Has anyone got the blue ring of death? Heard there is a firmware patch out there already that needs to be added to prevent it.
I agree, check amazon for gaming asus, gamer chick at work got a sick laptop for cheap money
I was actually considering the ps4, but after reading an article in game informer I was sold on xbox one. I have had xbox360 since release so I guess I am biased. Doubt I will be getting either anytime soon though. Money is tight right now. COD ghost is pretty awesome though, I am slowly learning the maps, hoping to put in…
ok I always wondering on stance on squat, not sure I understand the hips forward on deadlift. could you explain a little more?
I would like any tips about squat, it is starting to get much heavier and want to correct poor form before I add any more weight. I know that this is bad, my back is not as straight as it should be and I do not seem to be going low enough at the start. Any other feedback would be…
Point 9 is actually what made me drop my squat weight down by 10 lbs. I was not comfortable with my form. I have only made one form check video and it was at a bad angle and got literally 3 comments on it. I changed my entire gym around so I can have my wife video with more room. She will be down there with me tonight so I…
I have been starting to notice soreness more often and am a little concerned that my form is what is causing it. I have increased all exercises every week but last week. Which was also week 8 for me. Before stronglifts, I would not even consider my past experiance as lifting. I started SL5x5 as a total newbie, everything…
Last week I missed one rep at 95lbs on my last set, I gave 95lbs another try on next workout and got 5x5. Last night I loaded 100lbs and got 55420. I will try 100lbs again on monday and see how it goes. Unfortunatly this exercise is going to get more and more difficult as I have to go outside to have the clearance. It is…
Sorry to hear that you were let down, I played multiplayer last night and jumped right back in. Was happy to see that my lack of playing and older age had not taken away from my twitch reaction skills. Only played a few maps got to lvl 4 on multiplayer and jumped into campaign. I was really enjoying the campaign even 4…
I guess we do not have many readers in the group, so how about audio books? Or pod casts? I am sure most people listen to music to pass the time but I get bored of music, prefer to learn something while I am being entertained. Very hard to read while walking, or working. Does anyone have any podcast/mp3 or free audio books…
lol I wish I could get new console
I took a long break from COD and console games for awhile. Tried to get some real PVP going on world of warcraft but that died out a few months back. I then jumped into diablo and was having fun. Once I watched the videos of Ghost and BF4 I was instantly hooked. I did not really get big into the multiplayer that much…
I did about 4 weeks of rushfit and it was pretty awesome. I did not stick with it mainly because to be honest it got repetative and boring. I am not bashing it by any means just giveing an honest opinion of my experiance. I know it works as any high intensity cardio will give you some results. I know a few people that went…
That's what I thought, there is no way to get a side view, I'm going to have to rotate my rack 90 degrees to get better videos.
- Sorry about the angle and range, small basement.
- Sorry about the angle and range, small basement.
I had the same choice to make, I have very low ceilings, and could not get a full cage, I have to go outside for overhead press, will suck in the winter but I will get through it. I got this set , kinda wish I went used, but oh well.…
Ok decided to bite the bullet and join in with all you AMAZINGLY strong women and post my check-in. I am on my sixth week of SL5x5. This was last nights workout log Squat 5x45lb 5x55lb 3x75lb 3x85lb 2x100lb 5x5 145lb Press 2x5 45lb 5x55lb 3x60lb 2x65lb 5x5 90lb Deadlift 3x120lb 2x140lb 2x160lb 5x175lb I have included my…
Actually that makes total sense to me, thank you for taking the time. I always was curious about this.
Not going to pretend for a second that I really understood what you just typed, so please if you have the time to explain it in more lamens terms feel free. Just to clarify, are you saying I could get stronger without increaseing the size of muscles? I understand that neurological adaptations come into play at one point,…
I am totally knew to most of this so please do not take my question as coming off as cocky, but could someone explain to me how the statement that more strength does not equal more size? From everything I have learned thus far, more muscle, i.e. bigger muscle does in fact equal more strength. Not sure how the statement…
Check out the group stronglifts 5x5 for woman, the ladies over there will answer all your questions and help you get started.
Did you really just type this? So let me get this straight. You CHOOSE to workout how ever many days a week and wake up early so you can do this and others are LAZY or what ever because they choose to do other things they ENJOY instead of spending the same amount of hours in a gym as you? No offense man but you might want…
Been trying to quit myself, got a nice e-cig and it seems to be working, prob the hardest thing I have tried to do, going to keep oing though. I can't justify the 10$ a pack price tag.
Not sure where you get this from but I have had mutliple conversations with Mehdi and he is a good person. I also disagree that he stole anything from starting strength, are the routines alike? Sure, of course, most heavy lifting routines have most things in common. Seeing as how SL 5x5 IS FREE, not sure what the big deal…
I have been told to go with chalk over gloves, as gloves add creases and can actually increase callus formation.
- and this is a good one for deadlifts
I am only at 80lbs for OHP so it is getting harder but I have not experianced the first push struggle you are describing. If you can get 5x5 with good form, tight glutes, tight abs, then keep adding. When you stall or fail, next time you do the lift, don't add, after 3 stall/fails of getting 5x5 deload 10% and continue…