


  • redwngs13
    redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Fads don't last 40 years. Less than 100 g of carbs per day is perfectly sustainable, and is perfectly healthy.

    Meh, that may be. Still, 100g of carbs is equal to roughly 3 bananas. Cutting carbs that much will make you feel tired/moody all the time.

    Odd. I eat 25g of carbs, or less a day. I wake at 4am, spend an hour (6 days a week) at the gym. I work no less than 10 hours a day, asleep by 8:30pm and I'm FINALLY sleeping all night. I have never felt better, I'm anything but tired/moody. Come to think of it..I was tired and moody before I was introduced to keto...

    And my hair/skin looks fabulous! =) only eat 25g of carbs/day? That's completely unhealthy...especially when supplemented with a lifestyle of bacon & chocolate. At 25g (or less) of carbs/day I don't know how anyone could function.
    ermagerd... Why does everyone always say this? I've seen it said so many times... "That's so unhealthy!!", but never explain why. Can you elaborate on why you think it is unhealthy?

    Most bacon is only unhealthy because of the added nitrates and crap. If you're smart about what kind of bacon you buy, it's perfectly fine. And chocolate is generally not eaten on a keto diet (hello, sugar!), unless you have very dark chocolate (think 70% or higher). Dark chocolate is actually pretty good for you in moderation!

    If you're thinking about it being unhealthy on a micronutrients level, can a person on a keto diet not get all of their micronutrient needs through other non-carby foods like vegetables? Lots of veggies have the same micronutrients that fruit has, without all the unnecessary sugars.
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    I think the whole "low carb lifestyle" has been completely over-hyped.

    I think you may be one of those people who are not carbohydrate intolerant or insulin resistant and you should be glad. But, until you open your mind to the reality that there are many people out there with widely varying degrees of both issues, you will never understand that for us it is not over-hyped, but under-hyped. There are many people who would benefit metabolically from a low carb or keto diet and they never try it because people like you with limited and biased information tell them it is unhealthy and over-hyped. The fact that many in the medical field are just as uninformed as you doesn't change the fact that this way of eating works for many people and it is more healthy than feeding ourselves with foods we are unable to properly process. Do a little research on the side effects of uncontrolled Diabetes and tell me those are healthy for me.
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    pictures of 2 different servings of 30 grams of carbs here:

    I know which serving I'd rather have.

    Exactly. And those are the kinds of carbs that people on a keto diet eat. Carbs found in vegetables and not some processed crap that tries to pass itself off as "food."
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks for reddit info. I'm suspicious now as it threw up so many strange pages and won't let me search unless I register. Am I being paranoid??!!

    reddit now has you on a watch list. Just saying.
  • rhogr000
    rhogr000 Posts: 126
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Fads don't last 40 years. Less than 100 g of carbs per day is perfectly sustainable, and is perfectly healthy.

    Meh, that may be. Still, 100g of carbs is equal to roughly 3 bananas. Cutting carbs that much will make you feel tired/moody all the time.

    Odd. I eat 25g of carbs, or less a day. I wake at 4am, spend an hour (6 days a week) at the gym. I work no less than 10 hours a day, asleep by 8:30pm and I'm FINALLY sleeping all night. I have never felt better, I'm anything but tired/moody. Come to think of it..I was tired and moody before I was introduced to keto...

    And my hair/skin looks fabulous! =) only eat 25g of carbs/day? That's completely unhealthy...especially when supplemented with a lifestyle of bacon & chocolate. At 25g (or less) of carbs/day I don't know how anyone could function.
    ermagerd... Why does everyone always say this? Can you elaborate on why you think it is unhealthy? Most bacon is only unhealthy because of the added nitrates and crap. If you're smart about what kind of bacon you buy, it's perfectly fine. And chocolate is generally not eaten on a keto diet (hello, sugar!), unless you have very dark chocolate (think 70% or higher). Dark chocolate is actually pretty good for you in moderation!

    If you're thinking about it being unhealthy on a micronutrients level, can a person on a keto diet not get all of their micronutrient needs through other non-carby foods like vegetables? Lots of veggies have the same micronutrients that fruit has, without all the unnecessary sugars.

    The people that I know who've tried to follow low carb fad diets ALWAYS supplemented their lack of carbs by eating "healthy" (read: low carb) foods like bacon. They would eat copious amounts of high-fat, cholesterol-laden foods "because they can". Eventually, they got the point where low carb was no longer sustainable...once they got off the low carb train the weight came back with a fury.

