Squat-tober: October check in and chat



  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I have a twist in my pelvis which I am going to see a chiro about - I have one hip much higher than the other. So I know I am not even all the way up, I correct as best I can though.

    Random, I find a lot of cycling breaks my knees so must be the cadio :p

    Did I read something about a low bar squatter? Confused - I thought low bar was what we were supposed to use, I do and I still squat a2g (albeit twisted)
  • kirabob
    kirabob Posts: 481 Member
    I have one leg shorter than the other by a little bit, and my hips are not level. I've seen a chiro regularly to help mitigate the stresses of my former job (a decade running clay and sculpture studios) - He told me that my hips are actually significantly improved from before I started lifting. I think it has more to do with the flexibility work than anything else. . .but in general, if you are twisting due to one side being more powerful , it's a good idea to work at a weight you can push evenly until BOTH sides are ready to go up (basically, train your weakest muscle). I have to be careful with this in bench - I have a tendency to think I can increase because my right side can push, but my left side always disagrees. :smile:

    Bench day
    1x6@110 - I really felt yesterday's deadlifts here, and just didn't have anything left for more. Next time.
    5x10@65 - I played with pausing, grip spacing, negatives, etc. Just to keep from getting bored.

    One arm bent over rows, 3x15@25
    Lat pulldowns, 3x10@70
    Assisted chins, 3x10 with 75 pounds of my bodyweight.

    Happy lifting, all!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Did I read something about a low bar squatter? Confused - I thought low bar was what we were supposed to use, I do and I still squat a2g (albeit twisted)

    Yeah that was me. It makes sense to me only because if I try to go a2g then I feel like I'd fall over with the low bar since its basically on my back instead of behind my neck.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Keep you curve in your back, and even keeping the bar straight you sort of fold forward and take your bottom back as you go down. If you try to do it like a sit down I can see how that would not work.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Man I've missed a lot of the goings on in here.

    hwillmott - Low bar doesn't mean you can't get to parallel or below. It all comes down to flexibility. I low bar and do ATG, but it has taken a long time (about 4-6 months) to get the form, flexibility, and balance down for that. Just keep working on it and you can start to go lower.

    SexyStef - I've been told I have a "lazy" left leg that doesn't work as much during my squats. I'm right handed as well, but have had issues with my left hip so ???????? as to the real cause. I've been working on the balance of the work since my last deload.

    So I switched to a MWF lifting schedule for at least the next few weeks to free up my weekend a little bit more. I hurt my tailbone region last week so only got one session in, but I didn't let it stop me from getting back in on Monday. Did B Monday and A yesterday:

    B -
    Squat 5x5 @ 115
    OHP 5x5@ 55
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 135, 155, 175, 185, 195 - went a little goofy on these. Hadn't done them in a few weeks and just kept wanting to push it. I think 205 is my current PR so I should be back there soon enough.

    A -
    squat - 5x5 @ 120
    Bench 5x5 @ 95
    row 5x5 @ 85

    Yesterday I watched this guy doing Squats and OHP and just wanted to tap on his shoulder and tell him he was going to hurt himself with poor form. I didn't, but some days I worry about people. His squats were not dangerous, but he had some common form issues. His OHP was crazy painful to watch and I was sure the bar was going to come down and crack open his head or break his nose. He had to push press the first rep and never locked out at the top. He maintained the back bend during the whole lift and only brought the bar down to mouth level (mind you his head was pointed up the whole time because of the arch in his back). Have you ever said something to someone who seriously had such poor form that they were about to hurt themselves? I didn't say anything and I see this guy all the time. This was the first time, however, I saw him doing the standing OHP.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Ooh tricky, maybe ask him to video you so you can check your form then offer to do the same for him
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member

    hwillmott - Low bar doesn't mean you can't get to parallel or below. It all comes down to flexibility. I low bar and do ATG, but it has taken a long time (about 4-6 months) to get the form, flexibility, and balance down for that. Just keep working on it and you can start to go lower.

    yeah I tried doing it bodyweight Friday and had to hold on to the rack for support. I'm not really flexible in that regard it seems. I'm even still working on setting up to DL because of that. I don't really want to deload and relearn form at this point since its working for me but if I do end up stalling out (which could honestly be anytime now) maybe I'll switch to relearning atg form. I was told the bar currently goes in an exact straight line though so that's something.

    And I like roxylola's suggestion. You don't really want to be rude about it but offering to video might work. Some men think they have all the answers (haha) so he may not like you being right. You have to lead him to the answer :)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member

    yeah I tried doing it bodyweight Friday and had to hold on to the rack for support. I'm not really flexible in that regard it seems. I'm even still working on setting up to DL because of that. I don't really want to deload and relearn form at this point since its working for me but if I do end up stalling out (which could honestly be anytime now) maybe I'll switch to relearning atg form. I was told the bar currently goes in an exact straight line though so that's something.

    I just happened to be on a deload after an extended break. It sounds like form isn't the issue. It shouldn't be a matter of relearning, just working on flexibility to bring things lower. Not everyone can do it and I don't think it is a "must" in squat form.
  • aliciaje
    I definitely feel I have a stronger leg and stronger arm, but just balancing the bar keeps them in check.

