katgirl985 Member


  • I wonder if they were talking about sweet tea?
  • Exactly what I would suggest. I LOVE LOVE LOVE seltzer water. I know that there are some people who believe it isn't as healthy as plain water, but it is just water with carbonation and study after study has shown that there are no bad effects in healthy people. My husband bought me a soda stream for x-mas and I make my…
  • Alright, this is more of a personal question... Did you ever get frustrated/ want a break or even (gasp!) self-sabotage? How did you get over it? I've been at it for almost 16 weeks and have been VERY strict with myself, to the gym 6-7 times a week, eating about 1300-1500 calories a day and have lost 40 pounds. The past…
  • Oh man, my GUILTY PLEASURE... HANSON. I know, I know... but those boys have come a long way from Mmmm Bop. If you haven't heard them recently, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmG0DqhfDbY ENJOY!
  • 16 year old me, Do NOT let the knee injury stop you from working out and playing sports. And at least lay off the cheetos while you're recovering from surgery, okay? Forget Ryan and Adam, really push to be with David -- turns out he DOES like curvy gals and he literally saved your life. Who could ask for more? Make the…
  • 1.) PB2 2.) New power adapter for laptop 3.) "Shades of Grey" (I've heard the writing is AWFUL but my friend Heather LOVED it, so I'll give it a chance!) 4.) Pre-order of the new Sookie Stackhouse book!
  • Yes, it can take your body a while to get used to your new habits, don't give up! Also, pay attention to QUALITY of food, not just calories. I know it is very important for me to eat WELL, no just low cal. :-) Good luck!
  • You can do well just about anywhere if you order the "right" thing and get good modifications. A full 8" Beach Club from Jimmy Johns without any mayo has about 550 calories. :-)
  • Red wine contains a substance called resveratrol which is supposed to help you lose weight. So I would say if you're going to drink, a glass or two of red wine here and there would be your best choice. As a chemist, I can tell you that even PURE ALCOHOL is one of the MOST calorie-dense forms of "food" out there -- the only…
  • Oh and one more thing! (I can't believe I forgot this...) I've gotten to a point now where I look at going to the gym and getting exercise as "me time," and I won't let anyone take that away from me. I used to see it as some kind of punishment, but now exercise/gym time is a reward for me -- I'm moving my body and pushing…
  • I used to feel really apprehensive about going to the gym because I was worried people were "judging me" when I worked out. Then I started making some friends at the gym and realized that I was putting my OWN insecurities onto other people. Since I am unhappy with where my body is right now, I assumed that other people…
  • I bring a book to read when I'm at work so if I have "downtime" I read for a while to keep myself from getting too bored. Sometimes I walk up and down the hall, too. Also, drinking LOTS of water and/or chewing gum seems to help! If you find yourself boredom eating at home, find a hobby that will take up your time. I love…
  • I LOVE my Kinect! I wear a HRM when playing to log calories -- normally about 500 an hour, not too shabby considering I am playing a game! I LOVE the Adventures game, Kinect Sports, and Dance Central. :-)
  • THIS. But it is possible that you're underestimating as well and I'm sure that doesn't HELP. I try to look up nutrition information BEFORE I go out (or use the app on my phone to look up info before I order) and always ask for things to be cooked with no oil, or butter. I guess I could also ask for no added salt, too...
  • I've been working with a trainer for about 6 weeks now and I absolutely LOVE it. I started working with him around 274 lbs and am down almost 20 since then. I don't think you can be "too overweight" to work with a trainer, but if you aren't willing to push yourself it's not going to make any difference over what you were…
  • I started off at 296, so very close to where you are now. In my experience it is VERY IMPORTANT WHAT I EAT, not just how many calories I consume. That means high-quality foods, limit processed food, limit sweets, no pop diet or otherwise. You DO get used to it! I eat 1300-1600 a day and have lost successfully almost every…
  • I try to eat something, even if only a few hundred calories after my workouts, but I have the same problem. If you have trouble with "solid" food, try a post-workout smoothie or a protein drink -- I am especially fond of GNC Lean Shakes.
  • Crystal light = uncarbonated diet soda. It is NOT water.
  • THANK YOU for posting this, I was about to go find the same thing! In short, YES caffeine DOES dehydrate to a very small extent, but the amount of hydration you get from coffee/tea greatly exceeds the amount of dehydration the caffeine might cause. So to answer your question: I log iced tea (as long as it has no sweetener,…
  • Have you tried wearing a bra? I mean, I'm assuming that's why us ladies don't have the same problem...
  • Yes, and corn is a VEGETABLE, so that MUST be okay. Tobacco is a plant, so isn't smoking like getting additional fruits and veggies in your diet? I just don't understand how that could be detrimental to ones' health.
  • This is exactly how I feel. I appreciate you sharing, at least I'm not the only one who feels this way.
  • Thanks for the feedback guys. I realize it isn't really any of my business what they do with their kids, which is why I haven't said anything to them. When I started with this in January we were supposed to be doing a group thing and they were part of it and pretty much never started (even though it was their idea!) and/or…
  • This. Hubby and I go to the gym at the same time but we don't workout together. (I actually hired a personal trainer and although he is MUCH more fit than I am has said that he is essentially too lazy for that kind of workout -- LOL!) But on Sundays after the gym, we go and have a smoothie or grab a sandwich and split it.…
  • Wow, way to go! Thanks so much for sharing your story.
  • WOW! What an inspiration you are!
  • What great progress -- congratulations!
  • I'm a fourth-year grad student and have gained about 10 pounds a year since starting. :-( Sooooo frustrating! I totally understand where you're coming from. I've been at it for a while now, though, and have lost about 3/4 of what I gained. And the exercise and eating well helps me have so much more energy and actually feel…
  • One of my fave "splurge" lunches right now is Panera's Mediterranean Salmon salad which contains both kalamata olives and oranges and a citrus vinegarette. Sooooooo yummy.
  • You like pink lipstick. Or your lips are naturally pink. :-D