    Low carb diets are the latest diet craze because they produce quick results (mostly water weight) but participants are encouraged to eat unhealthy, high-fat foods. Rather than eat a healthy balance of all the macros your body needs, they severely (and unnecessarily) limit carbs to unsustainable levels. I mean, come, let's get real: are you really going to be able to eat only ~25g carbs/day every day for the rest of your life...NO.

    A balanced approach to diet (noun) and fitness is necessary for long-term success
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    pictures of 2 different servings of 30 grams of carbs here:

    I know which serving I'd rather have.

    THIS! I eat something from the left hand side EVERY SINGLE DAY.
  • rhogr000
    rhogr000 Posts: 126
    I think the whole "low carb lifestyle" has been completely over-hyped.

    I think you may be one of those people who are not carbohydrate intolerant or insulin resistant and you should be glad. But, until you open your mind to the reality that there are many people out there with widely varying degrees of both issues, you will never understand that for us it is not over-hyped, but under-hyped. There are many people who would benefit metabolically from a low carb or keto diet and they never try it because people like you with limited and biased information tell them it is unhealthy and over-hyped. The fact that many in the medical field are just as uninformed as you doesn't change the fact that this way of eating works for many people and it is more healthy than feeding ourselves with foods we are unable to properly process. Do a little research on the side effects of uncontrolled Diabetes and tell me those are healthy for me.

    Claiming that everyone else, including medical professionals, are somehow "uninformed" is a dead giveaway to a fad diet.

    I'm not saying that eating a ton of carbs, or eating fake carbs, is okay, I'm just saying that carbs have somehow become the enemy in today's fad diet environment; however, when in eaten as part of an overall healthy lifestyle...carbs are essential.
  • ellenkilpatrick
    ellenkilpatrick Posts: 67 Member
    i have listened to podcasts and read alot and endurance athletes perform quite well on a keto diet. I run and my easiest run was on a day that i had less than 30 grams of carbs. I am learning, or should i say teaching my body to burn ketones for fuel and the transition is sometimes difficult but i except to be worth it in the end. I am always postive for urine ketones and my cravings are gone and i am never hungry!!!! What more could a carb junkie ask for!!!! It beats eating Reeses and Snickers then feeling guilty. Listen to some low carb podcasts, the info is amazing!!!
  • cheryl3660
    cheryl3660 Posts: 182 Member
    I mean, come, let's get real: are you really going to be able to eat only ~25g carbs/day every day for the rest of your life...NO.

    Uh, yes, if I want to actually live long enough to enjoy my life without kidney disease, heart disease, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma to name a few of the health risks associated with excessive blood glucose levels.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I think the whole "low carb lifestyle" has been completely over-hyped.

    I think you may be one of those people who are not carbohydrate intolerant or insulin resistant and you should be glad. But, until you open your mind to the reality that there are many people out there with widely varying degrees of both issues, you will never understand that for us it is not over-hyped, but under-hyped. There are many people who would benefit metabolically from a low carb or keto diet and they never try it because people like you with limited and biased information tell them it is unhealthy and over-hyped. The fact that many in the medical field are just as uninformed as you doesn't change the fact that this way of eating works for many people and it is more healthy than feeding ourselves with foods we are unable to properly process. Do a little research on the side effects of uncontrolled Diabetes and tell me those are healthy for me.

    Claiming that everyone else, including medical professionals, are somehow "uninformed" is a dead giveaway to a fad diet.

    I'm not saying that eating a ton of carbs, or eating fake carbs, is okay, I'm just saying that carbs have somehow become the enemy in today's fad diet environment.

    Just to be clear, are these the same "medical professionals" who were preaching "low fat" diet advice a decade ago?
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Fads don't last 40 years. Less than 100 g of carbs per day is perfectly sustainable, and is perfectly healthy.

    Meh, that may be. Still, 100g of carbs is equal to roughly 3 bananas. Cutting carbs that much will make you feel tired/moody all the time.

    Odd. I eat 25g of carbs, or less a day. I wake at 4am, spend an hour (6 days a week) at the gym. I work no less than 10 hours a day, asleep by 8:30pm and I'm FINALLY sleeping all night. I have never felt better, I'm anything but tired/moody. Come to think of it..I was tired and moody before I was introduced to keto...

