Squat-tober: October check in and chat



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I agree with the smoothie idea. I have protien powder and now half a shake in mine every morning. I add in almond milk cause the canned shake makes them too thick along with a variety of fruit (strawberries and peaches today) with flax seed.

    Today was an A workout...

    Squats are at 110 5x5 (set 3, rep 4 was spaced and knees bowed...jeez) husband was spotting today and he commented my for was great...*kitten* to grass...although he said I am favoring my left side. (I am left handed)....before each set I repeat...*kitten* to grass, knees out, tits up...

    Bench @ 85lbs 3 sets, failed last rep on set 4 (husband helped me get it up but just a bit), failed rep 4 on last set (again husband helped)...he said I got about 80% of the weight on my own.

    Rows 5x5@ 85lbs no fail.

    Got my protien in today (didn't even really have lunch just ate all my snacks) just wondering with my hunger lately if I should increase my calories...I lost 2lbs last week (after losing the inital water weight left) so my TDEE changed.

    I am at TDEE-15% 1550 calories but now when I calculate (on actuals) TDEE-15% is 1747 but I don't want to go up if I should wait for more weight loss...not sure how much more I want to lose...maybe another 10-15...that would take me to about 152-157
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    The internet trained me too! The best part is about idk 6-8 weeks into 5x5 I got a trainer just to watch my form etc. He was impressed my form was so good with just the internet as my guide.

    I had a fun workout today! My training partner switched to strongman training last week, but she had to deadlift today so we got to lift together. She was finding her 1RM which turned out to be 255! Pretty sweet. We also had another regular join us for our workout. I did front squats 105 2x5, OHP 87x5, and Deads 265x5. Everything felt awesome and I'm feeling confident about getting to most of my weights this madcow cycle without having to deload. Ice cream helps! I also did assisted pullups 3x6, and those stupid curls 3x7. Then I went to the Y and did 35 minutes on the arc trainer. Wheeee.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Guess who totally dominated her OHP tonight, ladies? That's right, ME! W/o B, and after doing OHP seated since the Great Back Eff-Up of the summer, I had no choice but to do them standing tonight (new gym, no bench with the right rack). I made some big form corrections after watching a few Rip videos, and they were NBD at 55 lbs. (I've been struggling to get back to my record of 60 lbs). Getting those elbows out in front has made a huge difference. And I feel like I'm channeling Bumblebum's angelic profile pic.

    Ohp 5*5 @55lbs.
    Squats 5*5 @100lbs.
    DL 1*5 @105lbs.

    Not bad considering the day started with some heavy KBL work. Also did some weighted hip thrusts, made all the more awkward by the fact that this new gym is crazy tight in the weights section - so I'm hip thrusting mere inches away from some dude.

    Fittree - jealous of you for having training partners - def more fun that way!

    Stef - I'm trying ti figure out cals too. I'm finally seeing progress in terms of losing fat, and don't want to loss my momentum, but gotta fuel the workouts too.... So confusing.
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    I agree with the Optimum Nutrition protein powder recommendation. I like the chocolate and french vanilla and I've heard other flavors are good too.

    I mix it with a cup or two of almond milk and it's quite good.

    I tested and discarded (meaning my husband used them despite their grossness because he can't stand to throw anything away...ever...but that's another issue for another day) plenty before finding this one.

    I can also buy the cartons of muscle milk light at 100 cals/each. I like the chocolate to drink straight. I buy the latte flavor to add to my coffee (it has some caffeine in it, as well, so careful if you are sensitive an adding to coffee).

    Once you find a good one, it's such a relief after all the yucky ones.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member

    Once you find a good one, it's such a relief after all the yucky ones.

    I'm not sure I've got that much stamina! Like I said I've tried a couple of flavoured ones and they were -so- sweet and nasty I couldn't handle them. It probably doesn't help that I don't like milkshakes!!

