

  • Have you checked the sodium content of the foods you are eating? I'm close to goal weight and the weight comes off soooo slowly but, when I have a quick, unexplained gain I can usually trace it to a food that had too much sodium and caused me to hold onto more fluid than usual. Sodium is sneaky and turns up the the oddest…
  • Kathy - poor little Bosco - he looks so sad in the photo. I hope he is back to feeling more like himself again. HOORAY for everyone who will be throwing out their old spring clothes this year and moving into smaller sizes. What a great feeling! It snowed here in Philadelphia today on the first day of spring. It wasn't much…
  • I have always thought that if I wasn't breathing hard or sweating profusely then I probably wasn't burning calories very quickly so I have never tried to count the calories burned on the circuit or with weight training. Maybe there are people who are able to push themselves hard enough to be short of breath when working…
  • HI all- Swiss Miss - that 3 pounds sounds like water weight from the surgery and the after effects of the surgery. I'm thinking it will disappear quickly once you start being more active if you keep drinking water and watch your sodium intake. Becky - we all feel your pain. I wish I had appreciated my ability to lose…
  • I am mystified by women's clothing sizes. I have lost more than 50 pounds since last January and my weight is the lowest that it has been for 15 years. I am really having a great time looking at and trying on new clothes although I'm not buying much until I see if I can get to my goal weight of 145. Anyhow, when I was in…
  • I went to the Y this morning for spin class. I usually don't go to the spin class on Sunday but I won't be able to go tomorrow so this seemed like a good plan. My Mon-Wed-Fri class is a nice, manageable 45 minute class and I assumed the Sunday class was also. Oh no ..... the class was an hour long and those last 15 minutes…
  • ZaZa and Kathy - I like your new pictures - a nice change for spring. I walked the dogs (mine and my son's - both 65 pounds) in the park this morning for about 45 minutes. The dogs had a good run and I walked fast as much I as could (I start to think about something and find myself slowing down without meaning to). I'm…
  • I don't blame you for feeling bad - deployments are tough. My husband was in the service for 20 years and now my son is also in and was just deployed to Afghanistan. One thing to think about - they are at their jobs 24/7. It's not like they leave at the end of the day and drive home where they can put their feet up, relax,…
  • I am down another pound and I have MFP to thank for the loss. The scale had been stuck for so long that I really didn't think it was ever going to move again. Reading all the great information here has helped me understand how my body works and has helped to get the scale moving again. The article on metabolism, "Fixing…
  • Thank you Barbie Cat! That's exactly the one I wanted! You're the best - it was driving me crazy trying to find that post again. Cindy
  • Welcome GypsyHeart! Whew Barbie - your morning schedule makes me tired just reading about it! Congrats on ordering tea instead of something with whipped cream topping. I have a question along the same line as walking into a room at home and forgetting why you are there - I'm hoping I'm not the only person who does that! A…
  • Good morning! I am on a losing streak and very, very grateful for everything I am learning from MFP. You are all wonderful and I am learning so much from reading the other threads on the board. I have made some adjustments to what I eat based on what I have read here and it is making a difference. Thank you so much to…
  • Oh Carol - I am so sorry to hear about your husband's job. Georg has a great suggestion about fresh air and exercise - somehow it is harder to feel worried and miserable when you are outside. We will all be thinking about you and your family. The scale is on the move again for me. I have no idea what has changed - I am…
  • WOW - Barbie Cat - we had such mild weather here on the east coast that I didn't pay attention to the weather in other parts of the country. I am so impressed that after such a terrible trip home you still took time to exercise....I think I would have had a cup of tea (or something stronger) and gone to bed! Nice work! I…
  • I think that there is a small possibility that I may have lost about half a pound this week. I'll see what the fickle scale says tomorrow! I did measure my hips (where the weight always comes off last) and they are down half an inch so even though the scale has been permanently frozen, the exercise is helping to tone me. I…
  • Thank you Georg and Zaza- I have been struggling trying to reconcile eating my exercise calories with a weight that won't budge. Both of your suggestions make so much sense to me. I do think that weight loss after a certain age has a slightly different set of rules than weight loss did when I was in my 20s and 30s. My…
  • I had my fat percentage measured today at my Y. In the two weeks since I started using MFP, my percentage has gone down 2%. YAY!! I have not lost any weight (BOO) but knowing that some of the fat has been replaced by muscle is good news. Now, if I can just get that muscle to start to work burning the calories. I love…
  • Thank you so much for setting this up for the month of March. The thought of switching from winter clothes to lighter weight spring clothes is helping to motivate me despite the forecast of 9-14" of snow for tonight. Goals: I'd like to be down at least 6 pounds and to continue to do weight training for half an hour 3xweek…
  • Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to respond to my question about eating the exercise calories. What a wonderful, supportive group! I've never been a patient person so I guess in addition to learning how to eat better and exercise more, I will also have to start learning patience with weight loss! Since none…
  • Good morning! Thank you so much for the nice welcome. I am thrilled to be part of a group that shares the same frustrations with weight loss. I retired from teaching this year and only work in my school on Tues and Thurs doing admin work. Mon, Wed, and Fri are days at the Y for me. It's such a luxury to have time to work…
  • Hi everyone- I'm new and so happy to find a group of active, over 50 women. I am enjoying reading all of the old posts and getting my mind wrapped around the idea of eating my exercise calories. I have lost 50 pounds since last April but I'm not having any luck dislodging the last 15 pounds. I have made all the classic…