

  • Even though i have brown hair my beard contains brown plus every shade of ginger going i also get sunburnt on a cloudy/rainy day does that count?
  • For me the trainer made all the difference especially when you have confidence in them! Nothing builds trust like training to failure on squats then having them help you with 2 forced reps during a hypertrophy phase.
  • I have never done a 1 rep max but every winter i do strength training because im a Shot Putter so i dont train heavy during the summer so last winter i was at my strongest i've ever been hopefully ill be able to take it a bit further when this season ends. Bench Press 6 x 160KG (352lbs) just rechecked my training log it…
  • When doing strength training in the off season I just listen to my body some of the rest days I need to do nothing others I can do light activity if you feel like you can/want to do something then do it no one can know your body better than you.
  • Deads and bent over rows is my off season back workout. The best I have ever had was last winter was 6 reps of 300kg for 2 sets with lifting straps. Unfortunately I picked up an injury and couldn't do them again before my season started so I cant wait to get back to them this winter
  • My protein is definitely the place to start. Anyone using for meal replacements should look into a peptide protein powder (my proteins is called total peptide) this is a protein blend, usually 3 types of protein so its has a timed released effect. I personally use cnp propeptide and if I need carbs adding to it I usually…
  • I add maltodextrin to my protein drink that seems to help me.
  • I recently discovered I love tall women in heels I was in a bar the other week and there was 2 girls in there both 5'11 and they were wearing 4" heels I couldn't keep my eyes off them. It didn't hurt that they were both fashion students and they was out celebrating one of their birthdays as I found out when I got chatting…
  • Im a big fan off the cheat meal (every Sunday evening for me) I find it helps my weightloss compared to just eating a static amount of calories everyday.
  • If you are using them for working out including walking/running you should go to a proper running store where basically they map how you run/walk and can advise you on on the correct shoes with the correct support that you need. This should get rid of the pain and i believe will make them last longer at least more than a…
  • They have it in my local sainsburys I love Warburtons seeded batch.
    in Bread? Comment by mikem45 June 2012
  • Rather than a cheat day I have a cheat meal every Sunday where I just have whatever I want I find this approach works best for me. Everybody needs to remember we are all different what works for me might not work for you so don't be afraid of trying new things and see how they work out for yourself. I've always been told…
  • Thanks its not working on my tab but I'll try it on my desktop later.
  • How about keeping your milk separate until you need to use it or just give it a go and see what happens.
  • Id say you look like a 10 to me if i seen you out i'd probably go all Joey Tribbiani on you - How you doin?
  • My favourite physique of all time is Arnold Schwarzenegger from the 70's like in the film Pumping Iron but as im not a body builder its unlikely ill achieve anything like that so im going to say Vin Diesel from the XXX film, that would be a pretty good look.
  • First go to the tools tab and then tickers after you have designed you ticker go to the community tab and find settings and make sure the box is checked to display ticker.
  • I'm from Manchester anyone reading this feel free to add me
  • I had Alpen for the first time about 4 weeks ago and I love it had it every morning since then
  • Same thing happened to me I just keep repeating it till i can complete it.
  • I realised I forgot to mention in my previous post we are all different everybody will react in a different way what works for me may not work for you so by knowing this try different things and learn what works for you. This is definitely a journey of self discovery and in the end no one can know your body better than…
  • About a year ago I was doing a body builder style diet where we Carb cycled so it would be one high Carb day (4000kcals) followed by 3 low days (3200kcals) and for me with the correct training I found it to be a very effective diet especially for fat loss as I was having my lean body mass calculated every fortnight using…
  • I wouldn't get a tatt myself but girls with tatts definitely do it for me!
  • I like eating it as a filling for baked sweet potato
  • I don't think it matters what time you eat as long as it isn't immediately before bed, my friend who is a competitive body builder has his last meal around 10.30pm even when he is getting ready for a show and that includes carbs protein and fat. I've always found melon a good snack probably cause its mainly full of water.…
    in Snacks Comment by mikem45 June 2012
  • If the cheat day is important I would change it to a cheat meal and just choose one meal a week to eat whatever you want.
  • Hey just added you anyone reading this feel free to add me too
    in UK Friends. Comment by mikem45 June 2012
  • If you have a iPod gymboss do an app which I've found pretty good in the past, as for using it for motivation nothing beats a 1 on 1 session with a good personal trainer I use one for strength training in the winter and I have never been so strong. Find a good one and they know when to step in be it to shout motivation,…
  • Manchester U.K. feel free to add me
  • I just downloaded this app im going to start it on Sunday add me if you want and i will keep you updated how its going.