    Anyway, today's experiment was mash it with a banana and a tiny splash of water, decide it needed to be smothered in cinnamon. That stuff is potent though, because it's 'unflavoured' it is rather like powdered milk but with a much stronger almost off-milk note.

    One last experiment tomorrow with coffee.. after that I'm asking my colleague if her other half (a gym instructor) wants it! I suspect if you liked the powders you could mix and match and do 1/2 scoop of evilness with something you like..

    Or cook with it, but that just seems to be throwing nice calories after bad!

    Hair cut tonight, I can't wait (but can't reveal until the weekend as my family will all be around to celebrate my brother's birthday!)
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    You would not have been jealous of the sugar headache my second bag of haribo lead to Amy - blergh!

    Great lifting ladies.

    I am toying with the idea of a protein powder. My house mate does herbal life products. They are not bad tasting but not sure what the quantities of protein etc are like and what products they do. A lot of their stuff is meal replacements. However their protein bars are very good (bit chewy though) Might be worth trying? Not the cheapest though :s So I was looking in a shop in town the other day - the guys in there were very helpful and had lots of info on all the products and some of what they do is cheaper than the same on the interwebs!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I always thought of Herbalife as a waste of money.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    It probably doesn't help that I don't like milkshakes!!

    *gasp* :noway:
  • grandevampire
    also internet changed.. I usually say youtube but the internet is far more accurate!

    what to think of suggesting box squats?! do you have safety bars? if so why do you need box squats. *kitten*.

    So, I struggle to get up in my protein levels, it can be expensive all this chicken and eggs too, so thought I'd give protein powder another go. I'd got some samples a couple of months back and couldn't stand the flavour of artificial flavourings and they were disgustingly sweet.. so I got some unflavoured. It did come with a free sample pack of creatine, so that is something..

    I'm not that fond of milk alone so thought I'd be cunning and mix it with my yogurt (at work most mornings I have yogurt and bran flakes with some cinnamon). After transferring the pack to a storage box, there was a bit left, so I took a scoop out for tonight. Mixed with yogurt and a little milk. Let's just describe the taste as 'funky' (and that is in the American, not great sense of the word!). I then had to add tinned pears, chopped preserved ginger, cinnamon, and a pack of chocolate buttons to try to disguise the flavour. Not good calories!! It was also very bubbly, hoping it's not going to have a disastrous effect on my system!

    So.. ladies.. I have nearly a kg of the stuff, what is the best option? Mix it with as little liquid as possible, hold my nose, and get it down? Find something I can stand to make a 'milkshake' of it? Maybe instant espresso powder? Bite the bullet and throw it away? *sigh*

    Do you eat/like bananas? A scoop of unflavoured whey blended with banana, a couple tablespoons of cocoa powder, and a tablespoon of honey is good (to me). I can even manage pea protein that way, and pea protein is 10000x harder than whey (for me at least. I don't mind whey plain with water).
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I always thought of Herbalife as a waste of money.

    It's not cheap but it tastes ok (I have not bought it, just had hers occasionally). Don't know how good it is as a protein drink but I would guess it must be better than nothing (or one you just can't stomach)

    And I am not generally a fan of milkshake either.
  • YoBecca
    YoBecca Posts: 167
    Curious to hear what you ladies' protein goals are, or what you're reading about protein goals. I don't actually know what my BF% is, accurately, so I can't accurately calculate my LBM. But, I'm getting 110-150 grams of protein a day from food (usually 120-135g), and my LBM is about 120 (ballpark? Based on a BS BF%, so it may err on the low side). I know some people shoot for a percentage above or below their LBM - where y'all at, protein wise?
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I am at 125g... I shoot for 1g per lb of LBM.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    My goal is 124. Usually hit around 105-110 in a day, and I'm OK with that. I think 105-110 lbs is my approximate LBM, so that matches up pretty well.

