Squat-tober: October check in and chat



  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    just because I can...

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    wow did I ever screw that bench session....:grumble:

    Squats were great 5x5 @ 135...son behind me saying not sure you gonna get this one...brat...might stay here tho as my form was suffering last 2 reps of the last set

    Rows 5x5 @ 95 no deload Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I feel strong on that one after 2 fails in row...was getting ready to deload.

    Now for the bench fiasco...

    Checked my log here and it said 5x5 @ 90..and I was like I thought I failed...hmmm
    So I started my set at 95...got 5 reps out...
    took my break...next set got 2 out...and Im like wow failure...
    then my DH is like you should be doing 90 you failed last time...duh...checked my spreadsheet and sure enough...
    So now I go to 90...pound 1 set out...
    fail on 3rd rep of 2nd set (Yell at DH for not being quick enough to get it off my chest.:angry: )
    Go onto last set and pound them all out. :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Fail period...gonna stay at 90 next time and make this one a wash

    so stay at 135 for squatts at least next workout.
    onto 100 on rows
    stay at 90 for bench just cause I had a major blond moment...
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Haha Stef. This is why I keep my spreadsheet on my phone and look at it between every set. Sometimes twice. :huh:

    Today was a deload day again. Then skipping friday per Dr.'s orders. I'll be back at it hard on Monday. I did front squats 75 2x5, ohp 3x55, and DL 3x175. I was in and out of the gym so fast! Deloading is fun that way.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member

    I lift on my planning time at work. I teach in a highschool and use the indoor track and weight room. The weight room is not perfect, but it is perfect for SL. Right now I can lift 2x a week, and am thinking about switching to Monday, Wed and Friday. I work my lifts like a circuit and go from one to another with no break (warm-up, light lift for squat, row, bench, reps of 8 for squat, row, bench and then set my weight and blow through sets as fast as my body will allow). Doing all 7 sets (two warm ups) and running a mile plus cool down usually takes me just about 50 minutes...and a prayer that no one will pull the fire alarm and mess up my workout!

    That's fast! Now I'm lifting at home, I've noticed how drawn out my workout has become. What with the little jiving to music, numerous toilet trips, resting on the spare room bed between sets and checking out my ipad, I'm lucky to get it done in 90 minutes (and I aint lifting heavy yet!)... I think I'll try this circuit idea, or I'll end up just sleeping between sets which isn't the point at all!!

    Mine got long too--with swapping my husband's weights out for mine for each set and taking turns, we were going 2.5 hours easily. We cut that down to about 1.5 hours with timing our rest periods last night (approx bc we're also doing chinups and rehabbing our broken bits).
    I am afraid about my workout getting too long. I will never finish if it gets over an hour...Willing to take other ideas! This week only did 3x5 instead of 5x5. If I go to the rec it will take much longer because I will have to do one exercise at a time. It is awfully rude to hog three areas in the weight room at a time, but I don't feel bad kicking a few teenagers out of the weightroom that should be in the gym learning field hockey...
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    AABRU, I switched to 3x5 fairly quickly for that very reason. You'll make progress well and get less bored too!

    Stef, your son has it all wrong. He's supposed to be in the prison-rape-hug position behind you doing quarter squats while yelling 'light weight! light weight! it's all you brah!'
  • grandevampire
    Lydia what is up with the red lights at your gym? Is it also a brothel?

    I just lol'd at this at work. Hahahaha.

    I'm in such a good mood this morning because (I just received my new camera from Amazon, but also because) I finally feel like I'm back in the gym!!

    Squats 5x5 @ 35kg with good form!!
    Bench 5x5 @ 25kg (I know it's nothing, but at least I finished my sets for the first time in ages)
    Rows 5x5 @ 30kg

    I finally felt like I had some power and energy to move the weight. I did eat a banana BEFORE my workout, because the last few gym sessions I was ravenously hungry even before I finished. I wonder if one banana could have that big of an effect?
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    ha ha not a brothel, but it does feel like a disco at times! the walls are red too.. very womb like.

    my new gym isn't like that at all! only one more session before I join! http://www.fitnessacademybucks.co.uk/
  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    Ok decided to bite the bullet and join in with all you AMAZINGLY strong women and post my check-in. I am on my sixth week of SL5x5. This was last nights workout log
    5x5 145lb

    2x5 45lb
    5x5 90lb


    I have included my warmup sets only because I copy and pasted off of my SLIC post. Everything felt pretty good, even though squats was heavy. My form on squats was not at its best and I still think I am going too deep. Going to take a video on friday I think. OHP is getting tough, last few reps were slow on the way up but I pushed through. Deadlift felt awesome.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    I'll have to read through later - I need to make an attempt to clean before a friend drops her toddler off for a while. :smile:

    Wendler, Round 2, Week 3
    1x5@220 BOOYAH!

    5x10@115 Sumo deadlifts

    3x10 Woodchoppers and back extensions
    100 steps - farmers walk @35, waiters carry @20

    Then I got a donut and some greek yogurt and tried to figure out what else I could eat. :smile:
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Lydia what is up with the red lights at your gym? Is it also a brothel?

    I just lol'd at this at work. Hahahaha.

    I'm in such a good mood this morning because (I just received my new camera from Amazon, but also because) I finally feel like I'm back in the gym!!

    Squats 5x5 @ 35kg with good form!!
    Bench 5x5 @ 25kg (I know it's nothing, but at least I finished my sets for the first time in ages)
    Rows 5x5 @ 30kg

    I finally felt like I had some power and energy to move the weight. I did eat a banana BEFORE my workout, because the last few gym sessions I was ravenously hungry even before I finished. I wonder if one banana could have that big of an effect?

