Are bananas bad for stomach fat?



  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    Eat a banana if you want a banana. You're more likely to die from radiation poisoning than a sugar overdose.
  • swampwitch25
    I think the key is moderation...all foods (except processed) are good in moderation
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    You cant spot reduce so people claiming that one food will reduce fat in a certain area are talking rubbish i'm afraid. Bananas are great I have at least one a day sometimes more it hasnt effected my weight loss.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Bananas are one of the best fruit on the market. Bananas have two times as many carbohydrates as an apple, five times as much Vitamin A and iron and three times as much phosphorus. In addition, bananas are also rich in potassium and natural sugars.

    All of these factors combined make the banana a “super food” that is an integral part of a healthy daily regimen. bananas are a great source of natural energy. 2 bananas will provide enough fuel to your body for well over an hour workout. Why do you thing, athletes of all sorts eat them......Unless you have an allergy to them every one should include them in their diet.

    Best fruit IDK if this is true but a banana AFTER a workout is probably better then not eating one. For some raw vegans eating 5 bananas and 3 cups of kale would be their breakfast. All thing in moderation folks.
  • anthonye123
    anthonye123 Posts: 7 Member
    Did this idiot genuinely just promote durianrider and his dangerous diet? The guy's an idiot. 'The fat you consume is the fat you wear' is a disproven and outdated myth. It doesn't matter what you eat - you can't spot reduce fat. Also there's nothing wrong with eating anything as long as you're in a caloric deficit and meet your fiber and micronutrient needs. Have the occasional pizza if you want - if it fits your macronutrients and the aforementioned micronutrient and fiber needs are already met, it won't hinder your weight loss/gain *AT ALL*

    These myths are old and quite frankly you should all know better. Some of you have children, and I hope you're not passing these lies on to them.
  • nannymarty04
    nannymarty04 Posts: 33 Member
    Banana's are a good and healthy fruit, i eat one everyday! eat and enjoy!
  • anthonye123
    anthonye123 Posts: 7 Member
    Any other foods I should be avoiding? or any thats good for losing tummy fat?

    I'm already gluten free, low carb and mainly eat chicken and fish with salad or veg, though thinking of going dairy free and maybe vegan or vegetarian to see if that helps.

    The type of food you're eating isn't the problem. You either aren't counting your calories properly, or aren't at enough of a caloric deficit to lose weight. Eat basically what you want in moderation, but track it effectively and make sure you're ~400 calories under your maintenance calories. This can be found, although inaccurate, on myfitnesspal. Are you doing any exercise at all?
  • abickford82
    Ever heard of the banana girl diet? Look that up. Freelee is a super tiny little thing...she don't have ANY problems with excess stomach fat. IMO, I'd avoid the yogurt more than the fruit. I try to eat as "clean" as possible. Limited meat sources, lots and lots of fruits and vegetables. As I get smaller and lean out more I'll probably have to limit my sugars from fruit but right now getting smaller and losing fat isn't an issue from banana consumption.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    how do bananas help prevent HIV infection??

    By using the banana instead, I'd reckon.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Did this idiot genuinely just promote durianrider and his dangerous diet? The guy's an idiot. 'The fat you consume is the fat you wear' is a disproven and outdated myth. It doesn't matter what you eat - you can't spot reduce fat. Also there's nothing wrong with eating anything as long as you're in a caloric deficit and meet your fiber and micronutrient needs. Have the occasional pizza if you want - if it fits your macronutrients and the aforementioned micronutrient and fiber needs are already met, it won't hinder your weight loss/gain *AT ALL*

    These myths are old and quite frankly you should all know better. Some of you have children, and I hope you're not passing these lies on to them.

    Anthony, no I am not promoting a raw diet. As for being an idiot, opinions vary. Recommending a (a=one=moderation) banana POST workout is what I'd advocate. By me referencing the 5 banana and 3 cups of kale breakfast is someone's 80/10/10 diet intake for THEIR breakfast. Am I an advocate of this diet? No. Hence the terms moderation in my post above. Hope this helps.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    You should eat all fruit ALONE, as in a mono meal. Because fruit digests quickly, mixing it with other foods can cause bloating in your digestive tract. This is just a proven fact!

    Nothing can cause weight gain except an excess of calories.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Bananas are wonderful for you. Excellent source of potassium, B vitamins, are great for your digestion, and vision even. Studies even show that condoms help prevent HIV infection. Those ads are BS.


    OP - I do not subscribe to the "don't eat this" diet plan as I eat bread, pasta and yes - the "evil" sugars!! I have never noticed a difference in my "belly fat" after eating one.
  • dolthack
    dolthack Posts: 16 Member
    I would echo others here in saying that you should stop eating the banana for breakfast. It's just fructose, and your body LOVES fructose because it's easily stored as fat. Ditch the yogurt too unless it's straight greek yogurt. All those other yogurts that are flavored are CRAP. Have you looked at the sugar content?

    Start your day with some scrambled eggs, at least three. If you want to, ditch one of the yolks out of the three. But stop starting your day with sugar and start beginning it with protein.

    As for the face, neck, etc thinning first - that's natural. The LAST place to go is the stomach fat, so just keep calm and carry on.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I keep seeing ads about tips to lose tummy fat or foods that are bad for stomach fat or good for losing it and there is often a pic of a bunch of banana's usually leads to somewhere that wants you to buy a book to find out!

    Does anyone on here know if they are bad or not as I had been having a banana for breakfast with some probiotic yoghurt but don't know if they are making things I seem to be struggling to lose from tummy but arms legs, face and neck etc are noticeably thinner.

    Any other foods I should be avoiding? or any thats good for losing tummy fat?

    I'm already gluten free, low carb and mainly eat chicken and fish with salad or veg, though thinking of going dairy free and maybe vegan or vegetarian to see if that helps.
    I've never seen a fitness-related ad on MFP that wasn't total broscience. I don't know why the site admin sees fit to let such garbage run on their site.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    You should eat all fruit ALONE, as in a mono meal. Because fruit digests quickly, mixing it with other foods can cause bloating in your digestive tract. This is just a proven fact!

    oh brother.
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    When I opened up this topic, on the right hand side was "5 foods to never eat" in order to cut belly fat and of course a picture of a banana. Go figure. I also have never clicked on one of those and I agree with those that say bananas are great!! I have one for breakfast every day :smile:
  • Dreamingallday
    While reading your post one of those ad things was right there... beside your post.. with the picture of a banana saying " 5 foods to never eat!" It was too perfect.

    I watch bananas for the sugar content more than fat or whatever they claim is in them to make people need to stop eating them. A real banana is far better than the fake marshmallow ones I so adored.

    If you want banana for breakfast, try making banana oatmeal. I make it in my crockpot once in awhile when I really want the taste of banana and it is a much more satisfying breakfast with more staying power.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Eat a banana if you want a banana. You're more likely to die from radiation poisoning than a sugar overdose.

    Or you could die of both at the same time!

    Obviously bananas are not going to kill us, though I do remember reading all kinds of panic and fear mongering over the radiation in bananas when it became more common knowledge.

    Anyway, unless you have an allergy or something, bananas are not going to hurt you. That ad drives me nuts, and I have been curious to click on it just to see what BS it leads to, but I also don't feel like ending up with that ad all over the place on my computer.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member

    I love bananas. Maybe I should do an all banana diet. Banana smoothie, banana bread, banana meringue pie... I'm hungry. I've got a bunch of bananas. I share...sometimes.