Not only that but if you look at the definition of "gay," homosexual is it's 4th meaning... Gay \ˈgā\ Definition of GAY John 1685–1732 Eng. poet & dram. Rhymes with GAY a, ae, bay, bey, blae, brae, bray, chez, clay, Cray, day, dey, dray, eh, fay, fey, flay, fley, frae, fray, Frey, gay, gey, gley, gray, hay... [+]more 1gay…
I get so tired of having to be overly sensitive about the words that are used. If you mean it in a derogatory sense, then shame on you but if you simply mean it as jolly, then people need to get over it. I get so tired of the double standards in this country. People sit there and judge when people use words like "gay" or…
I am from SE Missouri, Cape Girardeau
When I first started, I refused to go to the gym out of fear. The gym I go to is full of college kids and I am in my thirties. I finally overcame my fear and went for the first time. I realized then that no one really paid any attention to me, nor did they care. It is great and I am better at working out at the gym rather…
Intimacy is very important in a relationship. However, there are other ways to be intimate other than sex. I would say that if you love the person as much as you say you do, then sex is not a reason to leave. Trust me, I know a girl has needs but cheating is definitely not the answer. There are times when my husband and I…
I did the Daniel Fast a few years back. I lost 16 pounds in 21 days. It was hard but I would not say I was miserable because I was determined at the time and I am also a very picky eater so there are a lot of veggies I don't like. The fact that I am picky made it hard to have variety but if you like vegetables and fruits…
buy new clothes, get naughty with hubby, and hopefully that will result in getting pregnant.
I was 22 when I got engaged and 22 when I got married. We met in March of 2000, engaged in June of 2000, and married in November of 2000. Been happily married for 11 years and 3 months.
Feel free to add me as well. I started at 303 lbs and in 5 weeks I am at 291.4 lbs. Yay me! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
Hiya! My name is Jessica and I am 33 years old. I have about 150 lbs to lose. I am currently a full time college student, wife, and mother. Currently I have have the pleasure of not working but I still put in a lot of work. My husband is disabled and cannot do a whole lot around the house and I have a 16 year old (that…
Southeast - Cape Girardeau area
My aunt, cousin and mom did it and lost weight but another one of my aunts was doing it and it made her liver enzymes go up...not good.
I too am a picky eater. No quite so picky, but I am deathly afraid to try fish. I have tried some vegetables but I will only eat them in small portions, and I have to cut them super tiny and eat with something else. Milk also makes me gag, not all milk products but just white milk, since I was a kid. I have always found it…
My name is Jessica, I am 33 years old and I weigh 303 lbs. I used to swear I would never ever let myself get this big...but here I am. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a fat person, but not the same person I see in pictures. The person I see in pictures is gross. Not my profile pic though, I like that one.…