Squat-tober: October check in and chat



  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Love the title of the thread! Perfect for me this month! Due to many varied factors, my plan is focussing on just squats for my lifts (May or May not do any other lifts this month)
    Just planning on squats and then adding some body weight stuff.

    Yesterday (10-6):
    Squats: 7 sets x 5 reps w/ weight increase 50-70#. Tricep bench dips: 40 reg and 20 elevated legs.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    I posted about my frustrations of the last 2 months in the Eat, Train, Progress forum. I was doing well with this at one point and was making good progress (fat loss, strength gains), but can't get back on track somehow. I am not losing anything (pounds, inches) and am stalled on most of my lifts. The whole story is over there under "Continuing to gain weight" or something like that if anyone is REALLY bored and gets a chance to take a look.

    I'm in tears every day because of my frustration and fatness and have completely confused myself trying to find a solution. I feel lost about where to even start- even though I started again 2 months ago. I hoped to be 5-10 pounds down by now, but NOT.ONE.OUNCE lost, measurements and clothes EXACTLY the same!!... GAAAAHHH. I can't deal right now...
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    If it's any consolation I haven't lost anything, have gained about 5 to 7 lbs, but look at my progress pics, over 6 months I think look as if I've lost half a stone not gained it! It took longer than 2 months to notice any improvement, more like 4... Hugs and patience! X
  • aliciaje
    6550mom, HIDE THE SCALE IMMEDIATELY. It is negatively affecting you. Once you get in a negative mood it is so hard to see the good that is taking place with your body. What about a 2 week break from everything? I have been stalled (inches and lbs) too for the last 3 months. It is seriously frustrating but I am learning to break free from the negative mindset, and just keep doing what I am doing, knowing that it is good for me and I am all the more healthy and fit because of it.

    Yesterday I could barely move since I was so sore from my sprint triathlon on Saturday. That went well I got 3rd place and a time of 1:27 :) I have SERIOUS respect for swimmers, wow they are strong, I thought my strength training would help my arms in the pool... NOPE.

    Today, Workout B
    Squat 125lbs
    DL 125lbs
    OHP 60lbs
    I am adding Glute bridges because I was over at Bret Contreas website, and the girls he trains have unbelievable rear ends :)
    Two good things: a trainer asked what sport I am training for (I ski and bike so strenght training just helps) and he said I look like an athlete :) AND I DID TWO CHIN-UPS.. FROM DEAD HANG!!!! Never been able to do a chin up before.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Another vote for ditching the scale. It cannot possibly measure your awesome. It just can't. I am also voting for taking a break for a bit, and just moving and eating in a way that feels good to you. Sometimes we stress ourselves out so much that we just can't lose weight.

    I'm solo parenting this week, and the little person is up in my business 24-7. So thankful for lifting! (No toddlers on the weight floor! LOL)

    2nd round of Wendler started today:
    1x5 60
    1x5 65
    1x8 75

    Assisted pulls and dips (with only 60 pounds of my weight)

    And a bit of elliptical time, but I was in a crunch. Got my flu shot today, so no lifting til Wednesday, just to give my body a little extra time. Have a good week, all!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    6550Mom yes ditch the scale...take some pics and compare. I don't notice any changes in me...no change in inches (2lbs in 1month) but no inches...but my sister noticed my shape change and comment this weekend on my belly being totally different from this summer.

    Workout A today and Hubby joined (we are going south this February with some friends and 3 of us workout..guess who doesn't...:laugh: ) he said he refuses to be that one...hehe...

    Squat due to failure on Friday 5x5 @ 115 - wasn't sure if I was gonna get it but focused on my form and did fine...might stay there just for for issues on Wednesday tho.

    Bench due to Failure last time still @ 85 4x5 @ 85 then last set that aforementioned cake wasn't gonna get me to get that last one out...hubby put a finger under the bar and he said I did it but still going to stay there for Friday.

    Rows 5x5 @ 90lbs wasn't sure about the last 2 reps but groaned them out as my man child laughed at me...I told him to bite me...:grumble:

    ETA: same man child that can't do the same squat weight as his mother..:tongue:

    Feeling good...

    as a side note I do not have DOMS either...haven't at all since I started...glad for it actually, but I understand how that "feels" like you worked it hard.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    Thanks everyone- but that's kinda how I got into this mess. I was sick for a while and waiting for my back to heal up anyway. I gave myself a "break", didn't worry about it, tried to be reasonable without logging everything, didn't weigh myself...

    AND, I set a record for the most weight gained in the shortest period of time in my whole life. I could NOT believe how much I gained (pounds and fat) when I got back on the scale. I wish I had been weighing so I would've seen it coming a little better. Sigh.

    I guess I get to start yet again (although not sure what the last 2 months have been- just spinning my wheels) even heavier than I've ever been.

    I guess I just need to change things up and get the metabolism going again somehow and be vigilant about my intake.

    I have no problem sticking to a calorie limit if I can figure out what the heck that should be.

    Sigh. Thanks again for reading and letting me be a debbie downer on this usually upbeat page.
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    Sitting here at work with the hiccups. Make them stop!! :)

    BOO! :bigsmile:
  • norrishbex
    norrishbex Posts: 35 Member
    Grandevampire and Norrishbex, I started at 12.5kg on the OHP and up to 20kg I could increase each time and it felt great, now it is _hard_ I am still only to 22.5kg. I would look at a deloading to nail form in the first instance.

