
I'm considering trying a ketogenic diet starting on Friday (when I get paid). I figure, I'll go to the grocery store and get the keto friendly foods, try it out for the 2 week pay period, and if I don't like it (or it's too hard for this carb junkie) I'll just get my normal "diet" foods the following pay period.

Any advice? I'm not a HUGE meat eater but I could work on it. Where do you get your favorite recipes? And can I eat blue cheese salad dressing? It's low carb lol


  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    If you like carbs so much, why are you going to try Keto?
  • goodformgirl
    goodformgirl Posts: 4 Member
    Keto was the best thing for me. I highly recommend it! Basically, you have to change your mindset on carbs. Carbs = sugar. If you eat carbs, it will be stored longer in your body. If you eat that plate of pasta, or a sandwich, or a piece of cake, that food is easily digestible and will last a long time in your system and it will take forever to try and burn it off. I have been doing keto since December with periods of LCHF and have lost 19 pounds and my SO lost 30. My triglycerides went down 140. I now have proof that keto does work.

    The best info I found was the keto community on Check out r/ketorecipes and r/theketodiet also. Read the sidebars and you can figure out your macros with the keto calculator that is listed. There are great sites also in the sidebar for recipes. Also check out I just had the cream cheese pancakes this morning!

    Easiest menu I have found is eggs and turkey bacon (I'm not much of a pork eater) for breakfast. Salad and protein for lunch. Salad, side of vegetables, and protein for dinner. Change up the salads. Eat lots of spinach, broccoli and cauliflower. I make a great cauliflower pizza. Cheesecake cupcakes are the best. We use Newman's Italian, Ken's Blue Cheese dressing, or Hidden Valley Ranch. Beware of hidden the labels especially in sauces, dressings, and BBQ sauce.

    You can do it!
  • CinnamonCupcake
    CinnamonCupcake Posts: 8 Member
    How much water weight do you gain from drinking water?
  • rhogr000
    rhogr000 Posts: 126
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.
  • Joey_TheGreat
    i would go low carb first then if you can handle the depletion of carbs start a KETO diet . i love my carbs (simple or complex) and when i cut them out of my diet i am miserable person. Granted i feel healthier lighter happier in the aspect of a physical standpoint but when i see or smell some carbs its a trigger. best of luck lol
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Fads don't last 40 years. Less than 100 g of carbs per day is perfectly sustainable, and is perfectly healthy.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Ketogenic diets have been around since the 1920s. It's got a lot of research behind it and it's perfectly healthy if done correctly.
  • rhogr000
    rhogr000 Posts: 126
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Fads don't last 40 years. Less than 100 g of carbs per day is perfectly sustainable, and is perfectly healthy.

    Meh, that may be. Still, 100g of carbs is equal to roughly 3 bananas. Cutting carbs that much will make you feel tired/moody all the time.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    Ketogenic diets have been around since the 1920s. It's got a lot of research behind it and it's perfectly healthy if done correctly.

    You got me beat by 50 years.:laugh: I knew it went back to at least the 70s when I had a little booklet saying to keep carbs to < 55g/day. So that's even better that it goes back at least 90 years.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Ketogenic diets have been around since the 1920s. It's got a lot of research behind it and it's perfectly healthy if done correctly.

    You got me beat by 50 years.:laugh: I knew it went back to at least the 70s when I had a little booklet saying to keep carbs to < 55g/day. So that's even better that it goes back at least 90 years.

    LOL no problem. It was designed in the 20s for epileptics and was very popular up until the advent of the first anti-seizure drugs and then was forgotten about until pretty recently (Maybe around the 70s as you originally said) I believe they also used to treat diabetics with a similar diet which might be why its so effective for those with metabolic disorders
  • rhogr000
    rhogr000 Posts: 126
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Ketogenic diets have been around since the 1920s. It's got a lot of research behind it and it's perfectly healthy if done correctly.

    Therapeutic keto was developed in the 1920's for epilepsy, but was more-or-less phased out with the introduction of medicine to control episodes. That said, it does seem to have a modicum of effectiveness for those with epilepsy.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Ketogenic diets have been around since the 1920s. It's got a lot of research behind it and it's perfectly healthy if done correctly.

