50+ Women for the Month of March



  • sailgal
    sailgal Posts: 22
    I am down another pound and I have MFP to thank for the loss. The scale had been stuck for so long that I really didn't think it was ever going to move again. Reading all the great information here has helped me understand how my body works and has helped to get the scale moving again. The article on metabolism, "Fixing Your Broken Furnace" by Terry Christian really made sense to me. It's long but the last part lists ten things you can do to get your metabolism moving again. I really think it has made a difference for me. People who have been here for a while probably already know the information but for new people, like me, it might be helpful. The link is in BarbieCat's last post.

    Enjoy your day.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Morning all,

    I have to work on more weight training I can see. Thanks for all the help. Love this thread.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sailgal--congratulations on the pound lost. I wish they were as easy to lose as to put on.:laugh:
    plantlady99--yep, the weight training is important. We need those muscles to burn fat.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Good morning everyone

    You are all doing such a good job with the healthy lifestyle. I am under the weather and so have not exercised much but I will soon!! Fortunately I have stayed within my calories (except for one really bad slip) I am still on track for my goals.

    You ladies really inspire me to get moving. I'm just sooo dizzy and nauseaus that even the elliptical makes me feel worse:grumble: I went home sick yesterday and slept so much that I was up at 4 a.m.

    Its -30C here today That's about -17 or -18 F Too darn cold to walk outside with the high wind chill.
    Spring can you hear me?? Are you on your way???

    To new posters - Welcome:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and good luck on your journey.
    To all you vacationers - lucky you!! I won't be taking a vacation this year because I have to save my pennies and my time off to go to Edmonton in December. - I know who would go to one of the coldest places in December right?? Actually I am going to the Olympic Curling Trials where the representative for the Canadian men's and women's teams will be determined. I'm a huge curling fan and this promises to be the best curling around. Not only that, two of my brothers live there and I haven't seen much of them. That brings in my long term goal - to be down at least 60 lbs by then.

    Today my goal is to:
    Live through the day!!
    drink my water
    Eat healthy
    Follow the example of my fellow 50+ers

    Take good care:heart:


    p.s. forgive me if my post seems all over the place but my poor head feels like I've spent way too long on a spinny circus ride:laugh:
  • angel_wings47
    Hi, Everyone,

    Well, I didn't wake up on time this morning to exercise!:grumble: I think jet lag finally set in on top of the time change. But that's okay because my body was telling me to rest and so I did. I'll be ready for tomorrow. My goal for this evening is to begin my light weight training. :happy:

    Sailgal: Way to go on losing another pound!! :flowerforyou:

    Barbiecat76: The information on metabolism was very helpful. But I have never been really good at combining foods. I may have to find a book or information via internet to see what I can find.:happy:

    Does anyone have suggestions on where to find information on combining foods? I know that I consume way too many carbs in the evening so I'll have to try and reverse that habit.:frown:

    Benson: Hang in there . . . I know what it 's like to feel dizzy like that. I used to suffer from bad bouts of vertigo -- not fun at all! Hope you're feeling better soon!:flowerforyou:

    Let's keep on movin' . . . .. talk to you later,


  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Benson--May I ask where you live that it is -17 in March? You can burn calories just by shivering

    I tried the switch the meals around plan. I would eat a rather large protein filled breakfast and small healthy lunch and then a smaller still dinner. I had my usual 100 calorie snacks between the meals. I began to lose weight. About three pounds that first week. Now, here is the problem. I come home from work, cook for my family and then sit down to that scrawny (or so it looked) meal while my family ate like linebackers. Has anyone else experienced this while switching meals?.
  • atodaro
    atodaro Posts: 27 Member
    Okay, I'm Andrea and I'm jumping in late but I've been sitting at 132 for several weeks, so it is time to get serious again. I'm definitely in the fifty plus category. I had gotten down to 124 before the hurricane in September, but by Christmas was up to 138. My goal is to burn a pound a week (don't want to "lose" it cuz I might find it again). I'm going to use MFP to keep track of my calories once again... the plan is 1242 consumed per day. I'll use my elliptical 30 minutes a day at low intensity when I'm not lifting weights. Three days a week I'll lift weights and do high intensity intervals on the elliptical for 10-20 minutes. And no alcohol, except maybe a 5 ounce glass on Sunday. So by the end of the month weigh in I want to be below 130, on my way to a June 18 goal of 118.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sounds like a plan. I plan on borrowing your "burn" instead of "lose". I like that better. This is the most wonderful site for keeping track of everything. I love it. I see that you are also aware of varying your routine to better burn calories. That is good. Also, the alcohol. That, I think, has been my downfall. A couple of glasses of wine at dinner and there goes all my work. I read a post recently on how alcohol is metabolized differently. So, I have quit altogether until I reach my goal.
  • suumessage
    I would be happy to lose 2 pounds between now and April 1 and exercise 4 times a week. I have been taking Zumba (Latin-style aerobics) and enjoying it, but I think it's hurting my toes--oh well. I will be going on a short vacation at the end of March, and it's harder to eat healthy in that situation.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hi Everybody, This has been a super busy day----the usual dog stuff and line dance along with my yearly eye doctor appointment (my eyes are as good as they have been for years) and my husband has a terrible cold:sad: and has been in bed all day. All he wanted for lunch was Campbell's chicken noodle soup (our favorite get well food if you can ignore the high sodium) so I had to rewrite my food plan and save today's great lunch for tomorrow. I stayed in the right place calorie wise and just finished 20 minutes on the exercise bike in between phone calls from my two friends who call on Thursday.

