little bit of "fat smoothie / almost tastes like a milkshake" that lasts all day. I'm not eating 3000 calories, six times a day -- I'm eating and drinking WELL, and an amount of calories more than I would normally, plus the workout and water so that I put on muscle.

    But a person who has been on a weight LOSS program does the same thing. The dfference being that in her case, it's a non-fat yogurt smoothie with less banana and more fresh fruit to cut down on the calories by about 40%. Instead of muscle building/bulking exercise like I am doing, she's simply added other enough activity like walking, gardening, etc. to "burn more than she earns, aka to make sure her energy consumption is higher than her calorie consumption by just enough that she's staying nourished, but burning the body's stored fuel, aka fats.

    It really isn't rocket science. To bulk, work muscles with weight and consumer a higher balance of protein and adequate everything else. To maintain, find your balancing point in terms of "happy eating and active life" and stick with it. To lose weight for a while, burn more than you earn, usually by cutting a percentage of the carbs out. End of story.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    Just for the lulz you should check out Freelea the banana girl on YouTube.

    ETA: tumblr_lus1i667491qh2o7zo1_500_zpsdb710f31.gif
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Bananas are wonderful for you. Excellent source of potassium, B vitamins, are great for your digestion, and vision even. Studies even show that they may help prevent HIV infection. Those ads are BS.

    how do bananas help prevent HIV infection??

    is it because people use bananas to demonstrate the correct way to put on a condom?
  • nicoleisback
    From what I understand (and I never click on those ads, so I can't confirm if that is what they are on about) there was a big panic about 5-8 years ago that 'browning' bananas were really bad for you, as they browned due to oxidization and eating something in this state (even browned apple flesh, avocado, etc) would lead to an increase in free radicals in the body which were claimed to do all sorts of damage like making you fat and sick all the time. This started about the same time the whole anti oxidant 'movement' for want of a better word started.
    Don't get me wrong, I am not saying anti oxidants are of no value, I am just saying that oxidized foods don't make you sick and fat like they used to claim.
    I may be way off base, so if anyone HAS clicked on one of those ads and lived to tell the tale, feel free to correct me :)

    I am only assuming this is something to do with what it relates to because half of them show a banana going from fresh to old to black.