

  • Imbolc was a great Sabbat for us. Even though our coven didn't get to do a whole lot, Everyone had prior family comitments and all. I think bringing healthy food is a great idea. I have to start remembering to bring healthier foods too, one of my girls is turning vegan. She is stricktly Veggatarian right now. So here soon,…
  • what i love about it is, that it can grow anywhere in the world. snow, sand, mud, clay you name it! and it leaves the soil richer then when it was planted. it makes for cheap paper. you can make homes, clothes, paper, rope, food, anything you can think of out of it. and its a great fuel source...cheaper then gas cuz all…
  • Merry Meet ZyheeMoongaze, That's cool how your mom is a Reiki master. (sorry i'm not great at spelling, even though i should be by now. :'( ) My boyfriend is trying to do it too. I have had one other person preform it on me besides him. and I have to say I love it when he does it, it helps me sleep better at night…
  • Thank you both, I can't wait to try either by myself or with someone else. I tried to get my boyfriend and his best friend talking and I am a really good empath, but I wanted to know if I could see it. Hiding feelings are very easy, but hiding your aura, is a lot more difficult. So I thought if I watch them for a few hours…
  • Merry Meet Jennifer, I'm glad you could join. Oh boy your son is My biological father is all of 5'2" and my mom is 5'5" i am 5'3" my sister is 5'5". when my mom remarried my step dad (dad) is 6'4" and my baby brother (who is six) is half my height and my baby sister (5) is not far behind. i'm the shortest out of…
  • dbutorac: Merry Meet, My Name is Destiny. If there is anything you would like to know please feel free to ask. I don't mind at all. It makes it worth wild to find people that are like minded (even just spiritually) that group together to lose weight, make friends, ect. I hope you find everything you need to know. and Good…
  • Merry Meet. I was thinking the same thing to which is why I bit the bullet and created this group. I am here if you have any questions spiritually or just need plain support. I started this three days ago and have lost three pounds. not much to go for but still enough to keep me motivated. I also have great friends backing…
  • Merry Meet, My name is technically Jacqui (pronounced jackie) but in my Coven we call each other by our coven names, so Destiny is fine. ^_^ I am a priestess in Training atm. Can't wait till I can become a High Priestess. a lot of training for that. I am 21 years old and hoping to Lose weight so I can be my happy self…
  • I'm from MD. There is not much here where I live. We have a few in Baltimore and a few in Annapolis. I got lucky and found a spiritual shop in Solomons (i live 10 minutes from solomons island.) But living in a Christian county (where every 5 miles theres a church) It's hard not to get snickered favorite shop online…