50+ Women for the Month of March



  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi:flowerforyou: Ester, :flowerforyou: Heather, :flowerforyou: Cindy, :flowerforyou: Barbie, & :flowerforyou: Ladyleo,

    Just checking in. Sounds like everyone is doing ok.

    Well,:flowerforyou: Ester, take care of that cold.

    Its damp in MA today. We, have the rain. I sure did not want to leave the house this morning. But, I did. I’m yo-yoing with 4 lbs. and it is driving me crazy. Hopefully by the end of March I will be yo-yoing with different numbers.

    I did the elliptical and the ark (it's like a stepper) tomorrow I will do some weight training. I love the days I do that. I just feel so strong. I walk with my chin up and my back straight. I need to continue my sit-ups everyday. My stomach muscles are really shot.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :flowerforyou: :heart: Hi Everybody :heart:
    Kathy:bigsmile: your exercise sounds great. I wouldn't leave my house in the rain/snow/wind if my sweet dogs didn't look so pitiful and ask me me to take them first on the hill and then to the dog park. It was snowing again this morning and for the first time I drove in the snow. There wasn't much snow but I usually ask my husband to drive.

    Esther:sad: Take care of yourself and get over that cold fast:flowerforyou:

    Heather:flowerforyou: I like your goal "remember what I said I would do and do it":bigsmile:

    Good morning, Cindy, ladyleo, Georg, Zaza, Susan, and Penny
    The support I feel from all of you makes a huge difference in my life.:bigsmile:

    Today was my husband's weigh and measure day and he didn't lose what he had expected so he's bummed and I'm trying to keep my mouth shut and offer no advice.

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'm not very good at the keep-my-moth-shut-part.:grumble:

    It sounds like everyone is back & ready to roll from their weekend.
    I was pleasantly surprised this morning by the same number as last Friday. Yesterday was a sodium-filled day, & yet it didn't show up. That's good news for me. When I weigh everyday it's more motivating for me.
    Have a good Monday!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Barbie, I hear you when it comes to my dog. He loves to go for walks and today I just had my husband stay in the backyard with me & Bosco. I am such a woss Bosco, my dog will be so happy when it stops raining.

    Gerog, I hear ya when you talk about sodium filled days. I believe I get it every time I go out for dinner on weekends. No matter what I order sodium seems to creep up.

    I have to drink more water. I do drink it but I never seem to get to my 8 glass a day.

    I guess I will have some now.

    Hope all you ladies have a great evening.

    I am watching dancing with the stars tonight. I am a reality show nut. OH Well, one of my down falls :noway: :noway: :tongue:

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hi everyone-
    Esther, I hope you feel better soon. I have a couple friends with that horrible upper respiratory/cough thing that's going around. Takes weeks to get rid of. Actually, neither one has gotten rid of it yet completely.
    I've been trying to keep up with the exercising - not as much as all of you, but at least it's something. Kathy, I feel your pain about the yo-yo. I can't believe I was half-way to my goal several months ago and now I keep skirting my starting point. Ugh.:explode: It's my own fault, but still....
    Anyway, i'm off to the store. Need to get some food in the house for my son who's home from college. I'm procrastinating and trying to build up some willpower, but all I can think about is what treat can I get for myself. :sad: I'll keep you all in mind and see if that helps.
    Take care everyone. You're a great group of ladies!
  • Ladyleo
    Ladyleo Posts: 26 Member
    Hello Ladies,:flowerforyou:

    I have trouble with Daylight Saving Time. Couldn't get to sleep last night. I guess the up side is that I got laid-off and can sleep in. I have been keeping my hours the same, so it won't be too hard when I go back to work. The hardest job I've ever had, was trying to find a job after I turned 50. Employers like the experience but only want to pay for entry level position.:sad:

    I have High Blood Pressure so I try to keep the sodium levels down. It is now after dinner time and I still have 500 calories to eat. I'm so full I don't think I'm going to make it.

    I am a water drinking fend. I had Kidney Stones alot when I was younger and learned to drink water. It is not unusual for me to drink 12 - 15 glasses per day. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I don't like to exercise, so I try to make sure that I don't sit for at least 2 - 3 hours per day. During that time I clean, work in the yard, walk to the mailbox, and feed the animals. I live on eighty acres and have cows and cats to feed. Today I did 3 years worth of filing, can you tell I hate filing? These thing do add up. I google how many calories burned doing what I am doing.

    Have a nice day!
  • amy49
    amy49 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Sorry I have'nt been on here, I have been depressed. My husband came home Saturday and told me that he got laid off of work. So stress took over. But I am going to beat this and get back on track.Starting
    tomorrow with walking.So please pray for me.I know I gained weight. I have'nt even stepped on the scale, I afraid to. Esther I hope you are feeling better..
    Thank you all ...
    amy49 ( Carol)
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Oh, I'm so sorry.
    Take care of yourself & beat that down feeling with exercise & fresh air, not junk.
    You can do it.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Carol, sorry you are dealing with so much stress. I can understand the eating. I hope tomorrow will be a better day and that the exercise, etc will help work the stress right out of you.
  • sailgal
    sailgal Posts: 22
    Oh Carol - I am so sorry to hear about your husband's job. Georg has a great suggestion about fresh air and exercise - somehow it is harder to feel worried and miserable when you are outside. We will all be thinking about you and your family.

    The scale is on the move again for me. I have no idea what has changed - I am eating the same things and exercising the same amount that I have been for the past month but all of a sudden I have started to lose again. I'm so glad that I found all of you and all the good advice on the forum. It has made a huge difference in my attitude.

    Thanks for the help!