    Thanks, I figured it would probably be the best thing for it. I also need to work on my core strength. After googling some, it would seem that my sore back is most likely related to my abs being not strong enough, and my back is taking the strain rather than my abs. So a deload to ensure correct form and extra core work and I should be ok :)

    Today was workout A, session 13:

    Squat: 50kg
    Bench Press: 35kg
    Barbell Row: 45kg - staying at this weight for another session at least, need to stop rolling the wrist to get the bar that last couple of inches!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Too tired for reading. I'll catch up later. Madcow week 6! Squats 155x5, bench 126x5, and rows 90x5. Then I did dips 3x5, and planks 3x30 seconds. Then I went to the Y and did 45 minutes of arc.
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    6550mom...I think you just need to give yourself some more time. It takes a toll on your body recovering from illness and you've got other conditions fighting against you. I too have medical problems that slowed me down (and while I have a thyroid, it's pretty much useless!)...took 2 years to lose 22 pounds (not all was on mfp, so it only shows 9). I also remember sobbing after working literally months to lose about 2 pounds, only to gain 6 pounds after a hospitalization. Get back at the weights, monitor your intake and eat well. You'll get there. Eventually persistence will win.
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    Macybean - speaking the truth! Persistence is most definitely the key!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Tree, you are lifting about twice what I do that is awesome - no wonder you are tired.

    6550mom, is it worth maybe deloading a good bit and really watching your diet for a week or two? (Just an alternative if you dont want to ditch the scales completely)

    Norrishbex, you are making awesome progress with the weights - hope you get the back sorted asap!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member

    I am finally back to squatting 75# - My pre-bronchitis amount (took about 6 weeks!)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Haha roxy! I work up to 1 max set though! I really didn't get any sleep because SOMEONE (not naming names), decided it would be fun to attack my toes all night. Mmmm toes.

    Hooray for pre bronchitis weight! 6 weeks is nothing in terms of lifting =)

    Scales are just 1 tool that can possibly measure progress, others are tape measures, photos, clothing fitting, or my favorite the weight on the bar!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Squats 47.5kg 3x5 feeling better about hips and knees breaking together, think I have too much weight on my wrists though..
    OHP back to 32.5kg my nemesis 343 grr
    Deadlift 90kgx2 new PR! Last time many months ago I managed one rep, this was 2 reps reset in between but didn't step away from the bar. Wasn't budging a third time though!
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    6550mom - I have been there. More than once - it's so frustrating. What has worked for me in the past has been pushing myself in a new way - I assume that it kicks the metabolism up (I'm no broscientist here), but it works. For me, that has meant (these are things I've done at different times, not all at once, but they all worked):
    1) Pushing my speed on cardio (for me, my cardio is boot camp, so that means pushing the speed on sprints and all HIIT workouts - making sure I was going as fast and as hard as I can. At first, I didn't see any difference/felt like i would never see any improvements. W/in 1-2 weeks, I was noticing that it was easier to maintain those speeds, and w/in 2-3 weeks, the scale saw movement)
    2) Adding 1 workout/week of kettlebells (I use the Iron Core DVDs and do it at home. I started at 10 lbs, and now and using a 20 or 25 lb bell. It's a combo of circuit-style cardio and weight training, and it *works* - it may also have been adding 1 more workout a week, but it worked)
    3) Setting my weight loss more aggressively on MFP to 1.5 lbs/week (for me that put me at 1200 cals - I'm short) and not eating back all my exercise cals. I can do that and not be crazy hungry because of 4)
    4) switching up my diet to eat more clean/paleo-style. I know, people hate this. Hate on, haters, I eat a ton of protein and 100 calories of chicken and veggies makes me feel far more satiated than 100 cals of crackers, etc. It's not for everyone, but it works for me. I also don't track my food on the weekend, and so it feels less rigid (the calories and the clean eating) than it would if I were 100%. I also eat dark chocolate every night, and don't feel deprived. The fact that I cheat is prollywhy I'mnot losing 1.5 lbs/week, but I am fairly consistently losing .5 lbs/week, and I'm okay with that.

    Good luck

    All that said, I felt like crap yesterday, and so I ate matzo ball soup and didn't workout. Hitting the gym tonight for W/O A!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Suddenly don't feel as bad about my OHPs!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    lwoodroff: Awesome!! Your deadlifts are pretty fabulous, too!

    Tree: That is some serious kick-*kitten* workin' out, woman.

    6550mom: I have no advice to offer as I haven't read enough about your full situation, but I feel for you. I think many of us have been there. In the meantime, all I can say is don't do anything drastic.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    If it's any consolation I haven't lost anything, have gained about 5 to 7 lbs, but look at my progress pics, over 6 months I think look as if I've lost half a stone not gained it! It took longer than 2 months to notice any improvement, more like 4... Hugs and patience! X

    Thanks for sharing this - I'm just at the two month mark for starting with a trainer and at the five week mark for officially doing SL. I've gone up and down in a 2 lbs range, but I can see some small changes in my shape. I looked at your before/afters in your profile and you definitely look like you've lost a bunch of weight and appear so fit. Although I get the whole "don't worry about the scale" thing, it would be nice to see a change in measurements or how clothes fit. So far all the changes are in spots that don't affect fit like the calf, ribs, underarm, neck, and face. I'm being persistent so I know I'll be looking like all you experts any day now!