


  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Ok, I'm finding this whole thread fascinating. I have a few questions about keto, who wants to answer them?!

    - I play roller derby, which is a pretty good workout & high-endurance (500 cal/hr according to my BodyMedia thingie). Would I have to wait for the off-season to start keto?
    - This is less of a question...but...I really do love sweets. Someone promise me those cravings would go away with a keto diet? What would happen if I was in ketosis and ate a whole bag of Skittles?
    - I assume you still have to keep your calorie count relatively low for weight loss/fat burning - how do you manage that with so much fat? I mean, a piece of bacon is almost 100 cals on its own?

    Thanks everybody :)

    Not sure about the first one as I only do light jogging. I promise you the sweet cravings go away, you no longer NEED sweets or bread etc. If you were in Ketosis and you ate a bag of skittles you would just be out of ketosis and probably have to battle sugar cravings for a while (until you get back to being keto) I eat about 1800-2100/day and bacon is less calories after you cook it. Of course if you want to eat it raw, that's cool too! :p
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    first question - why do you want to try a keto diet?

    What do people on a keto diet do for fun?!

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    What the heck do people on a keto diet eat, when they eat out?

    Hot wings and salad/ chicken or salmon on a caesar/fajitas with lettuce wraps and all the fixins/steak and veggies

    I never have an issue eating out. like, EVER.

    aren't those wings covered in high-carb batter? what about that dressing? but yes, it's really not that hard to get meat + veggies while eating out.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,147 Member
    I play roller derby, which is a pretty good workout & high-endurance (500 cal/hr according to my BodyMedia thingie). Would I have to wait for the off-season to start keto?

    You could look at the CKD (cyclical ketogenic diet). Basically it's a low carb diet that have periods of carb loading for higher intensity performance.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member

    What the heck do people on a keto diet eat, when they eat out?

    Hot wings and salad/ chicken or salmon on a caesar/fajitas with lettuce wraps and all the fixins/steak and veggies

    I never have an issue eating out. like, EVER.

    aren't those wings covered in high-carb batter? what about that dressing? but yes, it's really not that hard to get meat + veggies while eating out.

    Sometimes, but then I choose something else but the "naked" wings with hot sauce are usually available. I have them from time to time at a bar near my house. Hot sauce is usually pretty low in carbs, it's the BBQ and honey garlics that typically have "too much"
  • Christy1759
    Christy1759 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm not on the ketogenic diet, per se, but am eating between 25 and 35 carbs per day. It's been great for me. I normally seem to be weight loss resistant, but I lost three pounds last week, and more weight the first three weeks, but I don't know how much, because I didn't weigh in then. It has seriously tamed my appetite, and I don't feel deprived at all, because I can have butter, cream, or cheese with my vegetables, and a moderate amount of meat. There are low-carb recipes all over the net. I just avoid the ones with Splenda or NutraSweet. I just got done finishing the day with chocolate that I made with coconut oil, cocoa, stevia, and xylitol. So good! I hope this keeps working, because it's the best diet I've tried. Warning: The first few days are not fun, when you are withdrawing from carbs, but then, you feel great.
  • SuperKeely
    SuperKeely Posts: 20 Member
    I play roller derby, which is a pretty good workout & high-endurance (500 cal/hr according to my BodyMedia thingie). Would I have to wait for the off-season to start keto?

    You could look at the CKD (cyclical ketogenic diet). Basically it's a low carb diet that have periods of carb loading for higher intensity performance.

    I will look that up, thanks!
  • angelcurry130
    angelcurry130 Posts: 265 Member
    I think the whole "low carb lifestyle" has been completely over-hyped.

    I think you may be one of those people who are not carbohydrate intolerant or insulin resistant and you should be glad. But, until you open your mind to the reality that there are many people out there with widely varying degrees of both issues, you will never understand that for us it is not over-hyped, but under-hyped. There are many people who would benefit metabolically from a low carb or keto diet and they never try it because people like you with limited and biased information tell them it is unhealthy and over-hyped. The fact that many in the medical field are just as uninformed as you doesn't change the fact that this way of eating works for many people and it is more healthy than feeding ourselves with foods we are unable to properly process. Do a little research on the side effects of uncontrolled Diabetes and tell me those are healthy for me.

    Claiming that everyone else, including medical professionals, are somehow "uninformed" is a dead giveaway to a fad diet.

