Brandy108 Member


  • Ben and Jerry's makes a non-dairy ice cream now :) They use almond milk. The peanut butter cookie flavor is the best, but they have four flavors out. Target is the best place to find them.
  • I switched to a plant-based vegan diet back in January and when you do, you will naturally end up eating higher carb and lower fat/protein. I came from a low carb/high protein diet and I have had success losing weight on both. I'm down about 60 pounds now with 50 left to go. I FEEL a lot better on a starch-based diet and…
    in 80/10/10 Comment by Brandy108 April 2016
  • Hi, I'm Brandy. I am 33, a new vegan (January '16) and eat mostly HCLF. I made the transition for health reasons after reading The China Study and researching more. I eat starch based and try to keep it simple and clean. I struggle occasionally when going out to eat and sometimes slip back into vegetarian as a lot of items…
  • It depends on your weight, fitness level, and how heavy you're lifting during the strength training. I wear a heart rate monitor to get a more accurate result and I typically burn 250-400 calories during the various strength training and 500-700 on the cardio.
  • I don't have cheat days but I'll have an occasional cheat meal if I have something specifically planned (birthday, event, etc.). I find that you crave what you eat so if I don't eat it, I don't crave it. Kind of like your idea of "not one puff ever" mentality, just give it up and after a while, you won't really miss it…
  • bump for later
  • Jamie Eason has some delicious homemade protein bar recipes if you google them. They taste like a muffin but they have about 10g protein for 80-95 calories depending on what kind you pick. The chocolate ones taste like brownies!
  • I have both and I love both. Fitbit won't properly track your exercise unless you're running because it really only counts your steps. Well, the workouts I do include a lot of upper body movements and my heart rate is extremely elevated but my fitbit doesn't know that and seems to think I'm just standing still. However, I…
  • I am officially stealing that mantra! :)
  • Check this out to see a variety :)
  • If you're looking to keep your calories down, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter makes a butter spray that has 5 calories for 5 sprays. It's actually not bad at all if you're just using it for toast and such.
  • You look so amazing! :) :) It's inspiring to see how your hard work has paid off. I can't wait until I've lost as much as you have!
  • Kind of. When you add in your exercise to MFP, you have to put in the exact time you started it and how long it lasted. Then it will grab however many calories you burned according to fitbit and bring them over. Otherwise fitbit will just keep track and if you get a large amount of extra calories burned, you'll see a…
  • You've got to let MFP decide for you. How many pounds per week are you looking to lose? I'm close in age, have a lightly active job, and weigh 218. MFP allows me 1230 calories/day. 1600 would be to maintain my current weight. Yours may be different based on height (I'm only 5'1). But if you answer all the questions…
  • Wow! What a huge look amazing! :)
  • You'll be fine. I'm 5'1 and my goal weight is 120. Even when I am that low, I still have plenty of curves. Also, check out to see what that height/weight would look like for your body shape.
  • Same here. I'm always looking for ideas as well! Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm 5'1 and want to get to 120-125. We'll see when I get there if I'm happy with it! I've never been below 135 as an adult but I wasn't happy with my body even at 135.
  • I feel your pain because I can't cook at all and most healthy foods require cooking. I actually googled how to boil a potato yesterday, haha. But they do taste good once you've gotten used to them and they're much more satisfying than packaged food. There's this site where I'm finding a bunch of low calorie, inexpensive…
  • What a great idea! I always find myself hungry and in a hurry to eat at dinner which leads to frozen healthy choice meals and other crap like that. I plan out every breakfast and lunch for while I'm gone but then lose motivation for dinner. I might steal this idea :)
  • Looks like we're in the same boat! I started about a week ago and like dadiesangil, I've lost 4lbs my first week. The phone app is amazing too if you have's a great way to update throughout the day if you don't have access to a computer.