    Welcome, Andrea.:bigsmile:

    Welcome, Suumessage:bigsmile:

    I need all of you to keep me on track.:flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning everyone. TGIF.
    suumessage--my 19 year old daughter was taking Zumba. I thought that she would do good at it because she is half Cuban. Not so, she dropped out. Too bad, she is the one kid I have living here who needs to loss some weight.
    barbiecat--I think that Campbell make a lower sodium chicken noodle soup. I don't know how it tastes. Never tried it. Salt is a big downfall for me. I love it.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Welcome all nubies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I can't make the gym today. :grumble: :grumble:

    Exercise with the Biggest Loser Boot Camp.
    Walk the dog.
    Not sit on the couch until I am finished with my house work.
    Stay within my calorie. I really won't know how many I had burned :explode:
    Drink my Water
    Maybe get to the gym tonight!.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning All

    Swissmiss - I live in Northern Ontario Canada - on the north shore of Lake Superior

    This morning the temp 'warmed up' to -24 Celcius The worst of the storm is past and hopefully the weather will continue to warm up from here.

    Yesterday was a good day for me - still dizzy as heck but good enough to make it through a very hectic day. I didn't get home until 10:30 last night (from 7:30 a.m) so again no formal exercise however I ate well and stayed within my cals.

    Today I am copying Barbiecat and walking my two furry pals for one hour. Next week is March break here so I won't have to get my kids up and out the door in the am. Yay!! Weigh in tomorrow. I need to see 217 at least in order to be on track with my mini goals.

    Keep up the good work ladies.

    Talk to you Monday.

  • angel_wings47
    Good Morning, Everyone, :flowerforyou:

    I was able to get up on time this morning to ride my stationary bike!! (yay) :happy: I switched up my workout a bit by adding light weight training last night for about 20 minutes (shoulders, triceps and biceps). My favorite CSI show was on and during every commercial break I did 25 reps. for my abs. My abs are very sore this morning but I started again this morning with 50 out of the way. My goal is 100 per day -- if my abs let me . . . . . :wink:

    Let's keep on movin' -- strength to all of you and have an awesome day!! Talk to you later. :flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    Exercising in front of the TV is great:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I think my exercise bike is calling me. We have a DVR system so we can record favorite shows and watch them when we want (and fast forward through the commercials).:bigsmile: That's especially nice when the phone rings in the middle of something I'm watching and I don't have to decide which is more important, TV or my friend.:bigsmile:

    When I first went to the dog park I spent time talking to other dog owners (I thought I needed to be polite). One of them said that now that we had the dog park, the dogs got exercise but we didn't. That's when I made the decision to walk while the dogs ran and played. Sometimes I have to stay near my dogs when they're meeting new dogs, but at 8 AM we either have the park to ourselves or the other dogs are ones that come regularly and I know how they play. I bring my MP3 player so I have music to listen to while I walk, I set an alarm on my cell phone so I know how long I've been there.

    My goals today:
    drink more water:drinker:
    try a harder routine on the stationary bike
    call my friend whose husband is in the hospital
    stick with my eating plan

    Heather: I've watched curling on TV and found it interesting and fun to watch. It's hardly ever on TV here. How lucky that you get to see it in person.:bigsmile:

    Kathy, I like your new picture:bigsmile:

    Have a great day and a great afternoon.:bigsmile: :smile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Kathy--ditto on the picture.
    Benson--I vow to never complain about my Ohio weather ever again.:laugh:
    barbiecat76--I do not have a dog park where I live but have heard of them. I would be afaid that my six pound dog would pick a fight with a rottweiler and lose.
    I didn't weigh this week. Really, I am afraid to. Had set back in surgery recovery and have been stopping for a bite to eat every time I go to see the doctor::mad:
  • RoxieFoston
    Hi there. I am 57. I would like to have lost 3 pounds by March 31. I do love participating in myfitnessplan. It has been a great help to me. Good luck.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning and welcome to the new ladies-:flowerforyou:
    Nothing much to report here. I exercised 5 days this week, which is good for me, but I seem to be sabotaging myself in the food dept and havent' quite figured out why. :grumble: I'll be good next week tho since I have my colonoscopy. Two days with little food , etc should help jump start the weight loss....I hope.:laugh:
    That's it for now. I have a lot to do before my son returns to college tomorrow. This week went by much too quickly.:cry:
    Have a good week-end everyone. Hope you all do better than me.
  • BarbG
    BarbG Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome Roxy, i just joined this topic also.

    I have been doing much better this week since I got serious about keeping my food & exercise journal.
    Worked out 4 days so far.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good morning and welcome to the new ladies-:flowerforyou:
    Nothing much to report here. I exercised 5 days this week, which is good for me, but I seem to be sabotaging myself in the food dept and havent' quite figured out why. :grumble: I'll be good next week tho since I have my colonoscopy. Two days with little food , etc should help jump start the weight loss....I hope.:laugh:
    That's it for now. I have a lot to do before my son returns to college tomorrow. This week went by much too quickly.:cry:
    Have a good week-end everyone. Hope you all do better than me.

    ZaZa OMG. I just got through typing this,

    I did not have a snack after 9:00

    explode BUT, I feel of the wagon and had Pad Thai for dinner. So not happy that I feel off the calorie counting wagon. I always seem to sabotage myself when I am getting near a goal. It's almost like I don't want to reach it. It sounds crazy. Try, try again,

    flowerforyou Has anyone else gone through this.

    Welcome all nubies.

    Thanks for the photo complement all:flowerforyou:
