Elliemom09 Member


  • Super Excited --- Completed the 30 day shred this evening!!! All 30 days -- i dont think i have ever done anything for 30 days....lol!!!! All right ladies -- whose ready for the next 30????? :happy:
  • So far I have only done the 30DS! I wish i had more time to work out, but this seems to work perfect for my schedule. I have done really well sticking to my calorie intake ---its killing me, but it seems to be working! :smile:
  • I have 4 days left until i complete my 30 day session. Was suppose to finish tomorrow, but i am a making up for two days that i missed out on. Im actually looking forward to starting this again, only this time taking my measurements and logging my progress. I have lost almost 10 pounds this time and am hoping to burn twice…
  • Completed L3D1!! Hoping those jumps get easier - Overall, i think level 3 is by far my favorite....CRAZY!
  • CONGRATS to you for completing 17 days in a row - today will be my 17th day, and i too, have seen results. Not as fast as i would like, but im still headed in the right direction. I was just telling my husband yesterday that i dont think i have ever done anything for 17days in a row, LOL!!! I am very proud of myself and…
  • I completed D1L2(should be D10L1) but i was getting bored. I'm pretty sure if level 2 doesn't kill me...nothing will! LOL!!! This was one of the toughest workouts i think I have ever done. Looking forward to planking more tomorrow!!!!
  • I'm on day 8 level 1 -- hoping to complete this one without any pain....haha!!!!
  • Completed L1D7 !! I feel great - although i am having the same issue with the calves hurting after the first cardio set - they feel as if they are on fire. I just keep trying to tell myself that this is a good thing and it means good things are happening...lol! Don't know how much longer i can fool my body into believing…
  • Completed day 1 of 30 !!!! This is going to be tough, but i think it's going to pay off!!!
  • Just purchased the 30 day shred!! Would love to join - can i also be added??