

  • Ok, so I have taken in all the advice. I am just going to wait for her to bring it up. Thanks for all the advice.
    in help? Comment by auntmimi March 2009
  • So, I have this friend who is on the larger size. I am worried about her health. How can I bring this topic up without hurting her feelings. She has 3 beautiful children that can't live without her. I am afraid she is not going to be able to watch them grow up because she is so big.
    in help? Comment by auntmimi March 2009
  • I am so proud of you. Good job!!
  • i have been looking for that as well. I don't know what to do. If you figure it out let me know. Thanks.
  • I am new to this site. I hope everyone cheers me on as I reach my goal of losing 36 pounds. I will cheer you on if you cheer me on. It is easier if you have people to praise you.:bigsmile:
    in I am new. Comment by auntmimi March 2009
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