

  • Grilled Chicken with some broccilli over rice. Or a small stir fry with low sodium soy sauce ( and don't use too much) with beef or chicken and a bit of frozen veggies.
  • Yogert with granola, Life Cereal, apple with light cheese and some popcorn.:smile: I am with you i don't eat 'Clean" but i try and eat healther now.
  • I know it's hard to stop snacking or diving right into that comfort food. I feel the same way since i had my baby. Good luck and just keep trying. I know it will get easier the further you go. try giving the baby to a friend or leaving the baby with your Fiance and going for a walk even if it's for five minutes. that was…
  • Thanks. I am trying to get back in with my workout routine. It's been a challenge. (I am not very graceful and have managed to tear ligements in my ankle and my knee in the past year.) But i am slowly getting the just my hip area isn't shrinking so i will keep pushing. Thanks.
  • I had my daughter like a year ago and i have these bits of weight on like my hips and just about my hips that i can't seem to get off. its driving me insane and making it hard for me to wear certain pants and skirts. :explode: And tips on losing that area of weight?! :bigsmile: Thank you.
  • Where are you finding these recipes or are you making them yourself because they sound amazing. :smile:
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