layny89 Member


  • Personally, I don't eat bacon or most meats with pork (I've got a weakness for salami though). It's not because it's a "dirty" animal, it's because I just can't stand the smell/taste/texture, etc. of most pork (or meat in general for that matter), though I'm in no way a vegetarian lol Anyway, eating bacon shouldn't affect…
  • Hey all! I'm 5'7", 23 years old, and 157lbs. I'm looking to get to or lower than 140lbs by the end of April. Getting married June 1st so I gotta look great! lol And I definitely need the help with motivation (plus I know I feel more motivated when I'm trying to motivate others).
  • I've always had my height, weight, and BMI recorded at every doctor's visit. I don't see why it should suddenly be "required" when it's already used all the time in all my medical records.
  • I really like the ideas on that newsletter. Thanks for that! Found something called the office workout.
  • Yeah, I really like the features on this site. I have tried using other food and exercise trackers, but they weren't very user-friendly or populated. I felt there were never enough people going to those sites daily to get much support. But, so far, I love how easy to use it all is, and I love how many people are truly…