

  • Hello! I too suffer the same as you. I am 35 years old and Type I Diabetic. I recently was diagnosed with a hypothyroidism. I have been taking Synthroid for 6 months and have gained 30 pounds and feel horrible! Even before the thyroid issue I have had a horrible time regulating my blood sugar even with proper diet and…
  • it sounds crazy but it is great - put pork/beef roast in crock pot , season with salt and pepper, put enough water to cover the bottom then pour brewed coffee over it ( 1-2 cups). cook low all day or high 4-5 hours (depending on size of roast). It will be so great and tender. You can shred and add small amt of bbq sauce or…
  • has an area that you can add your ingredients and it will calculate the nutritional info based on the number of servings - you can also get and share recipes - really neat site!