    Bananas fix everything... Big banana fan here. They are my fuel of choice :)
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Ok decided to bite the bullet and join in with all you AMAZINGLY strong women and post my check-in. I am on my sixth week of SL5x5. This was last nights workout log ...

    Looking pretty amazingly strong yourself there! Nice group here and fun to keep up with. :)
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    My last October workout and my last at this gym!

    Squats 60kg 3x5 first time at this weight and I'm a little delighted I finally got there before moving gyms. Third set http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5dQsJLBE8A it ain't pretty, but stood them all up!
    Press 42.5kg third attempt (or fourth? I forget..) 2,2,2 so rather better than last time's 1 and give up.
    Pendlay rows 50kg second attempt 5,5 and something went ping either at the top of my hamstring or my left buttock, not sure what but I decided that discretion was the better choice so had a good stretch and ran away. Nice hot bath time I think.. and maybe a medicinal drinky..
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    After raking the yard I really didn't want to lift, but thought I'd try...

    Went fine!

    Squats 125 (same weight, but felt better)
    OHP 60 Still barely squeaking out that last rep, but it's getting there!
    Deadlift 172.5
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    Just finished a few "medicinal drinkies" myself...it was a lonnnggggggg week. Had to do my Thursday workout today...but got almost all of it in today.

    OHP: 4X5 of 75 pounds Set 4 was difficult.
    Squat: 4x5 of 135. Squat felt awesome today. knees feel good (finally)
    Deadlift: 4x5 of 145. I did my warm up regular style and then did my 4x5 sumo style. I can really feel my *kitten* tonight.
    Ran a mile...slowly. It feels like I'm running so fast and then I look at my time it 14 minutes have gone by. WTH? I felt like I was flying today. :embarassed:

    Good to know that 3x 5 or 4x 5 will still work for me...thanks! Today I poured sweat through my workout and for a while after. :drinker:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Well done ladies! My backside is v sore if I lean or bend over, though sitting standing and squatting are all fine.. ibuprofen and puzzling about it. Holiday now so it has a chance to recover at least!
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    I skipped lifting today as I did way too much garden work (it's the time of year to cut it all down...so sad). Plus I've had a sore right glute for days now that only feels good if I put pressure on one certain spot. So, I know a lot of you use a foam roller and am looking for advice.
    There are regular foam rollers that are smooth and others with knobs. The ones with knobs tend to say they're for advanced users. I'm not sure what to get as I don't think the one without knobs is going to do much. RIght now I'm sitting on my rolling pin (I'll wait for you to stop laughing....). It feels awesome. I'm thinking a foam roller (without knobs) is not going to be as hard as a wooden rolling pin, which makes me think I need the knobby one, but I don't want to hurt myself!!
    Any thoughts? Maybe I'll just stick with the rolling pin. I do have 2...
  • grandevampire
    My backside is v sore
    Hey, but this is pretty much the only good kind of pain in the *kitten*, right??

    Yay, I seem to be progressing again! (Go banana!, in the voice of Ralph Wiggum)

    Squats: 5x5 @ 37.5kg
    OHP: 5 5 5 5 4 @ 20kg OOOOH. That last rep really wasn't happening, but considering how much better that was compared to every attempt at OHP since I started SL, I can wait until next session to tick that off. (Besides, it'll be a while before I feel okay about adding weight to the bar...)
    Deadlift: 1x3 @ 70kg

    Also, I decided I would see if I can make an Android lifting app that includes what I need (altering increment amounts, being able to plan my workout beforehand and save it, plate calculator maybe. heh heh). It's a bit steep to understand the API, so I don't know if anything will come of it.

    EDIT: And omgomgomg for the first time in forever and a half, I saw someone squatting in the other rack, and it was a woman who I often see at the gym (doing other stuff) in the morning! That made me very happy (and creepy) inside.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hello ladies skipped Fridays workout...just couldn't find the time between work and getting the man, the man child and myself ready for a halloween party..blah...

    To top it all off I ate like a maniac this weekend again...jees. Funny thing is I am down another lb...:noway: (I eat about 1600 a day)

    So today was Workout B...can you save love workout B....:love:

    Squat 5x5 @ 140 today but the last rep on the last set I am not happy with. Man child was in the house but not in the room so didn't want to get too deep...I am staying at 140 on Wednesday just not liking no *kitten* to grass. Mind you the heavier I get the more I notice that the form really does help...

    OHP...no deload YAH...:drinker: 3rd time @65 and ripped them all out last rep was hard but not impossible.

    DL 1x5 @ 160 (almost my own weight) I feel beastly...hehe

    If I can squat my own weight by the end of the year I will be so pleased....
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    ^^ haha Stef- I ate like a maniac this weekend and weighed in lower too. I have learned from experience that for me at least, there's a delay of a couple days before the real effect shows itself. But, it was fun to think eating more would be good (still hanging around 1450 calls, but hoping to be able to increase soon with lifting the heavy things). I find that I'm quite satisfied with 1600-1700 cals, and was painfully stuffed on Saturday at 2000+ cals (yikes) when I ate all the food and drank all the wine on my mini-vacay.

    Yep, when I could squat my body weight-my initial goal, I switched to 3X5 and quickly to the 5/3/1 cause the workouts were getting LOOOOONG and a little boring (love lifting but wanted more variety). I'm using Wendler and the triumvirate accessory program and really like it so far.

    You all look like you are doing great. I check here a lot for inspiration, so if I don't say it...thanks for the posts that help me keep going.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Stef I'm sure you'll be able to squat your weight by the end of the year. Easy! You seem pretty bamf.

    Today I had a mini workout. squatted 170x5, and benched 132x3. Still going to do 135x3 or attempt it anyway on Fri. I'm still recovering so I think that's why I couldn't get all my reps. Also skipped rows and accessories for this reason.