    B today (I think I like B better)
    Squats 130lbs 5x5, I was feeling good so kept loading the bar up. Did one rep at 175lbs and the trainer said it didn't look like I was struggling so I think I could go heavier. It is fun to play with weights :)
    Deadlift 130lbs 1x5
    OHP 65lbs 5x5. Almost failed on my last rep last set.
    Chin ups 2 sets of 3 WAHOOO.
    Pull ups 2 sets of 2
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I definitely like B better because of the DLs. I get through the OHPs thinking "these make my shoulders look hot!"

    Does anyone have experience with sissy squats? I was thinking of adding them as an accessory and wanted to see if anyone has benefited from them.
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Alicia that is awesome, I am done in for pull ups and the like if I have OHP'd

    I have no strong preference really for either day. Today should have been A day and I had a whole ton of stuff planned for some accessory work as I had a late start in work. Then the dog got sick and I had to get her to the vets and lost pretty much my whole morning. :(
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Back at it yesterday...

    Squats stayed at 120 (I'm always afraid I'll break form), but I'm ready to move up
    OHP stuck at 60 for now
    Deads 167.5 (yes, I go up in tiny amounts!) and ready to up it
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    zany, the fractionals were 47 dollars Canadian. They will be more because we will have to send them back. Grrr! We should have just spent the 65 dollars to buy them at the place in town. sigh...live and learn.

    random, my husband and I run one minute and walk one minute usually for about 5 or 6 K. We do it at a fairly easy pace and we seem to avoid a lot of injuries. If I did actual HITT I would be laid up all the time. There have been times I have tried to really go for it and I end up sore. What a bummer. It is really fun to really go fast!! I hope your knee is feeling better by today.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Macy, I'm glad you are feeling better enough to workout! I too tried Jefit after I saw your comment, I guess it was Kira that suggested it originally, anyway thank you both! I am very happy with how it works for recording the lifting! The save and start timer button is great! it saves me having to go to the timer before i get to read my book! More time to read!!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    I definitely feel I have a stronger leg and stronger arm, but just balancing the bar keeps them in check.

    B today (I think I like B better)
    Squats 130lbs 5x5, I was feeling good so kept loading the bar up. Did one rep at 175lbs and the trainer said it didn't look like I was struggling so I think I could go heavier. It is fun to play with weights :)
    Deadlift 130lbs 1x5
    OHP 65lbs 5x5. Almost failed on my last rep last set.
    Chin ups 2 sets of 3 WAHOOO.
    Pull ups 2 sets of 2

    Wow!! You are strong!!! 175lb squat!!!! You are my hero!!!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Did my squats, 8 sets of 5 reps with increasing weights 50-70# 1-2 sets each increment.
    Did yard work, cutting down a huge ugly bush.

    Showed my neighbor how to do squats, let her borrow my 2 kettle bells (15# each) with instructions for some squat sets at home. For an easy start.
    Barbell Rows next week with her.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    I have noticed a stronger side, too - especially on squats, as the reps add up. Oy.

    Last night was w/o B. First, I had a cocktail party/reception thing - an alumni event for my law school - and despite the free booze/wine/beer, I stuck to non-alcoholic drinks so I could hit the gym after. I felt very virtuous.
    I did:
    Squats - went up to 105 lbs, 5x5 - was hard!
    OHP - 60 lbs 1x5, then dropped back to 55 for 4x5. Definitely tweaked my lower back on these - have to remember to bend my knees and settle in a bit
    DL - 110 lbs, 1x5 (and 95 lb. warm up set )

    I have also been adding in hip thrusts, and recently switched from doing them with plates to doing them with a barbell - so hip thrusts 1x10 bodyweight, 2x10 with an empty 45 lb bar.

    Wins at the gym:
    1) Asked the guy who was doing the leg press right by me if he was waiting for the squat rack and he replied (you may need the southern urban accent to appreciate it): "No. Uh uh. I want no part of that." Lolz, keep working those calf presses, dude!
    2) I just had to switch from my usual Y, where I had earned the respect of the weight room regulars, to this new Y (due to renovations at my Y). It's only been 4 workouts, but I've seen the same 2 guys every time, and I got a "hello" from them. I once again am the only woman in this weight room, and it's nice to feel like I'm one of the gang already.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Some great wins there becca!

    My night last night, straight from work, forgot chest strap for hrm, dropped a 1.25kg plate on my foot (was propping phone on it to take video as didn't have spare trainers with me!)
    Squats 50kg 3x5 have vid and bumble says my good mornings are all in my head yay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8MI4ctiEBo&feature=youtube_gdata_player
    Bench 42.5!! Didn't use fractionals and did 3.5, roll of shame, 2, 2. Not bad for a first go! For the first time I was thinking it would be good to have someone do the lift off for me.
    Rows weren't pretty my left bicep? Was a bit tweaked from the bench, 47.5kg, time to drop back a bit and work on form (or move to power cleans I hope!).
    Pt session in a week, free trial so will see what page he is on re low bar squats etc.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Form video looks great, Lydia. I see you powering through the same part that's killing me these days too, and I was worried about being too good-morningy there too. But if Bumble says that looks good, then that's what I'm gonna shoot for too! (I think I have more of a hinge than you - shoulders rise a bit more swiftly than my hips).
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    My street was flooded yesterday so I couldn't leave my condo. Booo! Thus I had to lift today. I did squats 161x3, bench 129x3, row 91x5 cause I forgot I was only supposed to do 3, dips 3x6, and tricep pulldowns 3x7. Then a protein shake and 30 minutes on the arc. I am going to sleep so well tonight!