

  • This 100% heavy lifting is the way to go, look into SL5x5 or starting strength
  • Jeez, the memories.. First game that turned me into true gamer would have to be socom navy seals on PS2. The only other mutliplayer game I tried before this was on PC, called age of empires2. With socom though it was different. I lived with a buddy and we played together in the same room with 2 TVs. Soon we met others and…
  • xbox360=flyingpickle
  • Hello all, I am a 36 year old, 5'11'' 197lb geek. I have a 14 year old son who is also a gamer and owns me at FPS games, and totally surpassed me in league of legends. Work fulltime at verizon, have a dog and am married to a wonderful woman. I get to see my son on the weekends and since joining MFP and lifting heavy, I…
  • First toon was in vanilla, Tauren shaman named Wisky, Since then I changed over to an orc hunter, then undead mage, then I leveled belf pally, then a few more toons. Dam I could go on and on.
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1104610-has-anyone-started-with-less-then-45lb-bar I posted this a few weeks ago for my wife. It will be hard if your gym has no other bar options, but I am sure some of the ladies on here will have suggestions.
  • Gamer here, pc and Xbox360, just an fyi I am a man... Got a friend request denied by a lady because she "wasn't accepting friends requests from men". So if you are ok with have a male on your friends list please add me.
  • I have found for ME it is good to get some food in you for some energy throughout the day. Figure out what your daily calorie goal is and adjust your intake so you can meet that goal. Some split it up into six small meals, some only eat two huge meals. Bottom line is eating at a deficit, getting lean meats, fruits and…
  • Good to see someone else enjoying lifting and doing compound lifts, say no to cardio and isolation lifts!! Also good to do something that makes you happy. Check out stronglifts 5x5 or starting strength for some awesome information and FACTS about lifting heavy. Kill all the myths about muscle confusion and having to change…
  • yah i was trying to be hopeful, sorry 30% is totally hot, please do not take my post as shallow, it was a poor attempt at being funny i guess, even 35% is hot in my eyes. In the end it is what YOU feel happy about. I would love to look like the 8-10% male but I will never be there. I will be content with the male 15% pic
  • I think it is safe to say that woman between 15% and 22% are good and men between 11% and 19% are good, no idea how accurate those pictures are but it kinda gives you an idea
  • Have you ever considered joining the strong lifts inner circle? I know it can get pricey just for access to a website, but I have to say I love it and think it is worth every penny. Every single member is willing to answer questions and help, plus you always get some great stuff from Mehdi, I think I am getting a pdf of…
  • When doing rows and deadlifts the bar should be at 8inches off the ground as though it had 45lb plates on it, I did not start with that weight nor did my wife. I wanted to have something to put the bar on so it was at the proper hieght, also when doing OHP, I start out from the ground cause I do not have a rack outside.
  • Welcome to the group, its been getting a little more active. Have your wife check out the stronglifts 5x5 for woman group, they are super active and very helpful.
  • Google weight lifting chalk, check sports authority, or ****s sporting, or order it online.
    in Gloves? Comment by Mikej77 October 2013
  • I was told by the guys on the SLIC that are pulling 300+ lbs "Gloves just add extra thickness making it harder to grip, and adds more creases and folds to make callus formation worse" You may want to get wrist straps if you are having trouble with grip strength, but starting out with chalk is your best bet.
    in Gloves? Comment by Mikej77 October 2013
  • Stay off the scale, take body measurements or even get an accurate body fat% reading. I have seen progress pics of woman doing weight training, dropping INCHES off thier trouble areas but gaining numbers on the scale.
  • http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?id=XN-1110 Saves my wife and I more times then I can count
  • This is an awesome read about this question. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/...used-or-questioning-eating-your-exercise-calo
  • Yah I am just going to see how each day goes, continue to log and watch my performance. I am not at my max potential yet but could be close. I been reading up on BMR and TDEE and I am a number cruncher, I like to min max when it comes to things. I have found that all TDEE calculators that are online are rough estimates,…
  • The funny part is I did not even notice you said mats until now. That is funny! Do you guys game?
  • I did not get that impression at all, I think some on here swear by certain things and are very confident when something works for them. Also keep in mind tone, emotion and intentions are very hard to read on the forums. All of the ladies in this group are super helpful and respect all members. I sent you a message giving…
  • Thank you so much for the replies http://www.health-calc.com/diet/energy-expenditure-advanced is awesome as I can adjust it for days I work out and days I just walk. I hope to God this is accurate!
  • From my understanding, burning fat and getting fit, or decreasing your body fat% has the most to do with diet. When someone says they want to do this and get stronger it is a little harder to accomplish at the same time. To get stronger your body needs more then its TDEE to build muscle. There is actually a study out there…
  • I went to home depot, purchase two 2x4s that were 8ft, cut one into eight 10" pieces, then cut the other 2x4 into twelve 7.25" peices, I found a sanded piece of 3/4 inch plywood, 48"x24", Cut this in half so you have the two base pieces of 24"x24". Hardest part was screwing the 2x4s together, I used 2 inch screws, gotta…
  • Hello all, On Saturday, Wendy was using a 15lb bar for squats and was having trouble reaching parrallel. I do not want her to force herself too much so I am going to just keep her with that bar maybe go up 5lbs from there. She did very well with the barbell row. Getting up to 25lbs on her last set. We will see how workout…
  • Omg with all the opinions about firearms... If you do not see a reason to own or carry, great God bless you, but unless you think a person who chooses to do so could change your mind, please do not voice you opinion in attempts to change our minds. Better to have and not need, than need and not have.. To OP, belly band or…
  • I am thinking someone else is logging into his account or something. But who knows, maybe he just wants lots of friends on MFP
  • I think you are pretty much flawless with your form, only thing I would suggest is to lower your head a little more, instead of looking up, from what I have read you want your neck in a more neutral position aligned with the angle of your back. I want to say you want to find a spot on the wall that is a little lower then…
  • Check this out http://recipenutrition.com/recipeFindA.aspx?choice=8&isIngred=2&comm=0