    Therapeutic keto was developed in the 1920's for epilepsy, but was more-or-less phased out with the introduction of medicine to control episodes. That said, it does seem to have a modicum of effectiveness for those with epilepsy.

    Not a ' modicum' of effectiveness, quite the contrary.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member

    Meh, that may be. Still, 100g of carbs is equal to roughly 3 bananas. Cutting carbs that much will make you feel tired/moody all the time.

    Three bananas are almost pure sugar. Talk about a carb crash.

    I've done two-hour mountain bike trail rides jumping roots with no problem while on keto. We carry fat because it's energy dense. The body "prefers" to use carbs because it's easier to convert to energy, and the body is lazy. The first tissue the body jettisons during starvation is muscle, because muscle is hungry and energy-expensive. So the body ditches it. To store our energy as carbohydrate we'd need to store so much we could not move. Fat is the most efficient form of energy. A proper keto diet is not no-carb, it's low carb, with the carbs coming from from leaves, i.e. vegs. and most of the energy coming from fat.
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Fads don't last 40 years. Less than 100 g of carbs per day is perfectly sustainable, and is perfectly healthy.

    1. It is essential to maintain the proper percentages of food intake. 65% fat, 35% protein, 5% carbs. Too much protein and you can do serious damage to your body. Its kinda hard to get too much protein, but make sure you are careful.
    2. You still want to keep a low calorie intake. I did keto for many months and recommend it, but there is quite a bit of debate on if its the ketosis that causes the weight loss, or if the diet naturally causes you to be in a calorie deficit. That said, its MUCH easier to maintain a calorie deficit when you get to eat all the bacon you want.

    As to OP's question, the best resources for recipes I found are: (look for FP [Food Porn] posts)
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    Keto is no fad diet!!! Keto never makes me tired or moody but the opposite!!! If you love carbs like me, you may like me not be able to control how much you eat, hence keto is perfect. Losing all those cravings for the awful processed junk and sugar we love is such freedom. Feeling so much healthier from eating much less white flour and sugar and junk and from eating good fats and greens is wonderful!!!!!!! Having less choice is not always a bad thing; why are we so demanding about having it all??!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    If this is something you really want to do I say go for it. I feel it's harder to focus on eating well when you deprive yourself of whole food groups though. You can lose weight no matter what you eat if you exercise...I couldn't find the full article that discussed the various other examples and studies off hand (I will try to keep looking) but I remember this specific story and wanted to share it:

    "Twinkie diet helps nutrition professor lose 27 pounds" -->

    You don't have to go on XYZ diet to lose weight. Just use your best judgement and eat well and exercise. Best of luck to you though!!
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    I know Keto may have worked for some, but to me it sounds like just another fad diet. Keto severely slashes carbs...sometimes to fewer than 100g/day; that's not healthy nor sustainable.

    Sure its sustainable as long as you are not a heavy exerciser or professional athlete. I did the C25K on keto with no ill effects. It wasn't until I decided I wanted to run a half marathon that I brought more carbs into my diet. The only real issue I had with keto was trying to find somewhere to go out and eat.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member

    Therapeutic keto was developed in the 1920's for epilepsy, but was more-or-less phased out with the introduction of medicine to control episodes. That said, it does seem to have a modicum of effectiveness for those with epilepsy.

    This is all written in the present tense:
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'm considering trying a ketogenic diet starting on Friday (when I get paid). I figure, I'll go to the grocery store and get the keto friendly foods, try it out for the 2 week pay period, and if I don't like it (or it's too hard for this carb junkie) I'll just get my normal "diet" foods the following pay period.

    Any advice? I'm not a HUGE meat eater but I could work on it. Where do you get your favorite recipes? And can I eat blue cheese salad dressing? It's low carb lol

    Oh, and to answer your question, I love the blog. Lots of great keto ideas :)
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    How much water weight do you gain from drinking water?

    Water weighs one pound for every 16 oz, or a pound per large glass