Feel free to add me, cheers
Hi there, I'm Helen, feel free to friend me if you like.
It sounds like it's coming off. If you are seeing results in your measurements, then skip the scale. Sounds backwards, I know, but you may be putting on muscle, which takes up less space - that's why your measurements are going down and the scale is going slowly. The slower you lose, the more likely it is to stay off, so…
Likes to break into libraries
Yeah, that happened to me too, don't get it resized yet, put it on a chain until you are ready to maintain, then get it resized
Try a community center through the city - they tend to be reasonable, if you can live with not going to the gym at 3am. :)
^^ This Yeah, it's calories in vs. calories out. But that's oversimplifying, nothing's true in 100% of cases. Personally, I'm an all-in-or-nothing kind of person, I'm either eating carbs and cheating, or not eating carbs and perfectly happy to pass on a free chocolate cupcake. The psychology has to be taken into account,…
Yes! We buy this in the organic aisle at the grocery store: [Edit] - and goshnames, I'm in Canada too, we get it at Loblaws and the Supercentre.
Plain yogurt with honey and berries... and a big glass of water... works every time.
Add me if you like, I`ve got a bit more to go :)
That's awesome, thanks so much
OK, so it sounds like I should eat them if I'm hungry. Railr0aderTon - wow, 114 lbs lost? So I think you're saying that I should eat the calories back?
I think that the treadmills should be hooked up to a generator and that should power the gym. I should get a discount off my membership for the power I generate. It's only fair.
^^This. I have tears in my eyes from laughing
When I get to my goal weight, I'm going to do something really crazy, something I've wanted to do my whole life and would never otherwise do. That's my goal!
Get rid of it! We dumped our cable 2 years ago and have loved every minute of life after cable. Even in Canada you can get a lot of content from netflix & online. Most channels have shows you can watch online. You can get a digital antenna for less than $100 and even in our suburban area we get 10 or so channels. We watch…
I've been overweight since I was an infant, but I was on the school basketball team & school tennis teams, I cycled long distances, competed in show jumping and dressage (horseback riding), can ski, skate, love to canoe and took karate. Always was active, always was overweight. Life has irony.
Someone here mentioned that it had to do with water retention, it's completely possible. There's a lot of variation on the scales because of water, sleep, stress, sodium intake, that's why an "official" weekly weigh-in is better than checking in every day. You can weigh 3 pounds more at night than in the morning, so if you…
OMG - I've noticed this too! My weight drops 2-3 days after I've worked out, but the day after, it's up a bit. Thought it was just me.
Oh, and I definitely like measuring at least once a week - that way I always have *some* kind of good news - either on the scale or the tape measure lol
I find the scale goes up and down by 2-3 pounds during the day. So I weigh myself the same time every day, in the evening. I only record my weight once a week, and only if my weight's been down a bit consistently for a couple of days. That way I'm sure I'm losing and I'm not recording it going up, which would be…
I eat back most of mine, and I'm losing. If I don't eat back some or most of them, I'm too hungry the next day and I want to overeat. Eating them back right away makes me less hungry later.
I'm an adult now and I've made an adult decision to lose weight. But know this - I was overweight before I was 1 year old. I was being teased in grade 1 about my weight. Everyone told me my entire childhood to "just stop eating". But what's a 9 YO going to do when she's offered sugary, fatty food and pop? I was obese…
A naturopath once told me that fruit grown in tropical areas has higher sugar than fruit grown in northern climates. More sun = more sugar. So apples, pears, plums, blueberries, any northern berries really, anything that grows in cooler areas tends to be lower in sugar.
sounds good, thanks!
I'm late 30's, I hear what you're saying. I'm always happy to have more friends on MFP, feel free to add me - that's an open invite to anyone non-judgmental.
^^ This