

  • I'm exactly the same way! When I originally started with MFP a year ago I was 152 and got all the way down to 133. I was eating healthy and going to the gym regularly (4-5 times a week)... This past year I've been fluctuating between 135-139. Now I've been eating unhealthy choices like sweets, burgers, pizza pretty much…
  • My sister recently surprised me with a Polar FT7 HRM a few weeks ago and I LOVE IT! The first day that I used it I want to compare the elliptical calories vs my HRM calories. I was shocked to see the difference. The elliptical said that I burned 472 calories whereas my HRM said that I burned 796. It's a HUGE difference!
  • I used to work for Outback and we had a salad that had french fries on it.
  • I get up at 4:15am to get ready to go to the gym. I find that if I eat I have more energy to work out than I did on an empty stomach. I ALWAYS eat 1/2 cup of non-fat plain yogurt, 1/2 cup of oatmeal with cinnamon and a small Fuji apple.
  • I wake up at 4:30am. My phone is my alarm and I have it on an annoying ringtone and I put it somewhere that requires me to get out of bed.
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