SadieHQ Member


  • sigh, I love coffee. But black. If it's like a latte I likely won't like it. What I did today though was just add a bit of butter to a cup of beef broth. I liked that. I'm only on day two of keto though so the tips here are very helpful!
  • Awesome! Hi! I started out with a similar plan to the c25k. I've now run 3 halfs. One back in 2009. Then I fell off the wagon both running and weight wise. Then I had our son. He's now 2. I re-started running in the fall of 2012 and ran 2 halfs in April 2013 ('cause I'm stupid that way). I love the distance because it's…
    in Hi! Comment by SadieHQ May 2013
  • Thanks. I'll definitely have it in mind, but a lot like when my husband and I quit smoking, now seems like the right time to start. I'll keep in mind that the two races may screw that up and that I'll be back at square one ketosis-wise. And now that I know that I won't beat myself up for it (and hopefully not be too…
    in Keto? Comment by SadieHQ May 2013
  • Sorry if I wasn't clear, I will be using carbs to fuel the runs but only during the longer runs. i.e. now I wouldn't have any chews or gels or gatorade until about 1/2 way through the run (I'm slow - I do a half in 2:45-2:55) Instead, from now on for runs over 2 to 2.5 hours and the races I'll be using the chews/gatorade…
    in Keto? Comment by SadieHQ May 2013
  • My husband and I are starting keto tomorrow. It was quite nice to clean out the kitchen actually.
  • My husband and I are starting tomorrow. I'd love someone to bounce ideas around with! I'm 40 which means, of course, I do not understand any of the acronyms you used lol! I think SW = starting weight? I am weighing myself first thing in the morning - wed. may 1 - right now I'm guessing 225-230 I'm also 5'8" but half of me…
  • Bought this on the recommendation of a friend who runs and bikes. My husband and I are switching over to a keto diet as of tomorrow. I had two half-marathons this month and didn't want to switch over until they were done. Of course, now I have two half-marathons scheduled in May but we're switching tomorrow anyway.…
    in Keto? Comment by SadieHQ May 2013
  • I had a concern about that to. 100 of what? According to Eat Right Ontario women 18 to 50 are supposed to get 18 mg a day (men in the same age only need 8). So what's this 100?
  • Would you let a "youngster" sneak in? I turn 39 in March :) I have about 1/3 of myself to get rid of (currently 227 pounds and would like to see 175 before the end of the year) I am married (he's also in the same boat!) and we have a new baby boy (1 year old now) and him and the dog are the only skinny people in the house.…