Squat-tober: October check in and chat



  • grandevampire
    Thanks, gals, you inspire me to do more all the time!
    Grandevampire I cycle a bit and hills are the invention of the devil!
    Lol, I actually dusted the most people during the whole race on that stretch, and I think I owe it all to squatting, I kid you not. I pretty much trotted the rest of the way, but on the hills, my hamstring power really kicked in, and it oddly felt like a break to change up my muscles! Crazy!
    Also, to add to the gains on deficit thing, the day after lifting I do measurements and I am up to a half inch bigger on my thighs and arms, but it goes away the next day. It this what is called "pump"?
    Yep, pretty much pump if it's "instant" gains. If you ever take a recovery week where you don't lift heavy, you will probably see that puffed up muscle deflate a bit, but it will reveal surprising leanness underneath!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    squats 42.5kg 3x5 form wasn't as good as last time, but will get there!
    ohp 30kg 3x5 this was some real ground out reps..
    deadlift worked my way up to 85kg x 5. pretty sparkly towards the end, but I did it!

    think it's time to get some chalk.. I'm sure someone said standard blackboard chalk will do the biz? any thoughts?
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Wow!!! lwoodruff!! that is 187lb DL!! I had to convert!! Awesome!!!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Also remember there is good chalk and bad chalk. Gymnast chalk that makes your hands slip while you twirl and twirl bad. Rock climbing chalk that lets you feel like ceiling cat good.
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Oh hai!

    Been out of sorts and angsting about changing citizenships from Germany to US last week (that only took me 24 years :laugh:). Now that it's over with, I'm back to focusing on fitness this week!

    Still happily doing my 3x8 and don't plan on a new lifting program this month (Owait! did I just say that? What's wrong with me? :huh:).
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    That is a really outstanding deadlift indeed

    Dani I would imagine that probably took a good bit of sorting out but at least now you can get back to real life!

    Today was A day
    Squats 40kg (88lb) struggled a bit this morning but I have had a fairly big deficit for the last couple of days, not intentionally just how it worked out so I shall try and balance that by eating more today :D Oh and halfway through I got told off by a trainer for not using collars so I did 40kg + whatever they weigh (not much but hey I am counting it!)

    Bench collared and as I could not complete 27.5kg last time I dropped back to 25kg (50lb) and did my 5*5 if only just. I will try to go up again next time.

    Rows I am still doing barbell rows and am now at 37.5kg (83lb) so catching up my squats for 5*5

    I will see how I get on on Friday with squats. may consider a deload to 35 or 37.5 just to get my core back in the game
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    thanks! I was lazy and didn't stretch afterwards though. naughty!

    just searched my local sports shop for chalk. they have 3 - all for snooker cues lol!
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    Oops - naughty!

    And man I am sooooooo hungry today!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Hey ladies,

    I had a great workout today and actually did cardio afterwards :bigsmile:

    90 lbs- Bent over Row
    135 lbs- shrugs
    135 lbs- deadlifts
    50 lbs- Overhead Press (UGH UGH)
    115 lbs- squats
    70 lbs- machine crunches
    Finished on the treadmill with a 10.0 incline at 3.5mph for 10 minutes.

    I noticed that my wrists were going back during the OHP, (kinda like a waiter holding a serving dish). Once I straightened out my wrists, it REALLY helped the lift. I will investigate more of this on Friday.
  • slowlow1
    slowlow1 Posts: 31 Member
    Well this is my third week of 5x5 and here is what I have done so far.

    Squats - 90 lbs
    Bench - 65 lbs
    Rows - 85 lbs
    OHP - 55 lbs (this one is hard sometimes my elbow hurts...not sure why)
    Dead lift - - 90 lbs

    I am lifting tonight so Squats and Dead lift will increase by 5 lbs for sure. Now the OHP is a different story. I am going to try it but not sure how thats going to go.

    So far I think I am making progress. I actually had one of the guys in the gym tell me that I had good form. He pointed out several things that I was doing right and said that you really don't see a lot of people lifting correctly. He even asked me who trained me and I said the internet.
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Workout B for me today. Thought I wasn't going to be able to do OHP because my trainer worked my shoulders a lot yesterday. But gave it a try and was rewarded.

    Squats 5x5 @105# Not a PR but refining my form really trying to get below parallel and not wobble or lean forward on the way up

    OHP 5x5 @50# PR and was able to do all 5 sets! The last rep was really hard and I had to squeeze my abs and glutes tight to get that bar up over my head.

    Deadlifts 5x1 @135# PR and this time it felt easy. Read some tips last night on this forum and it made everything feel easier and safer. The best tip was to walk away after each rep and set up anew for the following one.

    I followed the lifting session with a spin/abs class. I'm spent.
  • aliciaje
    ^Nice lifting ladies!!!!

    Haha, that is awesome, the internet trained me as well :)

    Squats 125lb
    Deadlift 120lb
    OHP 70lbs, might have to stop here for a bit, could barely get in the fifth one on set 4 and 5

    A trainer in the gym came over to chat with me and said since I am getting really heavy I should maybe be doing box squats when I'm by myself....I don't know what to think of that
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    He even asked me who trained me and I said the internet.