    I'm not saying that eating a ton of carbs, or eating fake carbs, is okay, I'm just saying that carbs have somehow become the enemy in today's fad diet environment; however, when in eaten as part of an overall healthy lifestyle...carbs are essential.

    just for the record...medical fields used to be uninformed about Celiac disease too...wanna go up in arms and claim that is a "fad" too?
  • MechanicalCritter
    MechanicalCritter Posts: 44 Member
    Op, and anyone else interested, here's a great page that takes an in depth look at keto and the science behind it. I know when I first started, I was hard pressed to find quality websites in abundance:
  • beadalicious
    beadalicious Posts: 34 Member
    I absolutely loved it! I lost 37 lbs doing it and have been able to keep it off by exercising and maintaining a "good carb" sense when shopping at the grocery store. When doing it I never felt bloated anymore, and did feel energized all the time. And the best part was that my migraines went away. Just make sure you drink ALOT of water (prolly why migraines went away). I consistently drank close to one gallon of fluids every day. Best of luck to you. It takes a lot of will power but is easier when you realize how much better you feel.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I'm not keto. (And I haven't been paleo since 2012.) However, I like this guy's podcasts and he seems to be a decent resource for this topic:

    Abel James -

    I like his stuff too, seems level headed and not another nutritional zealot.

    I did keto/very low carb for 6 months or so, I'm glad I did as it got me back in touch with what real hunger was (as opposed to blood sugar swings). I didn't see any metabolic advantage in keeping it up so I'm back on all things in moderation. Fewer rules better for me.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I absolutely loved it! I lost 37 lbs doing it and have been able to keep it off by exercising and maintaining a "good carb" sense when shopping at the grocery store. When doing it I never felt bloated anymore, and did feel energized all the time. And the best part was that my migraines went away. Just make sure you drink ALOT of water (prolly why migraines went away). I consistently drank close to one gallon of fluids every day. Best of luck to you. It takes a lot of will power but is easier when you realize how much better you feel.

    I found it took way more will power to be on Weight Watchers. I was constantly craving all the things I could eat in "moderation" It was positively miserable. I have insulin resistance and not having carbs in the form of bread, sugar and really starchy veg has made my life bearable in terms of food. I don't obsess and it's pretty refreshing not to have to battle my will day and night.
  • SadieHQ
    SadieHQ Posts: 33 Member
    Sorry if I wasn't clear, I will be using carbs to fuel the runs but only during the longer runs. i.e. now I wouldn't have any chews or gels or gatorade until about 1/2 way through the run (I'm slow - I do a half in 2:45-2:55) Instead, from now on for runs over 2 to 2.5 hours and the races I'll be using the chews/gatorade right from the beginning.

    I'm not quite through the book referenced above yet so we'll just have to see how it goes.

    In that case I'd say you should probably delay attempting any kind of keto diet until you have a month or more between races.
    The "adaption" that most people talk about is the body getting used to using ketones instead of glucose for energy, this generally can take up to a month.

    When I first started my SKD (Standard Ketogenic Diet-no carb ups) none of the "keto flu" symptoms hit me until about a week and a half/two weeks in (despite me showing positive ketones on ketostix since week 1). Basically if you carb cycle too soon, your body will kind of revert back, and you're basically going to start over.

    In short, if you carb up too soon; you're going to be absolutely miserable and hate life. You're going to be stopping adaption, and having to start over. This is why CKD recommendations are 2-3+ weeks before any kind of carb cycles.

    However ONCE you're actually keto adapted this stuff goes away. I've done keto for 2+ years now (with breaks, and periods of eating normal carb levels), and I can't tell whether or not in ketosis anymore.

    Thanks. I'll definitely have it in mind, but a lot like when my husband and I quit smoking, now seems like the right time to start. I'll keep in mind that the two races may screw that up and that I'll be back at square one ketosis-wise. And now that I know that I won't beat myself up for it (and hopefully not be too unbearable)
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    What the heck do people on a keto diet eat, when they eat out?

    Last night I met my kid's for dinner, I had a side salad (no croutons) with oil and vinegar dressing and a grilled chicken breast. I love Mexican, I always order chicken fajita's without the tortillas, rice and beans. I slather on cheese, avocado's and sour cream...a little lettuce and tomatoes and I'm happy :)

    Steakhouses are my best friend =D
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    When I first started my SKD (Standard Ketogenic Diet-no carb ups) none of the "keto flu" symptoms hit me until about a week and a half/two weeks in (despite me showing positive ketones on ketostix since week 1). Basically if you carb cycle too soon, your body will kind of revert back, and you're basically going to start over.

    what about this makes Keto sound like a natural thing for human beings to be doing? you have to make yourself sick while your body adjusts, and THEN if you mess up on the cycling, you have to start all over.

    and folks wonder why I think keto is unsustainable....
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    When I first started my SKD (Standard Ketogenic Diet-no carb ups) none of the "keto flu" symptoms hit me until about a week and a half/two weeks in (despite me showing positive ketones on ketostix since week 1). Basically if you carb cycle too soon, your body will kind of revert back, and you're basically going to start over.

    what about this makes Keto sound like a natural thing for human beings to be doing? you have to make yourself sick while your body adjusts, and THEN if you mess up on the cycling, you have to start all over.

    and folks wonder why I think keto is unsustainable....

