loosing weight and stopping smoking

ybcochrane Posts: 39 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hello Guys,

I have been on this site for a while but have been quite "bad" over the last months and put most of the lost weight back on. I am now getting back to logging and starting to exercise again. With this lifestyle change I thought of quitting smoking too. I am currently on an e cig for that and really struggeling.....anybody else tried to stop at the same time as loosing weight???



  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    Trying right now. I was supposed to quit for my 30th bday...that was 2 weeks ago...still smoking. The electronic cigs just made me want the real thing. It's harder than people think.
  • Mikej77
    Mikej77 Posts: 112
    Been trying to quit myself, got a nice e-cig and it seems to be working, prob the hardest thing I have tried to do, going to keep oing though. I can't justify the 10$ a pack price tag.
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,189 Member
    I go all day, 6:30-4:30 without smoking but when I get off of work, it's on. Drives my kid crazy!:frown:
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    I tried with e cigs and diet and failed on the smoking !

    the e cig loses its appeal after a few refills as the taste becomes aweful due to the chemicals getting concentrated inside...

    To be honest, i feel that much fitter with so much weight off and dont get ill, snoring and tight chest gone no aches or pains, i can live with being a smoker for the time being and having converted to rolling my own, its that much a pain in the butt i ve certainly cut down and monetary savings pay for the gym !!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have heard that it would be easier to do one thing at a time. I like to do it all at once and get it over with. Do whatever works for you.
  • Mickey2u
    Mickey2u Posts: 21 Member
    I used a ecigg to quit smoking.
    If you buy a quality one you won't go back to ciggs.
    After I was just using the ecigg all of the time I found it pretty easy to ween myself off of it.
  • DangerJim71
    DangerJim71 Posts: 361 Member
    I was able to quit smoking and lose about 70 lbs at the same time. It took every bit of willpower I had. Evenings were the hardest as I wanted to constantly eat in place of smoking. I chewed a lot of gum, ate a lot of carrots and sometimes just went to bed early to avoid temptation.

    It can be done but you really have to want it.
  • wildheart_cowgirl
    It can be done and there are tools out there to help you. I am currently using the NicoDerm CQ patch and the first three days were awful but I made it through with the help of also using the Blu electronic cigarette. Whenever I got the urge to have a cigarette I used it and I might add I do love the java flavored one. Today, I have not smoked for 11 days and I do not have the urge to smoke and I am also not using the electronic cigarette anymore. Granted, you have to put in the effort to stop smoking. I also use committedquitters.nicodermcq.com in which you can track your temptations throughout the day. Best of luck in your stop smoking journey.
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    I had to quit smoking first and then work on weight loss. It took me 10 months to quit. I wasn't able to use patches or an inhaler, the low dose of nicotine just made me want to chain smoke so I bounced back and forth until I just got fed up and went cold turkey. I've been a non-smoker since December 11th 2010! I put on a bit of weight after that but it's all gone and then some now. I'm still working on my weight loss but it's a lot easier now that I can breathe properly.
  • bkriner77
    I did both at the same time, basically quitting cold turkey and taking up exercise (mostly running, now also cycling). It is very hard, no doubt about it, but you can use exercise to fill the void in your life left by smoking. You'll be recovering from smoking AND losing weight at the same time.

    Let me tell you, at the other end of the tunnel, you will feel GREAT, much better than any smoking could make you feel. Everyone else in your life will notice too, and it will become self-reinforcing.
  • A_Warrior_Princess
    A_Warrior_Princess Posts: 344 Member
    Hi there

    I quit smoking about 6 weeks ago and so far so good. I turned to my mfp friends for support when I wanted a cigarette and to exercise. Now, I rarely think about them unless I am drinking then I want one but so far so good with quitting them, continuing with exercise and healthy pretty good. You can do this, but it is hard. Have you tried the gum, patch or Chantix to maybe help you with quitting?
  • ybcochrane
    ybcochrane Posts: 39 Member
    It can be done and there are tools out there to help you. I am currently using the NicoDerm CQ patch and the first three days were awful but I made it through with the help of also using the Blu electronic cigarette. Whenever I got the urge to have a cigarette I used it and I might add I do love the java flavored one. Today, I have not smoked for 11 days and I do not have the urge to smoke and I am also not using the electronic cigarette anymore. Granted, you have to put in the effort to stop smoking. I also use committedquitters.nicodermcq.com in which you can track your temptations throughout the day. Best of luck in your stop smoking journey.

    I will have a look on that site...thanks
  • ybcochrane
    ybcochrane Posts: 39 Member
    thanks for all the support guys ;-)
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    Nearly three months dove-tailing both logging and quitting with an e-cig.
    I agree with other posts, if you get a decent e-cig and quality vaping liquid, it works a treat. Well it has for me anyway......

    Hang in there, I am not saying it is easy, but certainly is do-able.
  • _Meredith_
    I battled with smoking and my weight for many years. I didn't want to stop smoking with any meds, nicotine patches, etc. In 2012 I did a program called "quit" smart - it allows you to taper down the amount of nicotine you intake by changing to different brands of cigarettes with lower nicotine. Then I started to evaluate my triggers (i.e. smoking in the car) - when I was down to 2 cigarettes a day, I threw it all away and 14 months later have not looked back.
    Through all this I continued to do the yo yo with my weight. Now I am extremely focused and utilize MFP to monitor my caloric intake as well as a support system.

    Remember one thing in it all.................you are not "quitting or dieting" all of it is a Life Style change. It is a commitment to a new healthier you :)
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