    It's funny cause it's true! Internet trained here also!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    He even asked me who trained me and I said the internet.

    It's funny cause it's true! Internet trained here also!

    Ditto here as well lmao
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    also internet changed.. I usually say youtube but the internet is far more accurate!

    what to think of suggesting box squats?! do you have safety bars? if so why do you need box squats. *kitten*.

    So, I struggle to get up in my protein levels, it can be expensive all this chicken and eggs too, so thought I'd give protein powder another go. I'd got some samples a couple of months back and couldn't stand the flavour of artificial flavourings and they were disgustingly sweet.. so I got some unflavoured. It did come with a free sample pack of creatine, so that is something..

    I'm not that fond of milk alone so thought I'd be cunning and mix it with my yogurt (at work most mornings I have yogurt and bran flakes with some cinnamon). After transferring the pack to a storage box, there was a bit left, so I took a scoop out for tonight. Mixed with yogurt and a little milk. Let's just describe the taste as 'funky' (and that is in the American, not great sense of the word!). I then had to add tinned pears, chopped preserved ginger, cinnamon, and a pack of chocolate buttons to try to disguise the flavour. Not good calories!! It was also very bubbly, hoping it's not going to have a disastrous effect on my system!

    So.. ladies.. I have nearly a kg of the stuff, what is the best option? Mix it with as little liquid as possible, hold my nose, and get it down? Find something I can stand to make a 'milkshake' of it? Maybe instant espresso powder? Bite the bullet and throw it away? *sigh*
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Bite the bullet and throw it away? *sigh*

    This is what I would do. I can't make myself eat or drink gross things.
    I found the Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey (in any flavor) is the best tasting to me. I mix it in my morning cup of coffee.
  • slowlow1
    slowlow1 Posts: 31 Member
    I make fruit smoothies with my protein powder. I use frozen fruit, 1 cup of vanilla soy milk and 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder. It really tastes great. The fruit mix I use has papaya, pineapple and strawberrys in it. I believe it is called tropical smoothie fruit so something like that.
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Fruit smoothies is the way to go with protein powder. That is the only way I can get it down my throat, LOL.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Re: protien powder - I haven't done it in a while, but I used to make coffee smoothies with it: cold coffee (I'd make extra the day before), protein powder (chocolate or vanila flavored), and ice in the blender. it would be like a frappe, and the protein powder sweetened the coffee. Not the extra caolories of fruit or milk, and it served the double duty of caffiene delivery.

    Re: trained by the internet - YUP! It's sooo...affordable. And flexible, time-wise, lol. Busted watching form videos in the bathroom the other day. ;)

    Re: box squats - do you use a power rack or squat rack? If so, the safety bars would catch the bar, no? Box squats would just have you not falling, but wouldn't stop the bar, right? Hrmm.

    MY GYM IS CLOSED. Okay, it's just that the weight room is closed while the gym goes through renovations - until SPRING. So, b/c I work out at the Y, I can go to the next Y over, and I went for the first time this week. Definitely have newer equipment over there, but the free weights are all in 1 big room with the cardio machines and weight machines. I miss the basement weight room that was only free weights at my Y. Plus, it's all more compressed/crowded - like, no clue how I'm gonna find the room to deadlift today. We'll see! Bonus: me and all the dudes from the old weight room are bonding over our displaced-lifters status. I feel like I'm one of the club over there, as there's literally just me as the only woman there on a regular basis (2 other women I've seen a few times, but one only uses the light dumbells - none are doing BB lifting on a regular basis) - and it's nice to feel fully accepted.

    Monday I did W/O A:
    Squats - 100 lbs (again)
    Row - 2 sets @75 lbs, 3 sets @65 lbs (The evil lower back could not take 75 lbs - the muscles were fine with it)
    Bench - 2 sets @ 90 lbs, 3 sets @ 85 lbs.

    As I said in the goals thread, I am only lifting 2ce a week until my half marathon - I can't do heavy lifting too close to my long runs. But my plan to go up 5 lbs/week on squats is stalling at the moment, b/c 100 lbs still feels HARD and I'm still fighting for good form. So, gonna hit 100 lbs squats tonight again, and I'm not moving up until the form is solid. A2G or it's not worth it.

    This AM: Kettlebell circuits via Iron Core - including snatches, clean & press, and deck squats with a 20 lb bell. Lots of 25 lb. one-armed swings. Y'all, those deck squats with a 20 lb, bell are NO JOKE, and I'm 100% certain I couldn't do them (at least, not sets of 10 of them) without squating heavy. In fact, I know I couldn't even do a morning riser (which involves laying flat on your back, one arm striaght up by your ear, and then going to standing w/o moving that arm from beside your ear) w/o crossing my legs before I started lifting. Love to see that we're developing functional strength!

    This PM: W/O B! Bring it!
  • aliciaje
    I use a power rack that has safety bars. I haven't felt the need to use the safety bars yet (for squats), but I will now going into the 130's.