

  • Results and Recovery is primarily to help strained, fatigued muscles recover. If your plan is to burn fat by doing cardio and lose fat by dieting, but are not incorporating weight training to build muscle, R and R will be of little benefit. If you are doing weight/strength training to add muscle, then it's very helpful.…
  • Egg whites with some red peppers, mushrooms, spinach and laughing cow cheese wedges for a breakfast omlet. Sliced turkey breast and whole wheat pita for lunch. salmon or chicken breasts for dinner. everly protiein powder for supplemental protien. This all assumes that you know that it's not all about cardio exercise and…
  • Welcome. First of all, you CAN DO THIS!! It will require discipline and a plan. My best advice would be : 1. Establish a daily calorie goal with an appropriate ratio of Carbs, fats and protiens (40-15-45??) and boost your metabolic rate by breaking that consumption down into five or six small meals. You want your body…
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