    And my hair/skin looks fabulous! =) only eat 25g of carbs/day? That's completely unhealthy...especially when supplemented with a lifestyle of bacon & chocolate. At 25g (or less) of carbs/day I don't know how anyone could function.
    ermagerd... Why does everyone always say this? Can you elaborate on why you think it is unhealthy? Most bacon is only unhealthy because of the added nitrates and crap. If you're smart about what kind of bacon you buy, it's perfectly fine. And chocolate is generally not eaten on a keto diet (hello, sugar!), unless you have very dark chocolate (think 70% or higher). Dark chocolate is actually pretty good for you in moderation!

    If you're thinking about it being unhealthy on a micronutrients level, can a person on a keto diet not get all of their micronutrient needs through other non-carby foods like vegetables? Lots of veggies have the same micronutrients that fruit has, without all the unnecessary sugars.

    The people that I've know who've tried to follow low carb fad diets ALWAYS supplemented their lack of carbs by eating "healthy" (read: low carb) foods like bacon. They would eat copious amounts of high-fat, cholesterol-laden foods "because they can". Eventually, they got the point where low carb was no longer sustainable...once they got off the low carb train the weight came back with a fury.

    Low carb diets are the latest diet craze because they produce quick results (mostly water weight) but participants are encouraged to eat unhealthy, high-fat foods. Rather than eat a healthy balance of all the macros your body needs, they severely (and unnecessarily) limit carbs to unsustainable levels. I mean, come, let's get real: are you really going to be able to eat only ~25g carbs/day every day for the rest of your life...NO.

    A balanced approach to diet (noun) and fitness is necessary for long-term success

    Well the low carb people I know, eat tons of vegetables, with tons of bacon, and tons of nuts, and tons of cheese.
    And when they were ready to go back to "normal" they didn't binge on carb-laden foods. They introduced carbs little by little increasing their carb intake at a moderate pace. And are MAINTAINING their weight loss through low-carbing.

    And please tell me, who are you to tell me I can't eat this way the rest of my life? It's my life and I will chose to live it the way I want. It's been a year now, and that doesn't seem like a "fad" or "short-term diet"
    Eating lots of carbs makes me unhappy, eating a tiny bit of carbs makes me happy. I think I'm making the right choice.

    A balanced keto diet approach, 65% fat, 35% protein, and 5% carbs is another viable way to live, be happy, and lose tons of weight.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    science disagrees with you, sir.
  • rhogr000
    rhogr000 Posts: 126
    I mean, come, let's get real: are you really going to be able to eat only ~25g carbs/day every day for the rest of your life...NO.

    Uh, yes, if I want to actually live long enough to enjoy my life without kidney disease, heart disease, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma to name a few of the health risks associated with excessive blood glucose levels.

    I eat roughly 120 grams of carbs/day (sometimes more). This is in the form of fruit (primarily bananas), brown rice, and sometimes whole wheat bread or a baked potato. This would be a cardinal sin on a low-carb diet. However, is it really unhealthy? Of course not.
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
  • rhogr000
    rhogr000 Posts: 126
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Fads don't last 40 years. Less than 100 g of carbs per day is perfectly sustainable, and is perfectly healthy.

    Meh, that may be. Still, 100g of carbs is equal to roughly 3 bananas. Cutting carbs that much will make you feel tired/moody all the time.

    Odd. I eat 25g of carbs, or less a day. I wake at 4am, spend an hour (6 days a week) at the gym. I work no less than 10 hours a day, asleep by 8:30pm and I'm FINALLY sleeping all night. I have never felt better, I'm anything but tired/moody. Come to think of it..I was tired and moody before I was introduced to keto...

    And my hair/skin looks fabulous! =) only eat 25g of carbs/day? That's completely unhealthy...especially when supplemented with a lifestyle of bacon & chocolate. At 25g (or less) of carbs/day I don't know how anyone could function.
    ermagerd... Why does everyone always say this? Can you elaborate on why you think it is unhealthy? Most bacon is only unhealthy because of the added nitrates and crap. If you're smart about what kind of bacon you buy, it's perfectly fine. And chocolate is generally not eaten on a keto diet (hello, sugar!), unless you have very dark chocolate (think 70% or higher). Dark chocolate is actually pretty good for you in moderation!

    If you're thinking about it being unhealthy on a micronutrients level, can a person on a keto diet not get all of their micronutrient needs through other non-carby foods like vegetables? Lots of veggies have the same micronutrients that fruit has, without all the unnecessary sugars.