    I got a week of headaches when I stopped caffein and smoking. How about your muscles hurting after a workout? Making it seem unnatrual because of a VERY short adjustment period due to getting off sugar is not seeing the forrest though the trees.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    When I first started my SKD (Standard Ketogenic Diet-no carb ups) none of the "keto flu" symptoms hit me until about a week and a half/two weeks in (despite me showing positive ketones on ketostix since week 1). Basically if you carb cycle too soon, your body will kind of revert back, and you're basically going to start over.

    what about this makes Keto sound like a natural thing for human beings to be doing? you have to make yourself sick while your body adjusts, and THEN if you mess up on the cycling, you have to start all over.

    and folks wonder why I think keto is unsustainable....

    I got a week of headaches when I stopped caffein and smoking. How about your muscles hurting after a workout? Making it seem unnatrual because of a VERY short adjustment period due to getting off sugar is not seeing the forrest though the trees.

    the adjustment isn't "getting off sugar", it's retraining your body to stop metabolizing glucose, which is the "default factory setting" in favor of cannibalizing fat cells. caffeine and smoking are not part of your natural metabolic process... sugar is.

    listen, I understand the draw as a means of losing weight more quickly, but unless you plan to stay on this carb cycling plan indefinitely, you're going to have to learn to eat without gimmicks at some point. and if you are planning on carb cycling your whole life, then I wish you luck!
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    When I first started my SKD (Standard Ketogenic Diet-no carb ups) none of the "keto flu" symptoms hit me until about a week and a half/two weeks in (despite me showing positive ketones on ketostix since week 1). Basically if you carb cycle too soon, your body will kind of revert back, and you're basically going to start over.

    what about this makes Keto sound like a natural thing for human beings to be doing? you have to make yourself sick while your body adjusts, and THEN if you mess up on the cycling, you have to start all over.

    and folks wonder why I think keto is unsustainable....

    I got a week of headaches when I stopped caffein and smoking. How about your muscles hurting after a workout? Making it seem unnatrual because of a VERY short adjustment period due to getting off sugar is not seeing the forrest though the trees.

    the adjustment isn't "getting off sugar", it's retraining your body to stop metabolizing glucose, which is the "default factory setting" in favor of cannibalizing fat cells. caffeine and smoking are not part of your natural metabolic process... sugar is.

    listen, I understand the draw as a means of losing weight more quickly, but unless you plan to stay on this carb cycling plan indefinitely, you're going to have to learn to eat without gimmicks at some point. and if you are planning on carb cycling your whole life, then I wish you luck!

    I don't lose any more quickly than most folks here.... 1lb/week and sometimes none, sometimes 1.5 (probably more to due with hydration than weight) I certainly don't eat LC to lose fast lol. I keep my carbs low so that I don't have to battle carb cravings. If you're not insulin resistant or sensitive, maybe you don't have to have that batte and don't know what that feels like. I can only speak for myself. Keto gives me a fighting chance of winning the battle of the bulge because for ME, it is more sustainable to just limit my carbs to good carbs from fruits and veggies than it is to fight constant cravings.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    @CoachReddy, aren't you primal meaning you don't eat any grains? What makes it less difficult for you and more difficult for me? I wish you luch too :) May the odds be forever in your favour! lol
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    What the heck do people on a keto diet eat, when they eat out?

    Last night I met my kid's for dinner, I had a side salad (no croutons) with oil and vinegar dressing and a grilled chicken breast. I love Mexican, I always order chicken fajita's without the tortillas, rice and beans. I slather on cheese, avocado's and sour cream...a little lettuce and tomatoes and I'm happy :)

    Steakhouses are my best friend =D

    Exactly. I don't eat fast food a lot, but when I do, I just order a burger w/o the bun or "secret sauces". Carl's Jr offers a protein burger. In-n-Out offers a burger "protein style", but honestly, if I'm driving 12 hours for In-N-Out Burger, I'm getting my Double Double Animal Style w/ fries and milk shake, too. LOLOL!