

  • Cycling is great. You can make it more of a workout by going up a gear or two, also try and cycle on different terrains, hills etc My issues is that it can get a bit tedious, so I try and find different routes to make it more interesting. Also sticking the ipod on also helps. If your having issues with your calf, then you…
  • I've always found the best 'natural' thing to use, is to simply have a handful of prunes every day - they're loaded with fibre, great antioxidants and natural laxatives. Mangos also work for many people and keep drinking loads of water. Lack of fibre is usually the problem.
  • I love potatoes too, but try not to eat them more than a couple of times a week. I actually switched to sweet potatoes and I love them as well.
  • Throw the scales away and go on your measurements. If you weight too often there are so many factors that results in weight fluctuation, you shouldn't really weigh more than once a week, on the same day of the week and first thing in the morning.
  • Interesting article. A few holes though, given it was done in the 1950's and the study was done only on men at the peak of their 'physical and mental fitness' doesn't represent society as a whole. People in peak physical fitness are likely to have more muscle mass, so that's the first thing the body loses,a s muscles take…