    The people that I've know who've tried to follow low carb fad diets ALWAYS supplemented their lack of carbs by eating "healthy" (read: low carb) foods like bacon. They would eat copious amounts of high-fat, cholesterol-laden foods "because they can". Eventually, they got the point where low carb was no longer sustainable...once they got off the low carb train the weight came back with a fury.

    Low carb diets are the latest diet craze because they produce quick results (mostly water weight) but participants are encouraged to eat unhealthy, high-fat foods. Rather than eat a healthy balance of all the macros your body needs, they severely (and unnecessarily) limit carbs to unsustainable levels. I mean, come, let's get real: are you really going to be able to eat only ~25g carbs/day every day for the rest of your life...NO.

    A balanced approach to diet (noun) and fitness is necessary for long-term success

    Well the low carb people I know, eat tons of vegetables, with tons of bacon, and tons of nuts, and tons of cheese.
    And when they were ready to go back to "normal" they didn't binge on carb-laden foods. They introduced carbs little by little increasing their carb intake at a moderate pace. And are MAINTAINING their weight loss through low-carbing.

    And please tell me, who are you to tell me I can't eat this way the rest of my life? It's my life and I will chose to live it the way I want. It's been a year now, and that doesn't seem like a "fad" or "short-term diet"
    Eating lots of carbs makes me unhappy, eating a tiny bit of carbs makes me happy. I think I'm making the right choice.

    A balanced keto diet approach, 65% fat, 35% protein, and 5% carbs is another viable way to live, be happy, and lose tons of weight.

    You can eat however you want. I just wish people would stop making carbs out to be the "the enemy" and realize that they are actually necessary for a well rounded diet.
  • redwngs13
    redwngs13 Posts: 194 Member
    Options only eat 25g of carbs/day? That's completely unhealthy...especially when supplemented with a lifestyle of bacon & chocolate. At 25g (or less) of carbs/day I don't know how anyone could function.
    ermagerd... Why does everyone always say this? Can you elaborate on why you think it is unhealthy? Most bacon is only unhealthy because of the added nitrates and crap. If you're smart about what kind of bacon you buy, it's perfectly fine. And chocolate is generally not eaten on a keto diet (hello, sugar!), unless you have very dark chocolate (think 70% or higher). Dark chocolate is actually pretty good for you in moderation!

    If you're thinking about it being unhealthy on a micronutrients level, can a person on a keto diet not get all of their micronutrient needs through other non-carby foods like vegetables? Lots of veggies have the same micronutrients that fruit has, without all the unnecessary sugars.

    The people that I've know who've tried to follow low carb fad diets ALWAYS supplemented their lack of carbs by eating "healthy" (read: low carb) foods like bacon. They would eat copious amounts of high-fat, cholesterol-laden foods "because they can". Eventually, they got the point where low carb was no longer sustainable...once they got off the low carb train the weight came back with a fury.

    Low carb diets are the latest diet craze because they produce quick results (mostly water weight) but participants are encouraged to eat unhealthy, high-fat foods. Rather than eat a healthy balance of all the macros your body needs, they severely (and unnecessarily) limit carbs to unsustainable levels. I mean, come, let's get real: are you really going to be able to eat only ~25g carbs/day every day for the rest of your life...NO.

    A balanced approach to diet (noun) and fitness is necessary for long-term success
    But why is eating fat so bad? Us low-carbers seem to get shunned for apparently demonizing carbs, but you're doing exactly the same thing with fat by making it seem like the villain. Eating fat does not make you fat.

    You're right in saying that the majority of people jumping on the low-carb train will end up derailing later and gaining it all back with a fury. But, if a person does it smart by reintroducing carbs into their diet gradually (like upping carb intake by 50g per week for a few weeks), then the weight re-gain will be minimal and mostly due to water. You just have to approach it the right way to make it work.
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    I mean, come, let's get real: are you really going to be able to eat only ~25g carbs/day every day for the rest of your life...NO.

    Uh, yes, if I want to actually live long enough to enjoy my life without kidney disease, heart disease, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma to name a few of the health risks associated with excessive blood glucose levels.

    I eat roughly 120 grams of carbs/day (sometimes more). This is in the form of fruit (primarily bananas), brown rice, and sometimes whole wheat bread or a baked potato. This would be a cardinal sin on a low-carb diet. However, is it really unhealthy? Of course not.