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Daylight savings has got to me also Ladyleo it hit me this morning. I did not want to get up. It’s about 7:00am and I feel like it’s 6:00.

    :flowerforyou: Ladyleo just keep on moving and don’t forget to read the great post that are on this site. You are funny

    :flowerforyou: Carol, I’m so sorry about your hubby getting laid off. I sure hope this economy gets back on track. The news is so stressful. When, it hits your own family it is so hard. I will be thinking of you. Don’t give up. Eat, lots of veggies to munch on. My heart goes out to you. I am an emotional eater. I have learned to manage that just buy staying on this site and getting all the support I can. I truly believe in this great forum. Thanks to Mike the founder. “Thanks Mike”

    Read as many threads as you can. Get all the information you can to keep your thoughts positive. I agree with :flowerforyou: Georg. NO JUNK.

    :flowerforyou: Hi Zaza, hope your enjoying you family.

    :flowerforyou: Sailgal Way to go with your weight change. You inspire me to keep on going.

    Have a great morning

    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning all

    We have a winter storm watch here this aft and tomorrow. Forecasted to get 20 cm of snow. Its kind of nasty and windy already but I'm still hopeful that it will blast past us.

    Carol: so sorry about your husbands lay-off and the stress that comes with that situation. My family went through that a couple of years ago. After 29 yrs my husband lost his job due to the paper mill closure and was unemployed for 20 months. He's been at another job now for 6 months so keep you hopes up that something will come up for your man. In the meantime follow the excellent suggestions the other have offered and take care of yourself.

    I have two weeks to reach my first mini goal. So far I'm on track for that but success in the daily challenges I gave myself has alluded me so far. I am making progress so I guess thats a good thing.

    Today I will:
    Drink 6 waters
    Do a walking dvd for 30 minutes
    eat 5 fruits and veggies
    Stay out of the fridge/cupboards after supper!!

    What are some of your daily challenges/goals and how hard is it for you to be successful and consistent??

    Have a good day :flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning, Everybody.

    :flowerforyou: Carol, Stick with us. Nobody can walk through the tough times alone. What helped me through some nightmare times in my life was to stay in the moment. I can remember walking and reminding myself that I was mobile, had food in my cupboard, clothes on my back, and a roof over my head. It wasn't about tomorrow and what it might bring. It was about right now. I was skeptical at first, but it kept me from sinking into depression and as a friend told me, "You can't get over depression lying on the couch.

    Esther, I hope you're feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    My goals today are:
    stay with my food plan:bigsmile:
    plan tomorrow's meals
    drink more than my usual 4 glasses of water:drinker:
    three 20 minute sessions on the exercise bike
    stay on the sunny side:heart:

    We had some hail overnight and that along with 22 degree temp at 7:30 kept the dogs and me off the hill. We did make it to the dog park where we they ran and I walked for 40 minutes.

    I'm doing well sticking to my plan every day. :bigsmile: I try to take it one day at a time. I am ecstatic over how my clothes fit better, but I want to keep this enthusiasm until they start to fall off and I have to buy new ones.

    Thank you all for inspiring me. You're the greatest.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Barbie, you're pretty inspiring yourself. Great advice.
    I just got back from an exercise class and I'm going to keep moving. I tend to spend too much time sitting in front of computer or TV.
    Barbie, thanks for reminding me to drink more water and stay active. You are all a very big help.
    Amy and Esther, let us know how you're doing.
  • Ladyleo
    Ladyleo Posts: 26 Member
    I lost 4 more pounds and 1/2 inch. Yeah!:laugh: Still drinking water!:drinker: You Ladies are the best. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Daylight savings time hit me pretty hard too.

    I'm leaving on vacation so I won't be around for a few weeks. I'm meeting my best friend in Cancun then spending a few days with my brother and his wife when I get back to Texas. My goal is to find a way to eat healthy and still enjoy my vacation. IF I can just maintain my current weight I'll call it a success!

    Catch you all in a few weeks. Hopefully by then we will be used the time change.
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Leo - awesome job on the loss - I hope i don't find those pounds:laugh:

    Suezzzque - Wish I was you as I look out my window at the snow storm starting, mexico sounds good!!
    Have a great time on vacation.

    Everyone have a great night

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning,

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, you have great goals. Sounds like its working for you.

    :flowerforyou: Zaza. Keep going I'm with you all the way!

    :flowerforyou: LeayLeo, 4lbs. wow great job!

    :flowerforyou: Sue, have a great time. Enjoy!!!

    :flowerforyou: Heather, Keep going I so want Spring here!

    As for myself, I did not make it to the gym yesterday. I had so many things to get done I just could not get there. I know that is no excuse, but, that is my story and I'm sticking to it. Today is another day and I'm going. My period is here to keep me company. Gee, like it want it.

    All, have a great day

    :flowerforyou: Kathy
  • sailgal
    sailgal Posts: 22
    Good morning!

    I am on a losing streak and very, very grateful for everything I am learning from MFP. You are all wonderful and I am learning so much from reading the other threads on the board. I have made some adjustments to what I eat based on what I have read here and it is making a difference. Thank you so much to everyone.
    I am off to the gym.

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Carol--not to put any more pressure on you but if you are stressed it is harder to loss. Even worrying about losing weight can keep us from doing it. Try to relax. I know, the economy is so bad and so many people are losing their jobs. Try to think positively.
    I haven't been around lately and had some trouble finding the thread. I will be around more now.
    I think that even with no exercise my weight is staying the same or maybe going down a bit. I am unable to weigh at this time. Looking forward to see what the scales say.:wink:
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