

  • A half of cup?!?!? There is 8 seeds average in a grocery store apple. Do you often sit down and eat 20+ apples in a sitting? Eat them if you like them, You get more apple if you do, less waste.
  • Have you been doing the same exercise routine for a while? Your body can get "used to" an exercise routine and not respond as positively after a while, whether it is strength training or cardio to burn calories. Changing up your routine and doing different exercises can help kick start the body again.
  • I lost 35 pounds in 5 months. At least once a week at work someone asked me "what's the SECRET" to losing the weight? It's not really a secret, it's math. Based on your weight and average daily activity, your body needs a certain amount of calories to maintain weight. Calculating a deficit from there, will let you…
  • Twice a week generally...keeping in mind that weight can fluctuate by up to 4 pounds in any given day. The progress, be it up, down or steady, is what I pay attention to.