    Are you following a low carb diet? No.
    You are following you're own plan, and I am following my own.
    Who has the right to say that one is better than the other?
    We do what works for us low-carbers, and you do what works for you,
    Everyone is here to get healthy, and the op just asked for our opinions on Keto.
    I believe everyone has their freewill and will chose to their best interest,
    and whatever renders the most success in their attempt to live a healthy life.
    Live and let live.
  • AEMachado
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Ketogenic diets have been around since the 1920s. It's got a lot of research behind it and it's perfectly healthy if done correctly.

    Therapeutic keto was developed in the 1920's for epilepsy, but was more-or-less phased out with the introduction of medicine to control episodes. That said, it does seem to have a modicum of effectiveness for those with epilepsy.

    It is still used as a treatment for epilepsy. We looked into it when our daughter was diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy, doose syndrome, that has been known to not respond to drug treatments.
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    I'd love some people to educate themselves at least a bit on newer info on the poison and dangers of so called healthy foods and the facts that good fats are such a benefit and that the whole cholestrol scaremongering had many mistakes especially re fat. Good fats are good, including good bacon; sugar and white flour are causing heart attacks and obesity! The mass producers of grains and sugar etc have had so much power and brainwashed us well!!
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Fads don't last 40 years. Less than 100 g of carbs per day is perfectly sustainable, and is perfectly healthy.

    Meh, that may be. Still, 100g of carbs is equal to roughly 3 bananas. Cutting carbs that much will make you feel tired/moody all the time.

    Odd. I eat 25g of carbs, or less a day. I wake at 4am, spend an hour (6 days a week) at the gym. I work no less than 10 hours a day, asleep by 8:30pm and I'm FINALLY sleeping all night. I have never felt better, I'm anything but tired/moody. Come to think of it..I was tired and moody before I was introduced to keto...

    And my hair/skin looks fabulous! =) only eat 25g of carbs/day? That's completely unhealthy...especially when supplemented with a lifestyle of bacon & chocolate. At 25g (or less) of carbs/day I don't know how anyone could function.
    ermagerd... Why does everyone always say this? Can you elaborate on why you think it is unhealthy? Most bacon is only unhealthy because of the added nitrates and crap. If you're smart about what kind of bacon you buy, it's perfectly fine. And chocolate is generally not eaten on a keto diet (hello, sugar!), unless you have very dark chocolate (think 70% or higher). Dark chocolate is actually pretty good for you in moderation!

    If you're thinking about it being unhealthy on a micronutrients level, can a person on a keto diet not get all of their micronutrient needs through other non-carby foods like vegetables? Lots of veggies have the same micronutrients that fruit has, without all the unnecessary sugars.

    The people that I've know who've tried to follow low carb fad diets ALWAYS supplemented their lack of carbs by eating "healthy" (read: low carb) foods like bacon. They would eat copious amounts of high-fat, cholesterol-laden foods "because they can". Eventually, they got the point where low carb was no longer sustainable...once they got off the low carb train the weight came back with a fury.

    Low carb diets are the latest diet craze because they produce quick results (mostly water weight) but participants are encouraged to eat unhealthy, high-fat foods. Rather than eat a healthy balance of all the macros your body needs, they severely (and unnecessarily) limit carbs to unsustainable levels. I mean, come, let's get real: are you really going to be able to eat only ~25g carbs/day every day for the rest of your life...NO.

    A balanced approach to diet (noun) and fitness is necessary for long-term success

    Well the low carb people I know, eat tons of vegetables, with tons of bacon, and tons of nuts, and tons of cheese.
    And when they were ready to go back to "normal" they didn't binge on carb-laden foods. They introduced carbs little by little increasing their carb intake at a moderate pace. And are MAINTAINING their weight loss through low-carbing.

    And please tell me, who are you to tell me I can't eat this way the rest of my life? It's my life and I will chose to live it the way I want. It's been a year now, and that doesn't seem like a "fad" or "short-term diet"
    Eating lots of carbs makes me unhappy, eating a tiny bit of carbs makes me happy. I think I'm making the right choice.

    A balanced keto diet approach, 65% fat, 35% protein, and 5% carbs is another viable way to live, be happy, and lose tons of weight.

    You can eat however you want. I just wish people would stop making carbs out to be the "the enemy" and realize that they are actually necessary for a well rounded diet.

    Not one of us "low-carbers" has said carbs are the enemy or that we were eliminating them completely.
    Carbs are still in our diet, but they are very low in count. And high in fiber. We chose vegetables as our main source of carbs, versus bread or pasta.