    So I didn't get around to lifting until 7 pm last night; over the spring and summer I was strictly an early morning lifter, but I've pretty much switched to afternoons when I get home from work. Not sure if it's just the change in daylight or I'm going to bed a little bit later, but I'm just never motivated to get out of bed at 5:35 like I was for the past several months. Last night was unusual though. I think I slept really well; not sure if it it's from lifting late or because I've been fighting with a head cold for a few days.

    Anywho, I did my "light" Texas day; Squats, Bench, then I did a few sets of glute bridges, some good mornings and even a set of curls! Probably switching up my program next week, but not sure. I might feel better after I shake this cold.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    I have it set at 125g but I'm usually lucky to hit 100g.. and that's with 2 eggs daily and MEAT.. and cottage cheese usually.

    I know I'm a freak not to like milkshake! I will occasionally make myself an iced coffee (instant espresso powder + milk over ice) but I don't like anything sweet in there. My own milkshakes (frozen OJ, strawberries, ice cream) I like (no added sugar!) but rarely have..
  • roxylola
    roxylola Posts: 540 Member
    I have mine set to 100g but I never get near it.
  • kitkat4141
    kitkat4141 Posts: 379 Member
    Curious to hear what you ladies' protein goals are, or what you're reading about protein goals. I don't actually know what my BF% is, accurately, so I can't accurately calculate my LBM. But, I'm getting 110-150 grams of protein a day from food (usually 120-135g), and my LBM is about 120 (ballpark? Based on a BS BF%, so it may err on the low side). I know some people shoot for a percentage above or below their LBM - where y'all at, protein wise?

    Last time I had my BFP checked it was in March and pre-Stronglifts. It was 23%. But I was 10 pounds lighter. I imagine it is lower now but I shoot for 1 gram of protein per pound of LBM. At my current weight that gives me about 100 grams per day. My first trainer who has a MS in Execise Physiology wants me to eat about 87 grams per day. She uses a formula of body weight x .67. I'm happy if I fall anywhere between 80 and 100 grams. It's all my body wants anyway.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    just had 50g of beef jerky. much nicer, only a few more cals than the whey and almost the same amount of protein!
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Wow ladies, yall are all awesome lifters this month! I skimmed through some of the posts.

    re protein: I shoot for at least 100g a day, usually don't get close on the weekends because of how I eat when not at work, but usually get at least 100g during the week if I'm doing good.

    After taking an unintended all out break 2 weeks ago I'm finally back up to about where I was before the break. Sadly, I'm going to have to switch squats to 3x5 as I'm just winded and exhausted trying to do 5x5. Time is also a huge factor since I have to rest a full 5 minutes to be able to do them (doing 130lbs tomorrow) and work out in the mornings. I've already switched the other lifts (except deads) to 3x5 because its hard to make progress on arm/shoulder things.

    Question for you ladies: on the SL rows, my left wrist/hand struggle to stay grasped on the bar and ends up hurting some just form struggling. Its hard to get through 5 reps at a time. My right wrist is fine (right-handed). I've done some farmers carry type things (just carrying around a heavy weight for a minute at a time) but was wondering if anyone else had any ideas on how to improve my weak grip?
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    My lbm is 136ish. I currently aim for 150-160. I started out aiming for 100 and worked my way up. For me I feel best and recover best when I'm eating a crapton of protein. YMMV. I like trutein protein and quest bars to help. I also eat a lot of chicken breast even though I don't really like it a ton. :laugh: I eat local meat and 97% lean ground beef isn't available hence the chicken.

    ETA: whey isolate is almost lactose free and is much easier on the stomach for those with milk sensitivity than regular whey protein.
  • aliciaje
    Hmm.. I haven't put much thought into protein. Looks like I am hitting between 80-110 every day. I get the most from plain greek yogurt. I had a body pod in July done and my LBM is 125, so looks like I need to up it too!

    I am doing a sprint triathlon on Saturday, and my Workout A is tomorrow (Friday). I am going to de-load a bit so there won't be a chance of DOMS for the triathlon.